Cozumel Incident 9/4/11

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.. Don't you just love detectives? they are always suspicious, about things that doesn't compete them FACT. he probable has nothing else more interesting to speculate about in hes Own life,, and if they where stupid . So what??i being stupid before you being stupid before, RON has being stupid before we all,v done stupid things . Ron probable has lost some sleep more than the relatives of these people over the facts , and the true story , I Understand this is a forum to post opinions and ideas, so im gona do my part too ,, maybe ron need to take a closer look to hes Wife , and speculate more about it ,why? im just SPECULATING and yes im rude and i love being rude if i feel like it , i barely know these people and it does bothers me to read you'r STUPID FACTS , you fuking live in Ontario Canada on the other side of the world almost, so what THE HELL do you care about the diveshops and hotels here?? you Sound very concerned and disturbed about it go scrape some snow of your garage or give your wife a call men stay away of this board,, in situations like this most people just tend to be more empathethic , i consider my selfe one of them , regadless their choices their acctions or reasons and why's and how's and when's, if there is a true to be unvealing , let them say it them selfe , if they never do BIG DEAL ..who cares ? you are just one boring men seating behind your computer watching porn , and trying to figure out something away of your home

Toltec, you sure are a great asset to this discussion. Your rant has so many errors in assumptions that it is laughable. May I ask if you grew up in the USA and English is your native language? If so, then I suggest not posting on forums where people will read your rants. Or at least have someone educated proof read and correct your post.

In the interest of full disclosure, at least two of the divers should release their dive computer data.

There has also been multiple assertions that we do not have the full story. Given that the early "rumor mill" was surprising close to what we believe the facts are, these undisclosed factors may be relevant. Since this event will be scrutinized closely, and should serve as a warning to others who want to attempt a similar dive, all the facts (if any are missing) need to be revealed. Waiting serves no purpose.
.. Don't you just love detectives? they are always suspicious, about things that doesn't compete them FACT. he probable has nothing else more interesting to speculate about in hes Own life,, and if they where stupid . So what??i being stupid before you being stupid before, RON has being stupid before we all,v done stupid things . Ron probable has lost some sleep more than the relatives of these people over the facts , and the true story , I Understand this is a forum to post opinions and ideas, so im gona do my part too ,, maybe ron need to take a closer look to hes Wife , and speculate more about it ,why? im just SPECULATING and yes im rude and i love being rude if i feel like it , i barely know these people and it does bothers me to read you'r STUPID FACTS , you fuking live in Ontario Canada on the other side of the world almost, so what THE HELL do you care about the diveshops and hotels here?? you Sound very concerned and disturbed about it go scrape some snow of your garage or give your wife a call men stay away of this board,, in situations like this most people just tend to be more empathethic , i consider my selfe one of them , regadless their choices their acctions or reasons and why's and how's and when's, if there is a true to be unvealing , let them say it them selfe , if they never do BIG DEAL ..who cares ? you are just one boring men seating behind your computer watching porn , and trying to figure out something away of your home

Part of this particular forum is analyzing an incident, so Ron doing that and asking questions if very much on topic. Condolence threads are active on the Cozumel sub forum. I am not really sure why you are spouting off like this, we are here to discuss and learn from this incident, while some judge the plan and it is their right, most are trying to also learn from it and we need all of the facts to do so.
Part of this particular forum is analyzing an incident, so Ron doing that and asking questions if very much on topic. Condolence threads are active on the Cozumel sub forum. I am not really sure why you are spouting off like this, we are here to discuss and learn from this incident, while some judge the plan and it is their right, most are trying to also learn from it and we need all of the facts to do so.

Perhaps he is trying to derail this discussion. But why would anyone want to do that other than to try to keep the dirt under the carpet? Makes me wonder who he is and what shop he DMs for.:shocked2:
One particular reason to want the facts out is because the initial claim was that downcurrents caused the accident. A side-effect of that particular lie was that people who read it then started cancelling trips to Cozumel because they decided it was too dangerous to dive there.

When lies start hurting other people, it's time to expose them for lies.

And the purpose of this forum isn't to post opinions and ideas ... particularly those that attack other posters ... it's to discuss why an accident happened, and what we can do to better assure it doesn't happen to us. In this case, the ultimate cause was hubris ... an overestimation of the competence and ability of the divers involved. These divers were experienced enough to understand the riskiness and stupidity of the dive they attempted. But "it can't happen to me" isn't an uncommon attitude among accomplished divers. Unfortunately ... in this case ... it did happen to them.

There's something we can all learn from that ... particularly those of us with a lot of dives under our weightbelts who may have developed an inflated sense of our own invulnerabilities ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Hey may have just set a new record for fastest ban....3 posts......:shocked2:
One particular reason to want the facts out is because the initial claim was that downcurrents caused the accident. A side-effect of that particular lie was that people who read it then started cancelling trips to Cozumel because they decided it was too dangerous to dive there.

When lies start hurting other people, it's time to expose them for lies.


Do you have any concrete data on the pesos lost....My bet is none. From the initial post, it was very clear that this incident smelled a bit fishy.

Safe Diving
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Here is one impact of the downwelling report

It may not be possible to know if anyone actually cancelled.

We booked our flight for our first COZ trip late August and have been researching dive ops and hotels on this board when the incidents happened....last night, we tried to see what it would cost to cancel our flight....didn't cancel it yet, but we definitely are not as excited about the trip as we were back in August.

We are still planning to go....won't stop driving a car just because it's probably the most dangerous thing there is, right? However, I must admit, I'm one of those tourist divers who is questioning COZ....

Now, to be honest, I have always avoided this section of the forum. I'm afraid of everything (but LOVE diving once I'm in the water!) and figured the less I know about accidents, the fear about Coz was specific to the currents and being pushed away from my group and getting lost....the reports of random down currents grabbing recreational divers and dragging them down to 300 ft (or not),without warning is terrifying and has certainly caused me more anxiety about going to Cozumel. (My husband is usually not worried about these things by the way, but he too, has become worried after reading the posts ---not something we hear of in Culebra! They may be there, but we haven't heard about them so quite frankly, that's just better if the chance is next to zero of being caught in one)

So....are these posts / speculation / reports hurting anyone? I certainly think so....But, I also think it's giving me courage to overcome my anxiety. Our trip is still 3 months away, so I may still change my mind, but my head is telling me that based on ALL the posts, it really is silly to think that there could be more than a 1 percent chance that a down current can take me down to a depth that could hurt me if I dive my level (with less than 30 dives, I don't expect to go any further than 80 or 90, if that!). So, thanks for the educational posts out there - it's helping....I hope!
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