Dolphin Slaughter in Japan - Where is Hayden Panettiere?

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yeah...would like to see her crying on "Entertainment Tonight" in her bikini over sharks being decimated. You know that will never happen.
I am not sure whether this discussion is about Hayden Panettiere, whom I have never heard of (sorry I guess I do not watch enough Hollywood movies), or the slaughter of dolphins in Japan.

I cannot make a comment on Ms/Mrs? Panettiere and her bikini but I can express my concern about the fate of the dolphins in Japan. I wish they wouldn’t do it. However it is very easy to label the Japanese people cruel because they allow dolphins to be killed like they were sardines for food. What is the difference between our overfishing and the waste of marine life that goes with it and their killing of dolphins?
What can we non-Hollywood types do about this?

And Panettiere is an actress who is on a TV show called, Heroes. Maybe instead of, "Save the cheerleader, save the world." we should, "Save our oceans, save the world." And I don't think we should rely on celebrities, yet I have to add they are just people like you and me, nothing more, nothing less.
. What is the difference between our overfishing and the waste of marine life that goes with it and their killing of dolphins?

A massive one. Dolphins are intelligent beings capable of empathy. And I am definitely no tree hugger or supporter of Greenpeace.
Rather than bash someone who actually did something - do something! Gabbing away here doesn't do a whole lot of good. Send financial contributions to organizations that work to educate and change. Or, convince people that eating apex, or near apex predators isn't such a good idea. Whale meat gives hair mercuric sheen | The Japan Times Online This is something the Japanese government hasn't been so good at doing.

On another whaling note - there is a fair amount of activity within IWC. Expect some interesting political moves by both pro & anti-whaling nations this year as they wrangle with each other for marginal victories in protection, food and finances. Overall, all of this "bizness" is disgusting financial and pseudo-cultural rubbish from Japan & Norway. Make me want to spit.

Mister X is right. The best thing to do is to contribute to organizations that educate and work to change. Knowledge is the key for people to change their views on this dolphin slaughter issue particularly with the information about the levels of toxins in whale/dolphin meat. When legitimate organizations with the science and knowledge is behind the causes: that is where you have credibility.

Hayden Panettiere is typical of the today’s young Hollywood stars that want the exposure and lifestyle of being on Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, or any of tabloids shows. They can put out a “internet sex tape”, have DUI’s, car accidents, get arrested for assault, and still the public looks up to the these people. The sad thing: if you or I did some of these things…they would throw the book at us. It sure doesn’t derail their acting careers anymore either. I work in the entertainment industry for one of the major studios, and I can tell you for a fact...a lot of the actors and actresses are shallow and superficial. Do these people have any credibility in your eyes for any issues?

I have to give the yound lady credit. She did something that would be very hard
for any of us to do. I believe her intentions were good and what she did - she did
out of love for dolphins. To bear witness to such brutality would have to be heartbreaking.

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