AUG 04 Dive Reports, Please post if you dive.

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Date:10 August 2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Cove - swam around to Alligator Head
Time: 8:00 AM
Bottom Time: 27:00
Max Depth: 39 FT
Vis: 5-10
Wave height: 0-1 ft
Temp: 67 at depth

We swam around from the stairs over to Alligator Head and went down at about 15 feet. We headed out at a 30 degree heading and only saw up and down sand bars. We saw some dead crabs and finally saw a live one. We were at about 40 feet when one diver had 1500 PSI left so we headed back at a 180 degree heading. We ended up at about 9 feet of water and we were right back at Alligator Head - so much for my plan on trying to get us back to the open part of the Cove and heading toward the stairs! Not an eventful dive - but good to be in the water anyway. Surge was somewhat heavy shallow, but fine at depth...same with visability.
Date: 8/11
Dive Location:Crescent Bay/Deadmans
Bottom Time:43 min
Max Depth:61'
Vis:15 maybe 20 if you squinted just right
Wave height:1-2' on shore
Temp at depth:57 degrees at depth 62 above thermo
Surface Temp:70 degrees
Tide information:High tide
Comments: Chris A and myself made a trip out to Deadmans (I found the reef today, dropped right on top of it!) Had some really big swells going over the reef coming from the west like 3-4' high. We dropped on the top of Deadmans and headed south to the outside of the reef and made our way back to the East side Vis was pretty bad in the shallows on top of the reef, but got much better on the outside at depth. Some areas were 30'+. Saw a very BIG bug in a very small hole, some Nudi's lots of fish, grabbed a Scallop off the sand and brought him home for a snack. All in all a good dive, I rate it a 7+.
Date:11 August 2004
Dive Location: La Jolla Cove - Alligator Head
Time: 7:30 PM
Bottom Time: 51:00
Max Depth: 47 FT
Vis: 5-15
Wave height: 1-2 ft
Temp: 51 at depth

I did a solo dive for this one - I know, not advised and probably not very smart...but I wanted to go and I didn't have anyone else to go with. Anyway, I went off at Alligator Head and poked around there for awhile - saw many lobster, a ray and a sculpin. I swam out on a 0 degree heading and found the rock pile at 1900 PSI and about 18 minutes into the dive. There I saw many many more lobster, a cool crab walking down the sandy area, some large sheeps head, a bunch of random fish and possibly a moray eel...but I couldn't get a good light on it to see if it was an eel or not. When I hit 1400 PSI I set off on a 150 degree heading hoping to get near the stairs of the cove. Well I swam and swam and swam and surfaced with only 100 PSI -- I was all the way down by goldfish point...OOPS! After a long surface swim in (20 minutes) I climbed the stairs and was happy with my dive!
Date: 08/11/2004
Dive Location: Marine Room/San Diego
Time: 18:29
Bottom Time: 49 minutes
Max Depth: 103
Average depth:39 ft
Vis: 10-25 actually better shallow then deep in some spots, canyon was nice
Wave height: 2.-3
Temp at depth:56
Surface Temp: 70
Tide information: high tide and building
Comments: No Pictures this time, just a sight seer

Another great dive at the Marine Room with DIVEBUDDYSEAN, SHAKAZULU, PnL and JOHN A the wonder diver. Dressed up, geared up and teamed up we headed out on the surface through moderate but not unmanageable surf, kicking out till we were even with the Valacetos buoy and the end of the pier. From there we dropped down and regrouped on the bottom and headed out at 300 degrees toward the canyon wall.

We saw: sheep crab, red octopus, two spot octopus, striped fin ronquil, a bazillion sand dollars, California Armina nudi, Sandiegensis nudis, red rock shrimp, coon striped shrimp, anemones and sea pens and feather dusters. Two bat rays, large halibut, lobster and more. Also on this trip a pair of reading glasses and the rubber business end of a kayak paddle.

Great dive, great friends, good burgers and brews.

Date: 08.13.04
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores
Time: 1419/1639
Bottom Time: 56 min./55 min.
Max Depth: 53/52
Vis: 20'
Wave height: 2'-4'
Temp at depth: 68/61
Surface Temp:
Tide information:
Comments: took an intro to tech diving class with naui using doubles, did some s-drills,
some kicking techniques, valve switching made 2 openwater dive and
will be in the water again tomorrow @ 7am :) .
Date: Aug 13th
Dive Location: Malaga Cove
Time: 5:30PM
Ave Depth: 20'
Vis: 15'

Had a great dive with pasley and roland (hermosadive). The fish were friendly and very abundant, we were never more than a few inches from a few garibaldi and tens of senorita. In addition, there were 30 lobsters, and octopus, large cuddly brittle stars under each rock, blue-banded hermit crabs, a couple scorpionfish, sculpin, many black-eyed gobies, a painted greenling, kelpfish, black perch, sargo, black croackers, blacksmith, rock wrasse, slow-moving kelp bass, fast moving opaleye, a polarized school of (maybe) jack mackeral, and one lucky sea cucumber. And lots of kelp. What more can we ask for? But the highlight was pasley's story of one Malibu night dive gone awry - what a story!
Date: Aug 13th
Dive Location: La Jolla Cove
Time: 6:30
Duration: About 1 hour
Vis: 15-25

Met Ryan at the Cove as planned. Jumped in at Alligatorhead. High tide made it easy entry. We kicked out a few feet and dropped down into the rocks and eel grass below.
We cruised around very slowly, exploring the life around us. We saw the usual: Girabaldis, Kelp Bass, Senoritas, Opeleyes, Sargo, Rock Wrasse, lots of tiny fish. Some itty bitty Girabaldis (babies 1/2 the size of your fingernail), Painted Greenlings, a few Kelpfish, 2 Moray Eels, 1 Thornback Ray (I think), and 1 horn shark who wandered into us. I had a video of the Moray and Horn Shark but I deleted them by mistake. Sorry. But here are my pics:

Conditions were really great. Nice and calm, good vis, high tide.

sorry i missed this one. It's 1040 and the wife is still in Phoenix. Delayed by Thunderstorms. got off work at noon, could have made 3 dives today!!! :kopfab:

email me directions. see u at 6am
Date: Aug 13th
Dive Location: La Jolla Cove
Time: 6:30
Duration: About 1 hour
Vis: 15-25

Met Ryan at the Cove as planned. Jumped in at Alligatorhead. High tide made it easy entry. We kicked out a few feet and dropped down into the rocks and eel grass below.
We cruised around very slowly, exploring the life around us. We saw the usual: Girabaldis, Kelp Bass, Senoritas, Opeleyes, Sargo, Rock Wrasse, lots of tiny fish. Some itty bitty Girabaldis (babies 1/2 the size of your fingernail), Painted Greenlings, a few Kelpfish, 2 Moray Eels, 1 Thornback Ray (I think), and 1 horn shark who wandered into us. I had a video of the Moray and Horn Shark but I deleted them by mistake. Sorry. But here are my pics:

Conditions were really great. Nice and calm, good vis, high tide.


Great Pics! The cove looks really great, I'll have to make the 2-hour trip down there... Morays, greenlings, and a horn shark always make a good dive...

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