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You could email all 45+ dive centres on Tao...or you could just get here and spend an hour walking around them all. As we've already seen on this thread, a pre-written form letter won't tell you much about a centre - whereas walking through the door unannounced will often reveal all.
I don't know where this "pre-written form letter" crap comes from. I write each post as they come along, as my bad typing should attest to.

And (DevonDiver) your logic escapes me. Stay away from anyone who advertises? The OP asked for information and other programs. That's what I gave him. If what you object to is using a free medium like a message board to get out information on our program, get over it. There's no holy prohibition and this ain't sacred ground. My posts are within SB rules. If you don't like it, too bad for you.
The west coast is slightly more expensive, but has better quality of diving IF you go on a liveaboard.

It's better diving on the West coast regardless of whether or not you're on a liveaboard. Koh Lanta is day trips, better vis, more abundant soft coral and plenty of ghost pipefish, mantis shrimps etc, etc and regular mantas at Hin Daeng & Hin Muang.............
I don't know where this "pre-written form letter" crap comes from. I write each post as they come along, as my bad typing should attest to.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but a very long response with so much detail does appear to be rather form letterish, even if this was not the case. IMHO, you should include your name in your signature, not just the dive operation. Your profile should also be more personal to include who is writing for your organization. Many would agree, you make a real effort and do advertise very diligently. I am not sure if you write the majority of posts for Aquanauts, but it is with this in mind I suspect Devondiver was critical of your posting/postings. Devondiver care to comment?

I have dived with many operators in Thailand and always liked your boat in Pattaya. I've been out with your operation at least 5 times. Very professional! It is larger than most and very comfortable. I have also been out with 3 of your competitors. Not going with a large boat loaded with over anxious DMTs and IDC candidates also has its value. Divers at different levels may or may not like that type of atmosphere. As stated earlier, good training can be had in many areas of Thailand and with a variety of operators. I think it best for those considering training to visit. Pattaya is not for everyone, just as KT would not be for example. I think bashing KT, Phuket, Samui… is a waste of time. Diverse diving can be found within the kingdom and if you’re fortunate enough to be able to take advantage of it, go for it.

As always, AZ, thanks for the kudos and your consistently even-handed posts.

I agree the training environ may not be good for all, but we've found it to be a huge plus with the vast vast majority of our tourist customers. We had a local school class on a snorkeling field trip with us over the weekend and the kids loved having all the young guys and girls on board. We've got 30 snorkelers on board on the 4th out of Bangkok and having all them DMTs around is a big help as well.
I have dived with Aquanauts & with other shops using Aquanauts boat. Always had a good time, guys are always friendly. They listen tot he requests of all the divers so that everybody gets to enjoy the day
I don't know where this "pre-written form letter" crap comes from. I write each post as they come along, as my bad typing should attest to.

Funny.... I hadn't even mentioned any names.

No that I know your name....do you work in shifts to monitor the forums?

Your first post on this thread did look startling like a 'cut and paste' job though....very similar to the course description, links etc that are on your website.

If it wasn't...well, my advice to the OP still stands - stay away from any dive centre that blatantly corrupts an open forum with advertising. If you weren't advertising for your centre in that letter - well, I am sorry if my generic post seemed to encompass your earlier reply.

And (DevonDiver) your logic escapes me. Stay away from anyone who advertises?

Anyone who advertises on a public forum, yes. Otherwise every dive centre would be doing it - and any simple question asked on a forum would be greeted by a barrage of impersonal crap..... It would ruin the forum for everyone....if you are happy for your dive centre to be associated with that - well, that's your marketing decision.

The OP asked for information and other programs. That's what I gave him. If what you object to is using a free medium like a message board to get out information on our program, get over it. There's no holy prohibition and this ain't sacred ground. My posts are within SB rules. If you don't like it, too bad for you.

The OP asked for advice. "Come to my dive centre, we are great" is hardly the most balanced and helpful advice you could have given.

As for whether I have to put up with advertising on the forum.....

Terms of Service Definition: SPAM

The term SPAM implies many different definitions based on many different sources. The Washington State Supreme Court has stated that SPAM can be understood as:

“The term 'spam' refers broadly to unsolicited bulk e-mail (or ''junk e-mail"), which can be either commercial (such as an advertisement) or noncommercial (such as a joke or chain letter).”

On ScubaBoard we combine the commonly held definitions of SPAM into one concrete statement. SPAM is, as a general rule, a message sent in any amount of a commercial or non-commercial nature which is unsolicited. More specifically, SPAM generally consists of an advertisement of some nature which is sent directly to a user or users or is posted in a forum or forums. While the majority of our SPAM problems do come from traditional bulk postings, a message does not have to be commercial in nature nor does it need to be sent in bulk to be considered SPAM under our rules.
That said, and to offer some balance and -hopefully- prevent a silly argument from occurring - I've heard some good stuff about Aquanauts in Pattaya and have even been considering going there myself in the future for CCR training.
I've noticed people on this forum tend to refer newer people to old posts if they feel like the questions have been re-tread too many times, but I have a question about that. Even if there have been 20 threads on the same topic, it seems to me that re-visiting them is a good thing, not an annoyance.

First of all, old questions can be dusted off with fresh ideas. Secondly, if a question was asked 6 months ago, 20 new people join this forum and have valid ideas/suggestions, how are they going to get a chance to share them if no one is allowed to ask again? Thirdly, the old posts might not have accurate information with the passing of time.


Off my miniature soapbox now.

I agree with the idea of doing a bit of traveling first. Diving with an operation is the best way to find out what they're made of. Listen in to a few instructors giving briefings to OW students on the boat. Eavesdrop. After all, they're going to, most likely, provide a lot of the knowledge you're looking to obtain.

As for me, I just stumbled into a shop on Koh Tao 5 years ago based on a friend of a friend's recommendation. Came back last year and did my DMT with them by default. Sometimes luck has a funny way of working things out for you.

Good luck

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