Another new diver with a bloody nose

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I'm betting that the pain in your forehead is your sinus cavities so the valsalva will do little to nothing to help equalize it. Chances are that you were slightly congested and you just didn't know it.
hi elky66 -

Have to agree with a lot of the above - it's very common and unless you're losing blood by the litre it's not a problem. You have about a gazillion (scientific term, of course! :D ) blood vessels in your nose and as I'm sure everybody knows, nosebleeds don't require a great deal of trauma. Maybe you tried to equalise too forcefully, perhaps your sinuses are slightly small - or there might be polyps growing in there (not uncommon) and the blood vessels in that area are rather fragile anyway.

If it's small, I wouldn't worry about it. If it persists, or you can't stop the bleeding, or if you're generally worried, you can get a skull x-ray / MRI to help determine the problem.

Good luck, and happy diving,

If you have sinus problems, chances are your bloody nose is the result of sinus disease. I regularly had bloody noses during diving up until I had sinus surgery.

I have never had equalizing problems.... just bloody noses. Once I had the surgery, the bloody noses went away.

My son used to have fun by making a point of my nose by calling attention to it when we surfaced (especially in the quarry with lots of students around.)
Sounds like you might have a slight sinus issue. I agree with other posters.
try using a nasal spray like dryxine i think it will be effective for sinus issues

personally ive had equalizing problems since ive been diving 15 years ago hence my limited number of dives. id always come up spitting blood and had to quit diving for four years because i perforated my eardrum. i tried everything form decongestanats, antihistamines, nasal sprays, different eq techniques, masks with ear covers etc. this june i discovered doc's proear plugs and miraculously it has been the only thing that has consistently worked for me. no need to take meds before the dive and equalizing effort is so so much easier. no more bleeding nose and bloody spit.
i dont know if it will work for you since yours seems more a sinus rather than a middle ear problem. but id try it out if i were you , they are not expensive.

one last tip i can give is try equalizing by swallowing rather than using the valsalva if you can

my 2 psi :D
Went diving again this weekend. I took one sudafed about 45min before our dive. I wanted to make sure I didnt have a problem becuase this was my first dive after my O.W. certification class.

Happy to say that the dive went awsome with no problems and no bloody nose. I Usually equilize by swallowing only but this time I held my nose and blew as well, even though I don't know if it is helping in hopes of equilizing my sinuses better.

Thanks for all the great tips.

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