Gross, disgusting behaviour on the boat

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MMM, sorry I/some of us has derailed you thread,but really, put on your big girl panties and realize that body function matters as this are delt with as needed in some situations.
Just the other day a beautiful girl that jogs thru my neighborhood regularly was running by as I steeped around to the front of the house and I saw her do the plug the nostril and blow snot out each side nasal clearing. Shen said something like "Whops,didn't expect you to see that", didn't bother me, she did the manuover very effectively, she did what had to be done.
Lighten up Francis.:)

What do you think about that mask bucket that is full of semi-rinced snot shot masks?

Okay, that one made me sick. I never even thought of that one, thanks
This thread is absolutely hilarious. My dive motto is "If it's not snot it's not scuba". I do usually try to get snot free when I surface but am usually sheepishly amused if my fellow divers point out the errant gob of snot or blood/snot mix when i get back to shore or the deck of the boat.
What's with you guys and the blood in your snot?
What's with you guys and the blood in your snot?
You mean why we have blood in the snot?

For me, it happens fairly easily if my sinuses are a little clogged, so I have to be a bit... "enthusiastic" with my ear/sinus equalization. That can easily lead to a ruptured blood vessel or two in my nose (and a slightly freaked-out buddy, particularly if I'm using the mask with a clear silicone skirt :D ). No real problem, the snot issue just gets a little more messy...
Ya can't buy class . . .
Reading this thread = bought spit my snuff out on to the computer - almost "tinkled" in my recliner ... funny stuff!

No disrespect MMM - I do try to do inappropriate behavior discretely ... my wife tells me to.

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