2014 accomplishments & what is next

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
# of dives
2500 - 4999
With the year 2014 soon coming to a close, I was reading back on things that took place this past year,.... Many milestones for me. It started off slow with teaching classes that did not require open water dives or going to open water any time soon, as the local water are far too cold. I taught plenty of Open water classroom & pool sessions, "Try Scuba" sessions, Nitrox, Buoyancy & Equipment Technique courses.
-In March I was awarded by SSI with the Platinum 1000 instructor, based upon a points system through SSI. Very nice!
-Once the local waters started to warm, I started diving my rebreather again, after the completion of the first level (MOD1) the Oct. before. My goal was to gain the necessary hours & experience to start my CCR Cave training.
-Once June rolled around & the waters warmed a bit more, I started taking OW students to the Open Water to finish their certifications & teaching various specialties.
- In July/ Aug. I took my CCR to Bonaire. I dove the unit for 3 days until it developed an issue when the electronics flooded (caught on pre-dive checks). Turned out to be a small hole in the Heads Up display cord. My instructor allowed me to use his unit for a couple days to gain more experience. The warm waters really helped me to gain experience without freezing my tushie off.:D
-On Labor Day, I completed my 1000th dive. That was an absolutely amazing & fun dive. I was with about a dozen good friends, former students & dive buddies. We actually stayed together as a group pretty well until the last 10 min of the dive (everyone in the group was subdivided into buddy teams). After the dive, everyone was treated to lunch & a cake to commemorate the occasion. I had a lot of log book signing to do, but was more than happy to do so.
- Not long ago in Oct. I went down to Cave Country to begin my CCR Cave training for a few days. Parts of it were an exercise in patience,as I was trying to fine tune my configuration to accommodate my rather odd body proportions (short arms). My instructor had me swim Peacock's crossover tunnel back & forth about 3 times, testing my buoyancy control. After the few days, he had to start working with some other students on their Intro to Cave & Full Cave, so I joined another cave diver that had come down. We dove all the usual caves & had a blast. After the last day of diving, whilst filling tanks, I was honored with a gift from a friend, that was one of the Full Cave students, whom I had been helping & mentoring over the past year or so. The gift was a copy of Sheck Exley's "Caverns Measureless to Man". At first I was confused because I already had a copy of the book. I was then told to look inside,.... It was signed by many of the living & top cave diving pioneers. Wow!.... I will admit, though, the signatures & notes that meant the most to me were the ones from my Instructor, my cave diving buddy for the week & the friend who presented it to me. I was totally taken by surprise.
What a year of Milestones! They will stay with me for a lifetime.... What stories I'll have to tell my Nieces & Nephews.

2015- What will it bring? What goals for next year.
-One of my goals for next year is to earn my Dive Control Specialist Instructor rating, to eventually get to Instructor Trainer within a couple of years.
- I am also wanting to get my foot in the door to teaching technical diving, by earning an instructor rating in Advanced Nitrox & Decompression Procedures, Intro to tech & maybe Cavern Instructor. I do have an interest in eventually becoming a Full Cave instructor. I need much more experience before that happens, as I have not had enough "Oh:censored:" moments, yet.
-Perhaps eventually, if I can get the hours & experience, I may even look at instructing CCR MOD1 on the Hollis Prism2 rebreather.
These are just goals,... I may not make all of them, but it gives me something to work towards. In the mean time, I will continue teaching Open Water & specialties & just keep on diving because I find such tranquility & peace anytime I am underwater, even in the pool.

So,.... Please share your accomplishments,... however great or small, they are all important!:cool2:

What goals do you have for the next year? I love to read about other diver's goals & dreams,.. that is what keeps the sport alive.
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Early 2014
- Really desired to improve my diving skills after seeing GUE divers in action. Made a conscious effort to practice trim, buoyancy, fin kicks, etc.

Mid 2014
- Big gear changes. Switched from diving yoke/jacket BCD to diving doubles with DIN regs. Still loving my wireless transmitter, though, even if it's heresy to many here :wink: Never had a single signal loss.

- Swapped kelp for coral. Moved from the foothills of California--a 3.5 hour drive to go diving--to beautiful Okinawa, where the vis is 60'-100'+, the water warm and toasty, and gorgeous dive sites only 15 min away. Finally could dive regularly and improve.

Goals for 2015
- Progress into deco diving.
Early 2014
- Really desired to improve my diving skills after seeing GUE divers in action. Made a conscious effort to practice trim, buoyancy, fin kicks, etc.

Mid 2014
- Big gear changes. Switched from diving yoke/jacket BCD to diving doubles with DIN regs. Still loving my wireless transmitter, though, even if it's heresy to many here :wink: Never had a single signal loss.

- Swapped kelp for coral. Moved from the foothills of California--a 3.5 hour drive to go diving--to beautiful Okinawa, where the vis is 60'-100'+, the water warm and toasty, and gorgeous dive sites only 15 min away. Finally could dive regularly and improve.

Goals for 2015
- Progress into deco diving.
An on-going goal: Been trying to get my employer Northrop Grumman to transfer me out there to Guam (without the additional assignment to Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan!) -hub to the best diving in SE Asia/Oceania.

Additional Goals 2015: Start training and certification, accumulate hours experience on the UTD MX CCR Kiss Rebreather here in SoCal homewaters; return to Bikini Atoll and of course Truk Lagoon as usual.
2014 has been a very good scuba year for me. The year started off with a 60th birthday present from my wife of a week in Little Cayman. I've been able to dive with my wife and both my children in Florida. More dives this year than I've ever done in a year. Previous high was 102, I'm at 110 now and have another week in Florida, should make more than 120. I've done many great solo dives this year. I'll hit 900 dives in a couple days.

For 2015, I'd be happy with anywhere near the success I had this year. I'd like to dive as much as possible with my family. I'll hit 1000 dives.

Good diving to all, Craig
2014 saw me publish the second edition of my book and see 20-25 copies a month selling worldwide pretty consistently with about 800-850 copies in circulation. Readers in 22 countries now.

My PTSD article was published in X Ray magazine a month ago in November.

I also received my first paid writing contract from SDI/TDI and the new course manual, Instructor Guide, Power Point, and on line learning course should be available early in 2015. Not a distinctive specialty but replacement materials for an existing course. I purposely did not review the existing materials so I would not be influenced by them. A fresh approach was what they wanted. The first draft was submitted just before Thanksgiving.

I did add a few instructor ratings this year.

TDI Advanced Nitrox, Decompression Procedures, and Advance Wreck Instructor.
SDI Solo Instructor and OW Sidemount Instructor
And I ended up with students for all of them.
A few more students also took the initiative and became certified to service their own regulators.

I added Manta Industries and Highseas Millworks to my Product lines.

Recently I pulled up the outline for my next book on training that will deal with advanced level courses (aka AOW) and plan to spend some time on that.
Along with it, I have an idea for a fiction, but fact based, work that will not use references to flippers, scuba goggles, and oxygen tanks running low or empty. It will also not rely on excess gore and sex. It will be based on fast track training that leads to tragedy. The aftermath of that can be as exciting and drama filled as anything else.

Next year my goals are centered around growing more as an instructor and diver. Perhaps with another rating addition. I will be attending some shows to try and raise my profile and drum up business for teaching, sales, and readers. I have some potential students in the works and we'll see how that goes.

I really want to work on the books and continue to publish articles related to training and safety wherever I see a need for a topic to be covered. It used to be about getting in the water as often as possible. Now it's more about spending as much quality time in the water as possible and spreading that idea to others.
Did the usual FL. panhandle (Destin & area) dives Jan.-March, then I too turned 60. Same routine as recent years. Spring dives here in NS and 7 summer weeks in NYC area. Then DMd 4 OW courses plus more shore dives here in the Fall. 2015 is another ditto year. This snowbird year brings us to Dauphin Island, AL Jan.-March. Diving for me and Biloxi casinos for my wife (and me to some extent). The biggee is that if my routine remains in tact, I should hit the big 500 sometime in March down there. My dive life is humdrum compared to a lot of you guys.
Did the usual FL. panhandle (Destin & area) dives Jan.-March, then I too turned 60. Same routine as recent years. Spring dives here in NS and 7 summer weeks in NYC area. Then DMd 4 OW courses plus more shore dives here in the Fall. 2015 is another ditto year. This snowbird year brings us to Dauphin Island, AL Jan.-March. Diving for me and Biloxi casinos for my wife (and me to some extent). The biggee is that if my routine remains in tact, I should hit the big 500 sometime in March down there. My dive life is humdrum compared to a lot of you guys.

You and I are just fine for 60 year old amateurs. This thread is in the Basic Scuba Discussions section.
2014 was a busy year

- Started diving locally.
- Assembled a small fleet of regs/tanks.
- Rounded out the extracurricular to underwater photog and video rigs.
- Own all my own gear, and enough to get someone wet & breathing underwater.
- Passed Fundies.
- I'll hit ~70 dives by the end of the year (up ~20 from '13).
- Week in Roatan (Invasion)

- Work on getting a better a/n ratio with the camera and video rigs.
- GUE T1 and/or some TDI courses, Gear maintenance courses.
- Solo/Self reliant course.
- Try ice diving.
- Find some property on the coast.
- Scooter?
- Lots more local diving in locations I haven't been to.
- Learn to find macro subjects and new big/small critters. Find the interesting in 'nothing'

I already have 2 1/2 weeks of diving in Belize scheduled (it's been a few years since I've been down there) in Mid-Jan.

More diving! More wrecks, start tech. Did I mention more diving?

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