Boca Grande Pass???

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Anyone dive Boca Grande Pass?

I have been told by a friend that the only safe time to dive it is at slack tide.
I’ve never dove the middle of the pass. I always seem to hear of the cleanup dive weekends after the fact. I have dove all around the edge starting from the fuels docks. You are correct in that you want to be there for slack tide. The current absolutely RIPS through there. With any tide movement it’s just stupid to be in the water there. The few minutes on each side of the tide are okay, but once it turns you can feel it kick up immediately. There’s not much to see by the fuel dock, but the phosphate dock has plenty to see.
That is on the TO DO LIST.
I hear now with the tarpon and sharks it not a good time to dive there.
Used to dive it quite a bit ...but as said before NOT when the Tarpon are running.There is a lot of interesting ledges and other structure in the pass itself but you need to bewere of LOTS of mono.During the last clean up on one dive buddy of mine collected 50# of lead and mono. Also talk to some of the guides around the area because if I remember correctly the are only a few places you can anchor in and around the area anymore. There is a huge amount of boat traffic that run through there and the majority of them dont follow all the rule of the road .
Faust once bubbled...
There is a huge amount of boat traffic that run through there and the majority of them dont follow all the rule of the road .

This is a huge reason why I stopped running stone crab traps some 10 years ago... I was disgusted at how disrespectful people were towards other boaters and the complete disrespect for those who worked the waters for a living. I don't totally dislike what I do now, but it just isn't the same.

Re: Tarpon and Boca.. it is my understanding that a wide variety of sharks are attracted to the Tarpon running through there, some quite lengthy in size. Any confirmation on this?
To be honest there are loads of Large Hammers and Bulls in the area consistantly even when the tarpon are not running. There just happen to be even more during tarpon season.

PS and by larger i mean that i have encountered close up and personal sharks as large as 15 ft
Do you think a spear gun would kill a 15 ft. Shark? I would hate to make it mad.

I've heard stories that tarpons have been landed half eaten, and are still over 100 lbs.
I'm 160 lbs.!
I think a speargun would definitely get it mad, unless by chance you brained it. I don't believe that sharks are on the list of spearable critters either...

After watching one of the shark week episodes I've got a better understanding about tigers in the Gulf too..
Colin- I would not want to be around if I speard a shark and it got mad.

Hopefully it would not see me in the yellow water.(haha)
Is an excellent dive, only problem is when to dive it. Slack tide is a must, but the boat traffic is heavy through that area.
Only times I've dived it has been with my team when the department volunteered us for the annual reef clean up in April.
So boat traffic is limited to only the dive and safety boats.
Never saw any of the famous hammerheads but ya know they're there. The ledges are cool but do have lots of fishing monolfilament to tangle you up if you're not careful. Also shrimp larvae will cover you uip head to toe. Its gross and took a whole afternoon to rinse that stuff off my gear.

Max depth in the pass is approx. 75 fsw.

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