Had my first dives since 1998 yesterday.

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25 - 49
After taking an SDI refresher course last month, I was able to hit the water in Maui yesterday. We did two dives at Mala Wharf; was supposed to be one there and then Black Rock, but the winds and surge apparently made Black Rock unsuitable. There was some surge at Mala, but not bad. Rental gear was Scubapro BCD, Go Sport fins, 3mm shorty wetsuit, and what I think was a Suunto puck computer in the console. The DM had me figured for 16lbs of weight which seemed ok - circumstances didn’t allow a lot of fine-tuning, but I might’ve been able to get away with a little less.

Everything seemed good skills-wise, not that much was needed. Buoyancy was ok, not perfect. Bounced off the sand a couple times and while I was able to do some swim-throughs without issue, I found that I had to time my breathing so my buoyancy was good going through, if that makes sense. I’m sure additional practice and time in the water will help with that. No problems with equalizing.

Finning was a bit wonky, that’ll take some practice. I was happy to see they were using Go Sports as those are on my list of fins I’m considering. I could do the old-fashioned flutter kick just fine, but trying to fin like the DM (modified frog kick, I think) will take practice. The only problems I’d say I had were the regulator and some back pain. The hose on the second stage felt like it was trying to pull the reg out of my mouth - like pulling out on the right side. And I was getting low back pain, particularly during the second dive. Not sure what that was about and would welcome opinions. Maybe trying to stay level yet keep my head up?

And trip report-wise: viz was just ok. The bad conditions elsewhere had every dive shop in Maui there, as well as a bunch of snorkel boats. Some areas it was 60+ feet, others it was 10. Saw trumpetfish, parrot fish, and lots of other stuff I can’t name. Plenty of turtles - they were everywhere - and 3-4 whitetip reef sharks. Saw one stonefish the DM pointed out. We had 6 people in the group, no one with more that 30 dives. It was a great place to get my feet wet again and I would certainly do it again in better conditions.
First off congratulations! Good on you for getting back into the wonderful world of scuba diving after 24 years. There's a few things I would recommend, although I am by no means as knowledgeable as some of the people on here. Depending on your body composition, I would wager that 16 pounds is a little too much in a 3mm shorty. Try to find your optimum weight in a nice, calm lake sometime with a DM or instructor. This will help your buoyancy and I wouldn't be surprised if it helped your back pain as well.

The Go Sport fins are well made, however if you are looking to frog kick I would try out a pair of jet fins, such as the DeepSix Eddy Flippers or the Apeks RK3. They don't bend as much and are very stiff. They tend to be used more by the frog kickers. They are also heavier and people use they as ballast when using dry suits. Try out a few pairs from your LDS! You'll be surprised what you find.

For the regulator, try using a first stage that is turreted. The hoses will move around the stage and allow you to look left and right without that tugging feeling. Good luck!
I found a need to consciously think about breathing when starting out. After some time it comes naturally. That combined with good buoyancy and trim should solve that problem.

Back pain could be from too much weight. With a long hiatus not used to the equipment pushing down on you and/or too much lead. Poor trim exacerbates strain felt on the back, at least for me.
... And I was getting low back pain, particularly during the second dive. Not sure what that was about and would welcome opinions. ...

Were the 16# on a weight belt? If so, that's a lot of weight for a weight belt worn on your waist. You might try to wear your weight belt lower (i.e., around your hips), instead.

Maybe even better if you can move some of the weight off of your belt and onto your rig.

I too had a long layoff before returning to diving twelve years ago. I found that 16# of lead was what I need in saltwater, but that much weight was too much on my significantly older back. Like you, I had lower back pain at the end of dives. After buying a bcd with integrated weights, the back pain disappeared immediately, and I have not worn a weight belt since. I know a lot of divers love their weight belts, but I dive for fun and enjoyment, and see no reason to tolerate lower back pain.
The BCD had integrated weights, so no belt.
I would certainly do it again.
Congrats on back to diving!
Where/when would you like to dive next ??
Congrats on back to diving!
Where/when would you like to dive next ??
Next up is Aruba on a cruise we’re taking in May. Booked it through RCCL.

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