Atomic Aquatics Cobalt Dive Computer

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Ron I just got the e-mail about the leap year problem. I updated my Cobalt logbook to 1.57 and tried to update the firmware all I get is 1.13!! What can I do to get the 1.17 update? It appears to be available but Logbook won't download it when I ask it to down load the latest firmware. My DC is talking to the computer since I can refresh my logs but I can not get the latest up date.
I need to issue another heads up to all the Cobalt users out there. We have discovered an error in our date display checking routine for leap year, and 2012 is a leap year.

Will it ever end?

I have a lot of concerns regarding this software.

The ongoing problem I am battling with is this. I have rarely been able to download my dives from the Cobalt at the first attempt. On average the download process is 50% successful. Tonight it seems 10% successful.

Why should I have to go through the Windows New Hardware wizard every time I plug in the Cobalt?

Often when I try to download the dives I only get as far as

Exception on 0 0 0 0 0

Followed by:

db error: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'DiveStartTime=? AND SerialNumber=M A **** and UserId=10'.

at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextErrorHandling(OleDbHResult hr)

at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextForSingleResult(tagDBPARAMS dbParams, Object& executeResult)

at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandText(Object& executeResult)

at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommand(CommandBehavior behavior, Object& executeResult)

at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderInternal(CommandBehavior behavior, String method)

at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)

at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader()

at CobaltLogbook.CCobaltDB.setDiveheader(DiveHeaderStruct dh, Int64 UserId)

Followed by a longer error message.

Followed by the software crashing.

After a many many attempts I have 3 of my dives downloaded with the process frozen before the last 2.

After many more attempts I finally get the last 2 dives over to my computer.

Is there a solution?

I have a competing company's much less expensive computer as my "back up". I never have a problem with that software. And if I forget to put the "back up" computer into the right time zone, I can fix the date and times for the dives easily. I could go on and on, but out of respect for you Ron (and Darcy), I'll spare you........

You and Darcy do an amazing job for Atomic, thank-you both; I am very grateful for all of the excellent support. For a while I decided not to post about this (hoping it would go away). However I changed my mind tonight and have decided that finding and posting a solution may be the best idea as I may not be the only person battling with this.
Ron I just got the e-mail about the leap year problem. I updated my Cobalt logbook to 1.57 and tried to update the firmware all I get is 1.13!! What can I do to get the 1.17 update? It appears to be available but Logbook won't download it when I ask it to down load the latest firmware. My DC is talking to the computer since I can refresh my logs but I can not get the latest up date.

I noticed the same thing with the Windows logbook software. And so I performed this work around. I downloaded the zipped version of the firmware from the Mac update pages. I then put it and an unzipped copy in the correct folder on my computer. And then did a manual update.
....and now with the latest logbook installed (and the 1.17 firmware) I have two of my most recent dives showing a maximum depth on the depth profile at around 1500 feet. The profile shows up correctly on the Cobalt but under Windows the profile (not the Maximum depth number) shows I was at 1500 feet. I am alive without the bends, neither me or my cobalt were at 1500 feet.
RonR, How do i stop the Cobalt from thinking i have started a 2nd, 3rd, etc dive when i am in shallow water? I did a dive the other day in really shallow water, where i was on the surface alot and the Cobalt decided i had done 25 dives.
Wow, I've had my Cobalt for a year now and I have switched over to Macdive for the last 20-30 logged dives with no "noticeable" issues and I currently have the 1.17 firmware installed (what a beat down of a process that was). Now I get an email about the firmware problem with the leap year crud for Mac users. I wish this would end too, it's constantly something that's wrong or was missed or a glitch just big enough to require complete restructuring of the firmware.

I know Atomic is a small company and that they have a habit of taking their time with things so that they do them right, but the Cobalt seems to be suffering in the IT/software development department. I enjoy many of their other products, hell half of my kit has their name on it, so I'm by no means bashing them as I have a lot invested in their products. I hope this can get sorted out quickly and future problems can be trouble shot and fixed in a more timely manner and without removing firmware that has already been installed through updates.

I hate to say it but if this trend continues I might be unloading mine to get a Shearwater.
I love the Atomics Cobalt! Just picked a new one up this week and very easy to use and looking forward to diving with it. So easy and lovely display compared to most dive computers. As an engineer/geek, it has that cool wow factor that us techies love. I do hope that Atomics comes out soon with a wrist unit sometime soon. Anyways for now I am set with the Atomics Cobalt and my Suunto D4 for dive computers.
Wow, I've had my Cobalt for a year now and I have switched over to Macdive for the last 20-30 logged dives with no "noticeable" issues and I currently have the 1.17 firmware installed (what a beat down of a process that was). Now I get an email about the firmware problem with the leap year crud for Mac users. I wish this would end too, it's constantly something that's wrong or was missed or a glitch just big enough to require complete restructuring of the firmware.

I know Atomic is a small company and that they have a habit of taking their time with things so that they do them right, but the Cobalt seems to be suffering in the IT/software development department. I enjoy many of their other products, hell half of my kit has their name on it, so I'm by no means bashing them as I have a lot invested in their products. I hope this can get sorted out quickly and future problems can be trouble shot and fixed in a more timely manner and without removing firmware that has already been installed through updates.

I hate to say it but if this trend continues I might be unloading mine to get a Shearwater.

I agree 1000% I am getting sooooo fed up with the software/firmware issues that I am on the last effort this time. I already have expressed my fears/concerns/dissatisfaction to many of the local divers as well as my local shop owner. I recently spent a week with him in Cozmel and the subject came up again. I can only continue to say that the computer is nice. Very legable and easy to use but the software/firmware is definitely not ready for prime time and Atomic is just unwilling to sever ther ties with a vendor/supplier that does not appear to be capable of providing the level of product that one would expect to recieve from Atomic Aquatics based on their hardware products.

Ron. I has to be getting old by NOW!! no???
I noticed the same thing with the Windows logbook software. And so I performed this work around. I downloaded the zipped version of the firmware from the Mac update pages. I then put it and an unzipped copy in the correct folder on my computer. And then did a manual update.

How did you do the manual update? I tried your same strategy of downloading v. 1.17 from the Mac side and inserting the .zip folder containing the .hex file into the hexfile folder in the Atomic ProgramData folder on my C drive, where it resides alongside the similar folders for 1.12 and 1.13. However, when I open the LogBook program, I still see only the latter two hex files listed.

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