Do you wear your "rings" diving??

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i wear my ring (simple band) all the time, even around barracuda (they are a dime
a dozen here in Northeast Florida). i've never been hurt.

Thank all for the many great replies. Telling my fiance she cannot take her ring with us on our honeymoon may not go over well. I reckon she will insist, being just married and all. The resorts all do have in room safes, however, I have heard some instances of room safes being opened and robbed. Not real common but I would hate to be one of the unfortunate ones. I think that either wearing the rings on a chain around our necks, or putting them into a super ninja secret hidding place may be the best idea. I will have to run the ideas by her.

Thanks again. As always, great advice.
Hi Rook.

I personally don't wear any jewelry but know some women that do. Doesn't seem worth the risk to me but obviously some so.

But, I wanted to let you know what a friend of mine has done. She is very active in sports. Given that she knew the chance of losing her ring was high. Her husband bought her a 2nd 'low profile' wedding ring. The diamonds are inset so nothing is sticking out to catch on anything or be knocked off.

It's an expensive solution but an option nonetheless.

My wife has never worn her ring for fear of losing it and she doesn't want to attract any unwanted attention. On our first OW dive in a Florida spring I wore mine. I can hardly get if off normally but after 40 minutes in 70F water I learned it can slide right off if you brush up against something. Luckily I felt it go and turned quick enough to watch it settle on a rock ledge just a few feet below me. Much better than the 40 feet or so it could have fallen. Needless to say I now lock our rings in a safe or hide them when we dive. Better safe than sorry.
Use the room safes - I haven't heard of them being robbed, not to say that it couldn't happen. It will certainly be more secure than wearing it in open water.

Another thing to consider is ring insurance - we took this out for my wife's engagement ring. It works out around 2% of the insured value per annum (eg $200 a year for a $10k ring). Chubb is one of many insurance companies offering this type of policy.
Why not just get some little cloth or mesh bag, and put the ring in it and in the BC pocket? Or get one of those water tight cases ( ) and throw it in the BC pocket.

However, on my last dive trip, I did see a guy getting his ring from where ever he stored it during the dive, dropped it, three bounces, into the ocean. I guess you can lose it anytime any place.

As far as the room safes, I don't trust them since you don't know how many people at the hotel know how to re-set them, but I do use them and have not had any problems yet.
I don't wear any jewelry when diving - too scared to loose it.
I would not worry about loosing the ring.
The concern is can you continue to dive and do all your other activities with 9 fingers?

A dive buddy of mine hung a ring on a rail when entering the water several years ago. After she noticed the red water around her when the bubbles cleared she went back up on deck and recovered her finger before it rolled overboard. With the aid of 2 EMTs on board she wrapped the finger, stored it in the ice chest, and had it reattached. After 2 years of repeated surgery and PT she now has a permanently curved finger with little feeling, and has stopped wearing rings at all, anytime. Randi has the respect of all who know or have dived with her for her deportment during this incident and several other "push" situations. I'm always happy to have her on the boat.

I wore my wedding ring for the last half of the wedding ceremony and both receptions. (long story) Other than that it has stayed in the dresser for the last 31 years. I work around way too much moving heavy machinery to be habitually wearing a ring.

If you HAVE to wear a ring on a boat or ship, tape it down with a bandage or adhesive tape to keep things from grabbing it!

I would not worry about loosing the ring.
The concern is can you continue to dive and do all your other activities with 9 fingers?

A dive buddy of mine hung a ring on a rail when entering the water several years ago.


Yea, ring avulsions are nasty. The guy I know lost his ring finger ‘swinging’ out of a WW II bomber hatch.

I wear my wedding band every day, but since I’ve worked in electronics for years, I’ve gotten in the habit of removing my ring and watch. I run the watch band through the ring, fasten the watch band, and put them into my pocket. I started using my watch band after I lost a ring that I had put in my pocket. Turns out that my pocket had a hole in it.

Several people have suggested putting your ring in something and putting it in your BC pocket. I’d further suggest actually fastening the container (mesh bag, box) to your BC. Even though my ring is replaceable, it’s the sentimental value...

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