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I'm working on that, though. I haven't been to a hospital in 2 weeks, but have been in the water more than half of that time and even earned some money while doing that! :D
Rob if you get a ccr unit we will never get you out of a cave :D

I dove with an OC buddy yesterday, bum,,,always in such a hurry never stops to look at the jumps and didn't park the scoots even once to go play:depressed:
How did you get into technical diving?

All the cool kids are doing it... :)

Really, I just love wrecks, and it seemed like the natural step to take, in order to see more.

What is your favorite technical dive?

The Jodrey. You could dive that wreck a hundred times and still see different things.

Any future goals with technical diving?

Well, I don't see me taking a "Tech 3" course, so the only thing left is Cave 2.

What is one piece of equipment you really want?

Hmmm.... Most of my gear bases are covered. I guess my next purchases would be Santi undies and a brighter can light. :)
How did you get into technical diving?
It's all about style. How else would I be able to wear a mask, a panty-hose-tight bright blue outfit with a cool logo on the chest, and with a red cape, in a socially acceptable manner. Oh, and by the way, my red cape does allow me to fly over bottomless chasms. Now if could find a socially acceptable way to wear underwear jockey briefs on top of the drysuit, I'd be golden.


What is your favorite technical dive? (if you have a favorite rec dive that's cool to add in too)
Not sure about this one. I guess in part because I believe the favorite is yet to be found. Remember it's human nature to derive more pleasure from things yearned for than for things attained -- or something along those lines (forgive me Mr. Spock for butchering your quote).

Any future goals with technical diving?
To do cool explorations and discoveries with my son. He's 1 yr old right now.

What is one piece of equipment you really want?
Undecided between a Meg or an Evolution or Inspiration.
On a more serious note, I got into "tech" after diving the Nanaimo wrecks a couple of times and purposefully taking the dives into deco simply because the NDL was too short to do worthwhile sightseeing. So rather than keep on doing it "illegally" I sought legal (formal) training to stay down longer and go deeper -- Adv Nitrox/Deco Procedures.
get white x-shorts - problem solved.
White X-shorts.... hmmm..

I did a quick google image search for x-shorts and the only thing close to white (where x is not size related) were these ballerina shorts... I don't think I want to go in that direction.

The little one can't dive just yet. With all that thing about stunting bone growth we'll have to wait a bit longer, at least long enough to allow for the soft spot in his head to close up. In the mean time he does my tanks' vis inspections and services the valves and manifolds.


PS. The pink tank in the background is not mine
It's my little sister's tank. She likes to dive color coordinated -- her mask frame is also pink. Though I have to admit that because of logistics I've had to rig the pink one as a stage at one time or another. I do get raised eyebrows and comments in the dive boat.
Though I have to admit that because of logistics I've had to rig the pink one as a stage at one time or another.

And I thought most divers got into tech so they'd never have to borrow pink gear again. :wink:

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