Dive Boat Sinks in Pompano Beach

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I spent about an hour at Volvo today waiting for them to replace the car key. Apparently a software package has to be downloaded. Car keys have evolved quit a bit during my lifetime.

Yeah new keys often require a trip to the dealer to have the car programmed for the key, and about $200.

Is SFDH covering the cost of everything ruined or that wasn't recovered?
I hope so. I was led to believe that this would be the case by the owner, but I had already drunk a fifth round of the local IPA by the time he explained that to me so my memory may not be completely reliable on that point.

The people on the phone--and I have called nearly every day--keep telling me that they're still sorting it out with the insurance and that I'm not the only one pestering them about phones and keys. ($365.78 for my key, by the way) I guess these things take time. I intend to keep pestering them, but to be patient about getting reimbursed. I'm saving receipts.
Honestly, though, I think I'm over the trauma of the sinking. I'm ready to go diving again. Wish I had a tropical sea in my back yard.

Come back down. I hear SFDH will be offering great rates on their boat Safari Diver once it’s outa the shop.
Well, my concern wasn't much about me sinking :D - with my wetsuit on, I'd float without any problem - high surge or not.
I was mostly concerned about my gear and valueables going down with the boat :wink:
Has any one gone dow to check on the wreck?

It sounded like most of the divers had most of their kit on when she went down, but extra gear and personal belongings might still be recoverable. 70’ is not outrageously deep.has anyone made any attempts to recover belongings from the wreck? Most of the unsecured materials probably floated away, but there may personal items or bags that were stored under benches that are still onboard.
Has any one gone dow to check on the wreck?

It sounded like most of the divers had most of their kit on when she went down, but extra gear and personal belongings might still be recoverable. 70’ is not outrageously deep.has anyone made any attempts to recover belongings from the wreck? Most of the unsecured materials probably floated away, but there may personal items or bags that were stored under benches that are still onboard.

It’s already been raised.
Come back down. I hear SFDH will be offering great rates on their boat Safari Diver once it’s outa the shop.

Now you attach your personal belongs to the EPIRB. Makes it easier to find them the next time it sinks. :popcorn:

And these clowns replaced PDC. :facepalm:

I figured it was going to get raised, there is no way the DEP would've allowed it to stay down there.
What are the chances that a (dive) boat sinks? 1 in 100? 1 in 1000?
Does anyone have stats?

Far less than those that you mentioned. Considering the number of charters there are in a day/week/year compared to the number that sink (I’ve only read of a few in 15 years) I’d say the odds are extremely low. Far less than 1/1,000 which is 0.1%. I’d guess that it’s closer to 0.01% or lower but that’s a guess. I’ve seen no stats personally.
The shop owner called me today and said the insurance has agreed to cover our losses and that I only needed to submit receipts, which I did promptly. He also said that the Safari Diver is up and running and should be back in business soon. Fuel leakage was minimal and the various agencies of the state of Florida are satisfied that the mess was contained and that the vessel can go back into the water. I'm not sure when, but he said soon.

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