Anyone hear of getting kicked out of BOW?

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Its a dead horse by now.
50% markup?... The LDS's in my area markup 100% - 300%.

They sell a snorkel for $45 that I can buy on line for $17... it costs them about $8
They sell a mask for $110 that I can buy on line for $55... it costs them $30
They sell a Regulator for $550 that I can buy on line for $250... it costs them $180

... you get the idea...

I won't pay exaggerated prices that allow shop owners to buy condos in Maui at my expense. I will pay reasonable prices to local shops... like 10% - 20% higher than online prices... so in the above scenario... the local shop will gain my business if they sell the above three items for.. $21, $66 and $300...

Problem is they won't... they'd rather just complain about the internet... so that's exactly where I'll buy

finally somebody elst that sees the issue. Not the party line "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL LDS REGARDLESS OF THE MARKUP. THEY HAVE TO MAKE A LIVING.". Bull poop.

I will make it, with ghostdivers help to make this easy for those of you dancing the party line.

If a store is marking up their prices 100% and only sell 3 items, but then reduces their markup to compete with many internet stores (say 10-20% above the online stores). They will very likely increase their sales to gain an equal profit. They will sell more merchandise and thus build a larger customer base with which to support their store. People are willing to pay a little more to have face-to-face dealings and immediate gratification of obtaining the item. The problem is that they LDS wants to have the immediate gratification of making rediculous profit off each individual item. Trust me, the internet stores are not taking a loss so they are definitely selling at a profit as well, just not such a huge one.

LDSs are not going out of business because they are selling good gear at good prices, they are going out of business because they sell a niche item base and due to that they think the customers will pay whatever they ask because they don't have a choice and are basically cattle. Well we do and we aren't so most of us seek out the best price/value.

Before anybody gets started. I do support my LDS and have probably spent over $1000 there just within the last 2 months. I do shop around though and tend to buy smaller items (dive lights, floats, etc) from online sources because their prices are much better. Some of the things I have bought, tanks for example, just didn't pay to buy them online (for me).

This last trip was so wonderful that it kind of reinforced my anger at the first shop. For one thing, when at the first shop, all I heard was nasty trash talk about the shop I'm with now, and yet when I talked to the owner of the shop I went with about WHY I went with them, I noticed he was VERY careful not to badmouth the other shop at all, but was still very nice and compassionate as he listened. Far more professional.

...they are being good consumers and shouldn't be treated as if they're "screwing the LDS" by seeking better treatment and better service.

I agree 100% with Ishie... I've been in that store (LDS #2) several times and talked to the owner. You wouldn't think he was the boss... total customer service. The way he runs his shop puts a lot of other shops to shame. If it wasn't 50 miles away i would make that my LDS... instead I go 29 miles the other way (past 4 closer shops) to patronize the shop that I like.

The consumer will dictate which shops will stay afloat... that's the bottom line.
The only reason I could see a shop kicking someone out for having "online gear" is if that particular manufacturer does not allow online sales. I know my shop has kicked out one person for having online gear. Upon checking the serial number of the gear with the manufacturer, it was determined that the gear was bogus and the instructor kicked the student out of class. The student was told exactly why they were being kicked out. Perhaps you friend is in a similar situation.
I can think of a far more plausible reason ... that the student in question purchased her gear online, then came to class and told all the other students how much money they could save by doing the same.

Question for the thread originator ... has your friend considered taking her instruction from an independent instructor, or from the YMCA, where gear sales isn't a consideration?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I can think of a far more plausible reason ... that the student in question purchased her gear online, then came to class and told all the other students how much money they could save by doing the same.

Question for the thread originator ... has your friend considered taking her instruction from an independent instructor, or from the YMCA, where gear sales isn't a consideration?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

I dont think thats the case- telling others its cheaper, but maybe.

Anyhow, Doesnt ymca give you a different cert? And is that recognized many places?
She's looking into local club that are unaffiliated with a shop.
I dont think thats the case- telling others its cheaper, but maybe.

Anyhow, Doesnt ymca give you a different cert? And is that recognized many places?
She's looking into local club that are unaffiliated with a shop.
The YMCA is one of the oldest certification agencies out there ... it's recognized worldwide, and in some ways offers more comprehensive training than the mainstream agencies.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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