85m air dive

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Hear ye, hear ye! The kangaroo court of scubaboard is now in session, judge ScubaSteve presiding. Tortuga68, you stand before us accused of being a TROLL! If you fail to answer all and any of our questions completely and thoroughly, now matter how mundane or irrelevant, you will be found GUILTY by this court and sentanced to... to, umm... to having ScubaSteve and I SHAKE OUR HEADS at you vigorously

No no, do go on
Hear ye, hear ye! The kangaroo court of scubaboard is now in session, judge ScubaSteve presiding. Tortuga68, you stand before us accused of being a TROLL! If you fail to answer all and any of our questions completely and thoroughly, now matter how mundane or irrelevant, you will be found GUILTY by this court and sentanced to... to, umm... to having ScubaSteve and I SHAKE OUR HEADS at you vigorously
No no, do go on

Dude, seriously? I haven't called you a troll anywhere in this thread. I've asked you some legitimate questions having to do with the planning process and contingencies. If you don't want to discuss such aspects of a dive with anyone then fine, don't post them in a public discussion forum.

I've tried to frame my questions to you in a respectful manner. I haven't slammed you in any of my inquiries, I simply tried to get to the reasoning behind your choices. Since you feel the need to change my words and mock me for doing so, I'll leave you to your little ego fest and quit asking you legitimate questions.

Congratulations on your dive.
[-]So was this thread really only supposed to be a back slapping thread where everybody told you how great you were for going that deep on air?[/-] You have been asked several specific questions pertaining to the dive which have been ignored; people have tried to engage you in intelligent conversation on aspects of the dive (some are, yes, other possiblilities) and things that might allow the reader to gain some knowledge from this thread but you refused to talk to them........what was the point of this thread if not a troll? This is actually a serious question because I find it hard to believe that I am the only one shaking my head at your attitude in this thread.

I have stricken the part that you commented on. Any comments on the rest?
In fact, prove everybody wrong and do more than "tell us you did this controversial thing and then stick your tongue out at us" (that is exactly what you did with this thread) and give details of exaclt why you did this, how you did it, dive profiles of all lead in dives etc..

So you posted a thread on deep air, stuck out your tongue and have run hid. Definite troll and now I call BS on the dives as well.

Refusing to post information on the dives in question is answering a post? That would be where the "hiding" comes into the picture (in case you missed it).

I have stricken the part that you commented on. Any comments on the rest?

None at all
What tables(software) did you use?


I am interested about what led you to use 50% and 100% as your deco mixes: 1. logistics; 2. cause I felt like it; 3. it was cheaper; 4. I looked at the tables and I could get out of the water faster; 5. felt I wouldn't get bent

5 & 4, in that order

Dude, seriously? I've asked you some legitimate questions having to do with the planning process and contingencies and...

Dude, seriously? I answered all but one of your questions, and I explained why I didn't find that one relevant. Your repeated assertions that I owe you something more than that are tiresome
Now if only you had spent all that time answering the legitimate questions, this thread might prove to be more than it is. Sad really.
If only you'd spent your time asking them instead of posting crap like this:

Definite troll and now I call BS on the dives as well

...maybe you would have gotten some answers

Wow I can't believe I turned down that golden opportunity to engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas with you
If only you'd spent your time asking them instead of posting crap like this:

...maybe you would have gotten some answers

Wow I can't believe I turned down that golden opportunity to engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas with you

If you look, I have never asked you technical questions. I have never implied that I was qualified to do a dive like this.....I am one of the people whose time you are wasting. People (including me) come here periodically to read and understand and learn. None of that is available in this thread because you have pissed around and refused to answer many of the questions (yet offered nothing but crap back to the readers) posed because one can only imagine you have no clue what the answer is.

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