Another Missing Diver in Cozumel

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Houston, TX
# of dives
1000 - 2499
This was reported yesterday. From posts by family, it seems to be in front of Casa del Mar. His FB page lists him as a San Miguel resident and a Coxumel divemaster.

Here's a police FB post.

Another foreigner from name Blake Mitchell disappears

A new case of disappearance of a foreigner was unveiled today, it's about Blake Mitchell who was already on the island and who came out of the place that lived in front of the beach, later he didn't know anything just found his belongings On the beach shore.

This morning his relatives from the United States attended the fge to file the complaint for the disappearance of the 30-Year-old diver.
According to the information provided by the family, we lost contact with him from Wednesday, March 13
They say Blake moved from Oklahoma to the island to work as a diving instructor. The only thing they have found are their things on the beach and their dog at home.
Ask the community if you have any information you could give with your whereabouts communicate immediately to 911.
Reported yesterday - but no confirmed reports seeing him enter the water. Backpack was found at Tikila bech, DM Candidate. He was advised not to do solo shore dives by his Course Director. Missing since last Wednesday. Very sad.
Backpack was found at Tikila bech, DM Candidate. He was advised not to do solo shore dives by his Course Director.

Christi, accepting that we don't even know for sure he shore dove, if he did go in at Tikila Beach (? spelling?), is that a site considered shore diving appropriate, and if not, why not? I don't know anything about it, and would like to have some frame of reference. Might help get a sense of whether the issue was solo diving, shore diving at that site, or what. Thanks.

I believe it's an area a bit north of Casa Del Mar / Park Royal to as far up as near Palmar Condos. Very popular snorkeling area for shore & boat loads of snorkelers & shore diving / check out dives etc but lots of boat traffic too.
I certainly hope we are not dealing with another missing diver like our dear friend Cameron. It will be so devastating.
Why would someone going shore diving leave their backpack sitting on the beach? This just sounds odd to me but perhaps it was behind a bush or something?
Christi, accepting that we don't even know for sure he shore dove, if he did go in at Tikila Beach (? spelling?), is that a site considered shore diving appropriate, and if not, why not? I don't know anything about it, and would like to have some frame of reference. Might help get a sense of whether the issue was solo diving, shore diving at that site, or what. Thanks.

It is a very benign shore dive. I actually did my Divemaster mapping project at Tikila. Depths range from 3 to 30 feet. Close to shore and a long way from the wall and not prone to current. Biggest hazard in my opinion in the small boat pier and boat traffic.

Here is a crude hand drawn map:

Christi, accepting that we don't even know for sure he shore dove, if he did go in at Tikila Beach (? spelling?), is that a site considered shore diving appropriate, and if not, why not? I don't know anything about it, and would like to have some frame of reference. Might help get a sense of whether the issue was solo diving, shore diving at that site, or what. Thanks.

At this time, these are the only FACTS I know, so I prefer not to speculate on what happened or didn't happen.

However, it is a standard training location. We all do Discover scuba and OW training dives here. As safe as any shore diving site when procedures and protocols are followed.

Just please add him and his family to your prayers.

It's been a rough week for many.

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