2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Welcome! No weekly weigh ins on this thread, but instead, encouragement for your weightloss and fitness goals.
Sweet, I find I can do better without the 'pressure' of weigh ins.
:blush: Hi all. :blush: I am still here, but have been out of commission on the exercise front trying to recuperate my foot. I finally got to see a doctor, had xray. The original prognosis was either a small fracture or gout. The following day, the prognosis changed. I am on some heavy anti-inflammatories (make your gut bleed-types) which have really helped but I can't wait to get off.

I finally (as of last night) can move my big toe again and am ECSTATIC! So, tonight I am going to the pool for a swim this evening in celebration. Will be laying off the cycling until, maybe, tomorrow morning and running until I have full flex-ability in the toe again. Sigh. I hope that will be next Monday. Fingers crossed.
Get well soon, Sarita! Miss your inspiration!

Wanted to run tonight. In fact was looking forward to it! But the rains came again, and by the time I got home it was a down pour. I had a commitment later on... so I broke out the wii and fired up the new workout game-- EA SportsActive. I am gonna be in a world of hurt tomorrow. Cause I am a tard, I selected their predetermined workout, hard, 30 min. First I was frustrated trying to get the bands, nunchuck and remote in my hands, legs, etc. But ended up breaking a very good sweat. They had a few lunge, jumping lunges, etc that my thighs started cursing me! LOL Good change up from running.

Oh, one other thing I noticed last week when I ran at the doggie park. I carry a couple poo bags with me for when nature calls the dogs. I noticed that I was really holding them tight and when I loosened my grip, my body relaxed too..exhale
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Wanted to run tonight. In fact was looking forward to it! But the rains came again, and by the time I got home it was a down pour.

Jenny, running in the rain would be cool, but this evening's rain was torrential! It would be more like swimming.

I've been doing tae kwon do with my kids and the gym where we train started a Cage Fitness class a few months ago it's 30 minutes of MMA fitness training and it rocks. You should join me one of these nights.:D
Sounds like fun, Wiz..Tell me more..
Sounds like fun, Wiz..Tell me more..

It's 5 five minutes "rounds" each round consists of 5 exercises for 1 minute each and 1 minute break between each round. Basically combining cardio with strength training at the same time. Sort of like the insanity workout, but not as insane!

Come join me.
Details. Details. when, where, $$, etc...
Details. Details. when, where, $$, etc...

I work out Monday, Wed at 7:30 PM and Thursday at 7:15 The Place is called Park's Tae Kwon Do on the shopping plaza at Hiatus & State Rd. 84

I have a family package including TKD so I don't know how much it would be for just the fitness training, but I know you can check it out for free.

The classes are Monday thru Thursday at 7:30 or 7:15 depending on the day.

Come join me!
Ok Thanks!

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