7 day x 30min Cardio Challenge!!!!!

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congrats Jenny!! :wave:

i didnt do anything yesterday but this morning was 6.15am session with resistance bands :bounce2:

What genre are they? :D :D: :D
Stopping by to say "HI" real quick. Spending about 2 hours in the gym everyday these days...usually an hour in the morning before work and an hour at night to wind down...then a bubble bath to keep my legs from cramping...

Not much change in size or weight.....I eat entirely too much and tend to not care...but I've got plans for Halloween that will require a firmer mid-section :) so I guess I'll kick it up a notch.

Glad to see everyone is doing well...keep up the good work.
Don't know if I'll be back...things have changed at home and coming by the Board is hard for me.

Work hard...play hard! :D
Jenny: Wonderful story of what it takes. Your story is an excellent illustration of the USMC slogan: "Pain is weakness leaving the body."

We all have a tendency to wuss out and excuse it as "not caring". But, we actually do. My big motivator is to remember that others depend on me. If I don't take care of myself first I can't take care of them. Something like putting your own oxygen mask on first in an airplane or you won't be awake to put it on others.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Pain is weakness leaving teh body
Pain is weakness leaving the body
Pain is weakness leavig the body.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

I had to reread what you wrote a few times for it to sink in. I love it...
I do like that too. I worked out yesterday morning after I woke up at 4:50 AM. Geez. Anyhow, I had a great sweaty walk in the gym on the treadmill - over 2 miles but can't remember the details. Meant to repeat it this AM, but I was too tired. :)

Onwards and upwards! Be well all.
i had store bought pizza for dinner last night and even this morning i still felt :vomit:

this morning was 6.15am kickboxing and by the end of the session i didnt feel icky anymore!
Good Job there Almity. Yukky food has a way of making the workout 10x harder. I ran a couple miles today, and it was some work. Ug. Running 3 miles tomorrow night then will probably be off till Monday when I run 4-5 miles!!! Diving, drinking and camping this weekend!!! Whoo HOO!!
Worked out this morning again, which I love doing. 2+ miles, 36 minutes and 300+ calories. Phew. I want a bagel with cream cheese though, which is definitely not the answer! :D
Would chocolate ice cream be better?

(sorrry, couldn't resist)

I went 2 miles yesterday, toughing it out. Today I plan on running 4 in an hour or less.. I know, not very fast however my excuse is that I have the body of a swimmer or body builder not a runner! LOL. Except for diving on Saturday, that will be the end of my workouts for the week. Start back on Monday with another 4 miler. Whoo hoo.
I have been wanting to try and start running but haven't gotten to that point with the motivation yet. For now, treadmill and precor are my buds. :)
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