Do you ever break the rules?

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Dive flag laws -- they cause more trouble than they solve -- I know how to look up and see what's there, but I've been nearly run over by ignorant boaters and I'd rather not attract them un-necessarily.

This is a tough one. Dive long enough with a flag in boat/PWC infested waters and you will have issues with them buzzing and checking out your flag. But, i'd rather have them using my flag as a high speed turn buoy and not my head.

Around here, even though it's a major pain in the butt, i always use a flag. They can be problematic but they help more than they hurt IMO.

Solo diving is the probably the biggest one i break, that and the stupid always wear a snorkel thing PADI requires for instructors. I haven't taught much the last few years but that one always got to me.
If I got hit on a bike with a helmet that would do what, allow me to live as a veggie for years, no thanks.
Or, you could avoid becoming a veggie and be back on your bike in about six weeks when your broken leg has healed..
Obviously theres still things thatll kill you or make you invalid for life even if you wear a helmet though, but then again a bulletproof vest dont protect you from a nuke either..
all you rule breakers are going to khack yourselves :D
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all you rule breakers are going to khack yourselves
Sooner or later my life will stop and Ill want to have had as much reward for as little as possible risk till that day comes. Which is why I try to minimize risk to get more gain. Driving without my seatbelt gives no gain for low risk, so Ill rather wear the seatbelt as the risk vs reward favours risk.
For solo diving the reward is great and the risk is moderate to low, so Ill keep doing it and blame nobody but myself for my stupidity if darwin decide im kraken-food..
To "khack yourself", the action of killing oneself.
To "khack yourself", the action of killing oneself.

Okay, if you say so but I checked several online dictionaries and all but one came up empty. The Urban Dictionary is the only one that recognized the term and it's definition was totally different - a polite way of calling someone a c**k.
I've heard that to khack yourself is the act of killing yourself in foolish and worthless ways

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