Slaughtered Hammerhead left on Jupiter, FL Dock

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Is it too late to collect the $1,000 reward?
Technically it is 2050.. . .
Is it too late to collect the $1,000 reward?

Now that's evil, torturing us like that ... Dish it out man, or else I'm gonna call --- well ..., don't actually know who, really ...
So it is legal to land hammerheads in the state of Florida?

Yes. Federal fishing regulations preempt state fishing regulations. In this case, states can't prohibit the landing of a species that is legal to harvest in federal waters. Remember that whole permit (Trachinotus falcatus) issue?
Like this one better?? I'm strongly biased against the hordes of 'IPhone Zombies', aimlessly wandering the sidewalks of Manhattan, so I occasionally bump into one of them simply by not changing my path to get out of their way ... You could probably call that a 'physical assault' and consequently, given my reason for doing it, a 'Hate Crime', right??

But anyway, this particular aspect of the incident in discussion is really more suited for the Pub ... One big, beautiful fish, when it was alive ... As far as I'm concerned, Mark the Shark did it!! (I think:wink:)
I'd call that a 'simple battery' but that's not really the point...Do you guys read your drivel before posting? I can't believe it's legal to fish for an endangered species.

Is it too late to collect the $1,000 reward?
Has someone been prosecuted for this yet?
I'd call that a 'simple battery' but that's not really the point...Do you guys read your drivel before posting? I can't believe it's legal to fish for an endangered species.

Has someone been prosecuted for this yet?

And, who would that be, aside from me, obviously??:headscratch:
What a disgrace.
Seeing the mutilated head of the that Hammerhead is a disgusting display of humanity.

These people kill these amazing animals just to show how big of men they are. "Look everybody, look at what I killed" ..... for no reason! Do you like my pic? Aren't I cool?

A waste of a great animal .... and that of the worthless responsible individual (s) that lives amongst us.
Seeing the mutilated head of the that Hammerhead is a disgusting display of inhumanity.

Hope you don't mind I made a little change...

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