An editorial comment

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Mesa Arizona, The all beach no ocean state.
# of dives
100 - 199
Silent voices

I have been lurking around this board for nearly a year I have posted useless posts and have posted some useful information; the people who responded have not only helped me grow my Grey-matter but also improved my sense of humor. Has my scuba life improved due to the Scubaboard? A definite YES!:bounce: Have I made new life long friends, I trust I have. I now know I have something in common with a select percentage of the world, something that transcends the generations, culture, language, and even location. I have watched as total strangers posted their problems with the world of scuba and receive answers from the many voices in the crowd. I sit here and wonder about the voices new and old; This Board is changing there has been a movement that will take the Board off the Net and onto the streets with the Creation of Neptune Divers International, members in Texas now have their T-shirts (which I paid for and am waiting to arrive in the mail), I wait for others to prop up in their region of the world. I can tell you that without the help of the many members of this board my life would be completely different. Most of you don’t know this, let me give you a bit of history. In February after taking my classroom and pool sessions my Mother passed away suddenly with a Brain infection, ;-0 for a time I wasn’t for sure if I could scuba, with the gear she helped buy, the Voices helped. When I was certified on the last day of March, the Voices gave me ideas on how to Celebrate. When I started my AOW and received my first specialty, on the same day that my only niece drowns, the Voices gave me comfort. When I ran into dive trip problems, again the Voices helped. When I ran into a credit with a dive shop, the Voices helped I am now Nitrox certified, and even own a dive skin, (can swim with jellyfish without peanut butter).
All of which brings me to write this, the Choir has changed! It was nice to read the banter of those members, which for reasons unbeknownst to myself but can only guess, that the noise from the background has made silent. I have noticed that some members of this board with problems with the world of Scuba brought them to the light and though they handled things in a manner that I personally wouldn’t have done, it was nice to read how other people deal with their problems. To read from all of the voices offering help. In the world of Scuba not all is perfect, dives are aborted, trips cancelled, you get stuck with air sucking buddies, and there are people to avoid,:argue: even on a liveaboard. Does this make them any better or worse, NO just different. Different is an acceptable solution.
As things slow down in the world of Scuba, atleast where it gets to cold (I can be jealous of the Micronesia area), I will watch as people join the choir. I will revel when a voice can learn from my experience, thus improving the world of Scuba. Though I will be very saddened by the thought that the voices that have helped me are now quite, I know that if they can help me with my various situations, there are those yet to post will be diminished from the knowledge un-given.
I want to thank those of you who work in the background, Regulators making sure appropriate messages can be read in a family setting, the Tech dudes and dudettes the navigation and ease of use of this site is great. Then I would like to thank the KING :royal: and his Lady for bringing this board to the NET. Closing I would like those voices that should be reading this to understand that the last stated perfect person was killed, and there is nothing wrong in trying to become perfect, a person grows through opposition, right or wrong people will be people and different is good. I miss you all.
Another satisfied customer!

Thanks for sharing this with us, it's nice to get the Kudos every now and then.

Thanks again

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings.I feel some of these things sometimes too, but find them hard to express.:(

If you think it's cold in Arizona come on up to NY. :cold: and it really isn't as cold yet as it usually is this time of year. There are those who have it much colder than us. :D: Then again Micronesia sounds like a wonderful Idea.

First off sorry to hear about the loss of your mother earlier in the year.

I have expressed to some board members who no longer post (for various reasons) my concern that the mood of the board was changing. Obviously, the larger something gets the better chance things would have to change as well. For better, for worse, that is up to the eyes of the beholder.

This is without a doubt the best board on the net. However, I have noticed a considerable increase in "attacks" on people, even over the past couple of days. It's not right. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, speak your mind without the personal jabs.

There is good information passed on in the various forums, I enjoy reading as well as posting dive reports; looking at pics that people have taken. You use to be able to feel that the people that participated were extended family members, not as much anymore.

I am looking forward to meeting the board members that will be going to NC in May for the wreck dives and to Bonaire in September.

I too miss the silent voices of our friends who have gone on to other things.
Bravo, FK!!! :jester:

When I joined up with this board, I had searched the net far and wide looking for a place to hang my fins. I enjoy posting my opinions on things; I enjoy reading others opinions. Many posts have helped me make decisions on my own diving, sometimes my questions don't get the answer I thought they would. But, in the long run I always learn something new every time I log on. I enjoy reading the profiles of people, too, especially seeing who everyone is, even if they are all suited up (speaking of which, I better post my pic). Thanks those that have made this sounding board a realization, an easy to use interface, and fun.

FK, sorry to hear about your mother. Death is never easy and everyone mourns in their own way. I am happy that you have decided to continue with this fine sport. I understand that people feel a loss when a loved one dies due to the profession I have chosen (working with oncology and hospice patients in a hospital), but I will never understand the feelings that they feel or why they act the way they do. I appreciate your cadidness as well as that of others that have posted personal things on this board.

I will, unfortunately, not be able to go to NC for wreck diving in May as I'm off to Australia (Yippeee!!!!) :) I hope that everyone has a wonderful time in the colder waters of the east coast. I hope to make it there someday, perhaps with some of you if someone informs us of the trip :wink:
FK...................I appreciate your thoughts. They are well spokenand well laid out. I too feel some of your sentiments and concerns. But changes always seem to make people come and go, leave and enter, etc.

I can sympathize and empathize with you re your loss of your mother, and your niece. I too have lost one parent (father) suddenly and now my mother is fighting for her own life.

These are trials and tribulations we all have to face time and time again. They are not the easiest of challanges, but ones to face none-the-less.

This board has provided to me the opportunity to learn from (Walter, Ric et all) many long-time divers and some new divers.

I have made some new friends as a result of belonging to this board. Friendships that I hope will last a lifetime and longer. (Thank you OD, DG and Syruss).
First, my condolences on your loss. Regardless of our ages, the loss of a loved one is never easy.

Second, kudos for a fine, thought provoking post. I too have noticed a change in tone in some posts on the board, and not a change for the better. The level of personal "digs", etc., while still small, seems to be growing.{I'm not talking about the humor,but the antipathy that appears in some posts or threads.}
I have also noted those who have left, and would like to think that they may someday return.
Hopefully, the type of post you wrote can help people get back to the former sense of respect and fun that still is alive and well in the majority of the board.

Finally, thank you for putting into words the "THANK YOU's"that the operators of this board so richly deserve. I can't begin to imagine the amount of effort required to keep a board like this up and running.
Good luck,
Thank you for this post Fishkiller,

I too feel the things that you do. I have not been able to get on much lately due to work so I have not noticed the changed atmosphere but if things are starting to change it is a sad thing.

Some of the recently departed are, and will continue to be, greatly missed. They have helped us all in one way or another.

On the bright side there are still great members,regulators, and KN and LD still working to bring us this wonderful exchange of information, experences and humor.

Thank you to all that work to bring this to us.
This seems to fit here...

We could learn a lot from Crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors.....but they all have to learn to live in the same box.

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