Does any one know the famous diving place in the world?

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NWGratefulDiver sure lists some excellent choices.

As for a Top 10 list, these will often be very subjective. Some love big critters, others love macro. I enjoy diving sites with largely intact native ecosystems, but also can get a lot out of diving destinations where there has been seriously ecological damage due to natural events, introduced species, etc. I like to try to figure out what is happening in the well functioning destinations and what is going wrong in the disturbed ones.
Surely Darwin's arch is no1 that's got to be on every divers bucket list??
Have you dived it bill??
If so tell me more

Any list that does not have Galapagos on it is really not one I would take seriously.
I'm not claiming these are the top. And 'famous' could mean recognized by the general public, or it could mean highly esteemed by well-traveled divers. So, depending on whether you want a great dive or a cocktail party conversation piece, the answer could differ. With 'famous' in mind, I'll mention:

1.) St. Lucia, Superman's Flight. A drift dive near where part of the Superman 2 movie was shot.

2.) British Virgin Island, the wreck of the Rhone. Used in filming an old movie, The Deep.

3.) The Bahamas - popular for shark diving, but the islands themselves are amongst the greatest name recognition amongst Caribbean islands. Best done by live-aboard; the AquaCat is very popular for diving the Bahamas.

4.) Galapagos - well, because it's the Galapagos. Plus live-aboard diving hitting Wolf & Darwin is very popular. Also very expensive and not a warm water aquarium-like conditions destination, so from what I'm told, more for seasoned divers. Probably more seasoned than I am yet.

5.) Komodo. Hey, it's near an island inhabited by the legendary Komodo dragon, and if you do it by live-aboard and they do a land excursion to see them wild, you have have a conversation piece.

6.) Guadelupe, Mexico - where people dive near the U.S. in cages to view great white sharks close at hand. Not cheap, but a bucket list wonder that will give you a story to share.

7.) Cozumel - great overall budget dive trip locale with excellent viz., warm water, varied topography, seems to be one of the very top Caribbean destinations.

8.) Bonaire - famous amongst divers for shore diving when, where & how you want. Do-it-yourself diving with no boat or guide, warm, fine viz., aquarium-like conditions, easy navigation, very nice!

9.) Saba - underwater pinnacles. Lush, mountainous island from what I understand.

10.) Australia, Great Barrier Reef. Now that has some name recognition. The kind of place lay people might ask if you've dove. I've never been. I notice people often mention Mike Ball's live-aboard, so it I were looking that way, I'd see what his outfit offers.

For other locations famous with divers, there's some night dive out of Hawaii with mantas at a cleaning station & the Bahamas has Tiger Beach for diving with tiger sharks (& others).

Now, for a new diver wanting to build some experience, I might recommend (some places I've been, some I've researched), roughly in order:

1.) Key Largo, Florida, diving with Rainbow Reef Dive Center, 4 dives/day, guided, like I did (trip report). In summer, shallow warm water reef diving with good viz. Option (if you have AOW) for deep wrecks.

2.) Cozumel, Mexico. Consider a stay at Hotel Cozumel and dive with Living Underwater, or stay at Aldora Villas and dive with Aldora (both op.s have 120 cf tanks). There are a number of very reputable dive op.s in Cozumel, and good places to stay. If you don't need big tanks, and want a shore dive, there's Scuba Club Cozumel (very close to Hotel Cozumel).

3.) Bonaire - Buddy Dive Resort. Get you 20+ shore dives. Got with a group your 1st trip, to learn your way around the island.

4.) Jupiter, Florida - either Jupiter Dive Center or Captain Sl8r. Drift diving, rather deep, and hit the lemon shark migration or the goliath grouper aggregation (my trip report from the latter).

5.) Bahama via AquaCat live-aboard (I want to do this!!!).

6.) Morehead, North Carolina, with Olympus Dive Center. Another trip I hope to do. Can be long boat rides out, and this is the Atlantic, not the Caribbean, wreck diving not reef, but for me the big draw is potentially diving with large numbers of sand tiger sharks.

7.) Roatan, one of the Bay Islands off Honduras, and while there are a number of reputable dive op.s, the hard-core dive op. to beat seems to be CocoView, and that's who I'd like to dive with. Anthony's Key if I had non-divers to amuse. I hope to hit Roatan someday.

8.) Philippines - a huge area, said to be faster to reach (maybe cheaper?) from the U.S. than some Indonesian sites, and yet offers Pacific tropical diving that I've seen getting a stronger and stronger following on the forum. ScubaBoard's 2016 Philippines Invasion Thread. I hope to go someday.

9.) Raja Ampat via live-aboard - because so many people seem to love it so much. Maybe someday as a bucket list item for me.

10.) California - whether boat diving or shore diving, it would be educational. Cold water, option to see kelp and sea lions, knowing great whites roam the waters, viz. not up there with Cozumel generally, and yet from what I understand a lot of boats don't put a dive guide in the water.

If I screwed up the facts on any destination, I imagine someone will point it out & correct it.

I have an old thread asking peoples' views on distinctive dive destinations in Florida & the Caribbean that's got info. on a number of sites; check it out!

Top places I have been:

1. Brothers Islands, Red Sea
2. Browning Pass, British Columbia
3. Raja Ampat, Indonesia
4. Komodo, Indonesia
5. Lembeh Straits, Indonesia
6. Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
7. Channel Islands, California
8. Barkley Sound, British Columbia
9. Tulum, Mexico
10. Maui, Hawaii

Top Ten places I want to go before I hang up my fins ...

1. Antarctica
2. Galapagos
3. Fiji (May, 2015)
4. Philippines (June, 2016)
5. Soccoros
6. Papua/New Guinea
7. Dadaelus/Elphinstone, Red Sea
8. Isla Mujeres, MX
9. Cocos Islands, Costa Rica
10. Palau

Please explain to me, why with your existing resume and otherwise, excellent wish list, you have Isla Mujueres on this post?
Top places I have dived (no particular order);

1. Sipadan, Malaysia
2. Lembeh Straits, Indonesia
3. Red Sea, Saudi Arabian coastline (many dive sites)
4. Bunaken, Sulawesi, Indonesia
5. Aliwal Shoals, South Africa
6. Damaniyat Islands, Oman
7. Anilao, Philippines
8. Puerto Galera, Philippines
9. Musandam, Oman
10 Vadoo Island, Maldives

Top places on my bucket list (no particular order);

1. Galapagos Is, Ecuador
2. Truk Lagoon, Micronesia
3. HMS Hermes, Sri Lanka
4. Scapa Flow, Scotland
5. Raja Ampat, Indonesia
6. Cocos Islands, Costa Rica
7. Ningaloo, West Australia
8. Subic Bay, Philippines
9. Palau, Micronesia
10 South Leyte, Philippines

Plus quite a few more, but to be honest, financially and a lot of time off 1, 2, 6 and 9 are limited to dreams, 3, 4, 8 and 10 very doable for me and 5 and 7 will require not just the finances but the time off work to be doable.
To OP, Tina Zhang:

What part of the world are you located in? What's 'famous' varies with location, and what's affordable and practical to reach does, too.

For example, most of my diving has been in Bonaire, and all my salt water diving in Florida or the Caribbean. Of the famous places I've listed for you, whether with the public or divers, there are some I'll probably never make it to, either because of cost or travel time. And people often claim diving in Indonesia is much better than the Caribbean (particularly in terms of diversity), so if you started out in the former, a big trip to the latter might not be all you hope.

So it may be helpful to find out where you are located.

My top 10, not in any particular order:

Indonesia (esp Northern Sulawesi, Bali stretching to Alor, and Maluku/West Papua)
Philippines (esp Anilao, Dumaguete, Sogod Bay, Malapascua)
Sipadan/Mabul, Malaysia
Papua New Guinea (esp Milne Bay)
Australia (esp Yongala and outer GBR on East Coast, Ningaloo on West, pier/jetty dives in South)

near misses..Red Sea, South Africa
Please explain to me, why with your existing resume and otherwise, excellent wish list, you have Isla Mujueres on this post?

... because in all the diving I've done up to this point I've seen exactly two whale sharks ... and I want to see more. Isla Mujeres is famous for them, and it's a lot more accessible to me than most places that are ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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