Bahama Blackbeard video

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Awesome... but next time can you breath to the tune of the music? LOL

nice vid man.

what software did u use?
d@mn dude.... details mang... we NEED details..... what da.... were all those sharks doing there? was it a 'planned' feeding? talk about a required planned deco stop.... i know I'M not doing a 3 minutes safety stop in that melee..... what was the sponge doing spawing in the middle of the day? what freakin' size HID were you using to video that turtle at night and what'd ya do to plss him off so bad? did he bust your camera, or mask, or....

details mang..... NEED details!

oh yea.... schweet vid.....
Thanks everybody for the nice comments
The camera is a Sony TRV-50 in a Nimar housing with wide angle lense and red filter. I was using the camera in automatic and would point at the sand when turning on a depth. I'm using Nimar's dual 100 watt light set up and it light's up the night great. I've been using it for over a year now with over 50 dives using the camera set up and have had no problems with the camera, housing or lights. It's the editing that I've been afraid of.
For editing I'm using the Sony Vegas 6 software. I'm real rough using it but it's seems very easy to use. I just need to practice a lot more with it.
The sharks were from free swiming and on a shark feed that BlackBeards put on. Most times on the reef we could see one to 3 sharks when we were near Gand Bahama Island. The vid with all the sharks was right before the feeding started and they were all ready for it.
The turtles in the Bahamas were the largest I've ever seen so far. They were real BIG. On the night dive we were on the wreck of the Hesperus and turtles would come in to sleep on the wreck. I saw at least 8 of them on that dive. The filming went great. The turles did seem to be upset with the Remoras all over them and they would try to rub them off. Anyway I came swiming up behind this one and he sort of hit the brakes. I ended up drifted close to him which I wasn't looking to do when he came at me. I was shocked to see him come at me mouth open head first and had no choice but to put the camera at his face to block him from biting me. It also give me the chance to push off him and get away from him. As you can see we both didn't get hurt and nothing happened to the camera. If you look at the turtle closely in the vid the back of his shell is bitten off. Either he didn't like me coming up from behind or the lights took his vision away and pissed him off. I had 2 dive buddys that night and they can tell you I did nothing to provoke the attack.
Here are some pics of my Nimar housing with lights
Very nice job.
WOW. What a vid!!!

I need a housing for a JVC cam, but am coming up with nothing for lighting options. Where can you get a Nimar housing?

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