Back-up Mask

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Bothell, WA USA
I am starting my second go around with scuba lessons tomorrow, the 24th of September. My first was 25 years ago, so instead of taking a refresher course, I opted for the full-deal package. It doesn't hurt that I am taking it with a good friend (buddy?).

My question has to do with the fact that I wear contacts all the time except for sleeping. Is it feasible to carry a back-up mask in case I totally loose the primary. I was kinda thinking that by carrying a back-up mask, I could slip that on so I would be able to see, and then look for the primary.

If it is feasible, what would be the best way to carry it so it wouldn't get tangled with something. Also, in the same line, is it feasible to somehow attach the primary mask to something on the BCD or tank in such a way that it could be recovered fairly easily and still not get tangled with other gear or something else.

Any ideas out there?
Back up masks are generally carried in a pocket either on a suit (either wet or dry) or on the BC itself.

I haven't heard about any other ways to carry it but I am interested in the other replies you might get to this thread.

Good luck on the class.

How bad are your eyes ?
If you lose your mask underwater you are going to be in the same situation as everyone else anyway, that is its blurry, so why bother carrying a spare ?
Get your buddy to pick you your mask and hand it back to you.

Even if your mask strap breaks the water pressure will hold it in place on your face.
Give it a try, I have dived without a mask strap on a few occasions, just to see if it works of course.

Oh yes I always carry a spare mask in my Dive Tub, and on my boat, you never know when your goose buddy is going to forget their's
I think it is always a good idea.

You can get a mask pouch that goes on the belt - be sure to anchor it with a zip tie though or you could lose it. Yes I am talking from experience on that last bit!!

I agree with sydney_diver.
Goeduck, I see you are from WA. That's cold water which means a hood. Why not have the mask strap under the hood. Both sides of the mask the strap will not break all at one time. Even if pressure does not hold your mask to the face because you exhaled through the nose at that moment, the mask will still dangle by one strap. Put it back on, clear it and let the pressure do the rest. I always wear the strap inside the hood. The snorkel I wear inside the dive bag.
I carry a spare mask with me when I dive. I started doing this when I did my cave training. I do this because if I drop my mask into silt, it might not be worth trying to recover and trashing the vis even worse. It also might be nidden in the silt cloud that was created by it. Plus it could fall into a crevice that I simply can not get down in to. You could have these same problems in o/w as well. If your mask falls into some coral, do you kill the coral to retrieve it? Do you now call the dive becuase you can not find your mask? Nope!

These are just my opinions though, take it as you will.
I carry a spare in my dry suit pocket. I started this practice when I started wreck diving. My reasons are essentially the same as JamesK's.

I'll add that asking your buddy to go get a lost mask may not be the best idea. You are left hanging somewhere where you can't see anything. Maintaining buoyancy becomes more difficult. You can't see your gauges. Finally, what happens if your buddy can't find it? You are then stuck with an assisted ascent.
In my 30 years of diving have never lost a mask while on a dive.

while doing deco diving you deffinetly need a spare mask to monitor depth and time of your deco stops, or to find your way out of a wreck or cave.

recreational diving, I would cary a spare only if it is very conveniant. like it has been said here if you loose your mask you have the same eyesight as everybody else, any dislodging of contacts would happen anyways while switching masks.

I would also suggest you wear your mask under your hood, I do this quite often depending on the dive.

constantly inspect your mask [along with all other dive gear] with any sign of wear replace or repair it ie mask strap.
a strap breakage should never be an issue if the strap is in good repair, I use a neopreme strap, which i feel is better.

another thing i do prior to a dive is to do a face submerssion which does many things that benifit me on a dive, but for your purposes it will get your face adjust to the water temprature in the event of a mask dislodging. this will prevent or reduce the mamalion reflex.
Thanks to all of you for your response.

They are all good points and good ideas.

I will definitly try the strap under the hood, but in the meantime, I will also be looking at ways to carry a spare mask on the dives.

Again, Thanks
Dive-Rite makes a mask/utility pouch that simply slides onto webbing. Usualy the waist belt of the BC or even on the weight belt if you are not using integrated (just have to ditch it if you dump the belt tho...).

Depending on how far you want to go with diving this time round, you may want to consider a perscription mask. If you unexpectedly flood your primary mask or get it knocked off, you could easily lose 1 or both contacts.

I have 2 perscription masks that are identical. I got the second one after using my old non-perscription mask as the spare/backup for my deco course.

When I switched to the old mask and cleared it, I rediscovered just how bad my vision is without the perscription lenses and went straight to the dive shop to order the second one after diving that day....

I use a pair of Cressi Focus masks. You can get lense "inserts" for them to correct vision. As I recall, the price was about $50-60 per lense + the cost of the mask. I use 20/450 (4.5) for the right eye and 20/600 (6.0) for the left.

They are not custom made. they come in pre-set focal lengths and you just get the ones closest to your own perscription. I believe they come in .5 increments. The fact that everything underwater already looks closer makes up any remaining difference.
I didn't really have a choice as I can't seem to wear contacts. They irritate my eyes too much.

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