Force Fins VS the world (advice for first pair of fins?)

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I have been diving with force fin pros for approx 16 years and we now own 4 pairs of pros and 3 types of tan delta pairs.
People seem to frequently view ff in the same way they do their fav/nonfav political candidate, strongly passionate about their choice for or against. I admit, I drank the cool aid. I give every diver the recommendation that you find what fits for YOU.

I found normal paddle fins hard on my quads. It did feel like the proverbial 2x4 strapped to my foot, first day in ff, I was in love. Flexibility, maneuverability, ease of kick. If you watch craigslist, you might be able to score a pair for under 100. I only bought 3 pairs from a shop. Rest from watching cl and paid 50-75 per pair. If you buy used, make sure you get the force fin pro (it will say it on the tag) as they are better dive fins/stiffer vs swim training type stiffness. My original pair are still in use monthly and when i sell my tan deltas, I could possibly get 50% or more of my original investment (just waiting for the flying force fin model to be back in production this year).

I am from Seattle and I used the same fins with my dry suit and barefoot (with comfort inserts) in the Caribbean. They fit in my carry-on bag so I can travel with all my core dive gear (make, fins, bp/w, can light, swimsuit, reg, computer) and pack incidentials and clothing in my checked bag. Traditional fins typically won't fit in carry-on (not certain if this is important to you).

You have 2 people who you can try their force fins. Why don't you give it a few tries in the pool and let us know how they feel?
Where is Deputy Dan when you need him?
I will provide numbers right after you provide me numbers that prove that a BPW with an "H" on it provides better performance than a Hog wing with a generic plate or that a Apex Titanium provides better performance for more than .01% of divers than a Mares M12. I will bet that. If you put most divers in a current and let them compare performance, the one item they can tell the difference with is the fins.

The argument of objective testing of fins has been going on since I started diving 47 years ago; the same as an objectively determining the best mask, and most intelligent people agree, there are too many variables to do it. But it is a great argument for trolls who don't want to consider ther might be product that provides better performance.

Just so you know, my wife normally does not dive Force Fins - she found a pair of Free Dive fins that she uses whenever she can (she hates booties).
I did not mention H or titanium. You are the only one here making claims without backing anything up. Besides most of your suggested fun choices like hockey and td are unobtainium, so why bother? Well there is of course a pair of td on fleabay for $2k waiting for someone ......
Free diving fins for Scuba Diving.??? Sounds like a great idea. I like to be compact like a Navy Seal. Small is good, easy to pack, great fins for small spots, like leaving a sub.

Good point. The next time I board a sub, if I am bringing fins, I will make sure to bring something more compact than my freedivers!

None of my fins will fit in a carry-on. FF wouldn't fit, either, since my carry-on bag is pretty full after I put my BP/W, wetsuit, mask, and booties in. But, all my fins, including the freedivers, fit in the gear bag I use as checked luggage. And I can never fill that gear bag that I check because it's so big that filling it would always put me way over the 50# limit. So, fin size doesn't matter at all to me for travel. The only thing that would be helpful is fins that are lighter. I am skeptical that FF are any significant amount lighter than my freediving fins.
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I did not mention H or titanium. You are the only one here making claims without backing anything up. Besides most of your suggested fun choices like hockey and td are unobtainium, so why bother? Well there is of course a pair of td on fleabay for $2k waiting for someone ......

If you had ANY reading comprehension and were not just intent on bashing Force Fins, you would have understood that what I was saying is there is NO TESTING FOR ANY OF THESE COMPONENTS THAT PROVIDES ABSOLUTE RESULTS.

My point in regard to "H' and Titanium is that divers spend lots of extra money on gear that likely will not provide any measurable improvement to their diving but yet they resist trying a more expensive fin that has a much greater probability of increasing their performance/enjoyment.

As far as the the fins on ebay - someone has dreams that they have a collector's item - can't fix stupid if someone wants to pay that type of price when the same fin will be available shortly for a tiny fraction of the cost. I have Hockey Fin #1 - if someone would offer me that type of money - I would gladly sell it to them. :)
Perfect description of what goes on regarding Force Fins

"Do you like Anchovies?"

"No, they're gross"

"Have you ever eaten one"


You hear what you want to hear, and to hell with the facts.

Look how many people here put down Force Fins and yet they have never used them!!!.
I've never driven a McLaren 650S. Does that mean my decision that spending $350K on one is not worth it to me over buying a new Corvette is rubbish?
I've never driven a McLaren 650S. Does that mean my decision that spending $350K on one is not worth it to me over buying a new Corvette is rubbish?
Certainly seems reasonable, as long as you don't make denigrating comments on the performance of the McLaren to justify your purchase choice; otherwise you fit the comment above.

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