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What exactly is "drunk" UP???

I think the legal limit in Mass. is a B/A content of .08...

I know that when i used to drink, it took me about five more beers than some of my buddys to get drunk... Hmmm... that must mean that our physiology is different, and we deal with the effects of alcohol differently. Hmmm... Makes you think about other things as well...
Uncle Pug once bubbled...
...I'm startin' to rethink this:

Maybe if M.A.D.D. used their resources to teach folk how to safely drive while drunk we would have fewer traffic fatalities.

I thought you said DIVE while drunk...but that would be the same as deep diving on air right?

LUBOLD8431 once said...
I know that when i used to drink, it took me about five more beers than some of my buddys to get drunk... Hmmm... that must mean that our physiology is different, and we deal with the effects of alcohol differently. Hmmm... Makes you think about other things as well...

This makes me think of all the drunks stumbling around trying to assure everyone around them that they are "just fine to drive" even though walking seems to be a little beyond their capabilities at the moment.

Lubold if you want to dive deep air...go for it! If you want to do anything harmful to yourself...go for it, just don't encourage others to follow along with your folly. And please be sure to leave a detailed dive plan with someone else when you do it so we know where to start the search.
LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...
IANTD Technical Diver / TDI Extended Range

Two technical dive agencies that teach deep air...


I just noticed in your profile that you work for a dive shop. Your in Natick, so it must be someplace local.

Do you mind if I ask who you work for?

Also, and this is not meant to start a $hit$torm, but when you post...are these meant to be your opinions as just you, or is this something I would hear in your shop as well?

No, these are my opinions... The thing that I am confused about is why would two technical diving agencies have two separate classes for deep air... I dont get it... If its so bad, why do they do it... Naui, and Padi too...

Oh, by the way Matt, if you have been reading my posts you would know where I work...

And Ive also been threatened that some people on this board are going to show up at my work and tell my customers what I think... I can do that myself. (Which by the way, I don't unless they ask me) SO if its going to turn into that, you're better off not even going there... Been there, DOne that one before...

The fact of the matter is, I work for one of the only TRIMIX filling stations in Mass. I fully intend on taking a Trimix class in the future. Just after Extended Range.
LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

And Ive also been threatened that some people on this board are going to show up at my work and tell my customers what I think... I can do that myself. (Which by the way, I don't unless they ask me) SO if its going to turn into that, you're better off not even going there... Been there, DOne that one before...

I wouldn't presume to tell people that you think... Oops, what you think. You've simply convinced me to spread the gospel according to Chuck. In fact, I wanna be like you. Can you tell me what kind of clothes you wear, your favorite foods and the kind of music you like? Maybe you could PM me each morning so that we could dress alike each day.

However, I could never tell people about deep air diving the way that you do. I'm sure that I could never approach your stellar radiance. My poor skills would fail in comparison to your brilliant "nothings happened yet" and "its in a training manual, so it must be safe" style of advocacy. So don't worry. Instead, I'll rely upon the silent legions to support you (you'll find their names in "The Last Dive" and "Deep Descent").

I'm sure that I'm not the only only one who feels this way about you. You should advertise your personal disregard for safety as widely as possible.

Nothing I could do would approach your skill level in spreading your message. Such an advertisement will surely appeal to the coveted "I've got more b*lls than brains" market segment. I'm confident that your business would skyrocket as people flocked to you so that they too can "be like Chuck." You'd probably see full cylinders of helium abandoned on the highways near your shop.

All the rhetoric is somewhat beside the point. Why would you be worried if someone else were to hear of your dive practices. Is it possible that advocating these practices might violate one of your training agencies standards?

Note that, at least as far as TDI is concerned, Extended Range is not a prerequisite for mix. Any thoughts as to why?
LUBOLD8431 once bubbled...

Oh, by the way Matt, if you have been reading my posts you would know where I work...

Truth be told, I haven't been / don't really read your posts so I really have no idea.

No big don't work at my LDS so it really doesn't make a difference to me. More of a curiosity than anything else.

Thanks anyway. Consider the question retracted.

Note that, at least as far as TDI is concerned, Extended Range is not a prerequisite for mix. Any thoughts as to why?
...when my group evaluated mix classes. We wanted no part of deep air, so we looked for an instructor that was squared away, very experienced in the types of diving we do, and was convenient and willing to work with our varied schedules.
O-ring once bubbled...

...when my group evaluated mix classes. We wanted no part of deep air, so we looked for an instructor that was squared away, very experienced in the types of diving we do, and was convenient and willing to work with our varied schedules.

That's the way I used to think before I learned about DIC (Doing It Chuck). When you dive DIC, safety considerations go out the door. If its in print, its DIC.

Chuck is the ultimate DIC. I'll be taking his classes as soon as I buy DIC gear (I hear East Coast Divers is full of DIC divers, and I bet that they can tell me how to be a DIC diver too).

I sure regret all the money I spent learning to dive DIR. Now I hang my head in shame and say that I coulda, shoulda, woulda been a DIC.;-0
Dude, why dont you go find someone else to pick on.
First of all, thats your personal opinion that deep air is unsafe.
It also happens to be GUE's.

I am not unsafe. I actually have alot of people that come into the store everyday, or call, (especially during the season) that ask for my advice. I dont want you to be like me, you seem bitter, and I think you might be actually telling people untrue statements about me and my diving practices. In reality, we have a difference of opinion in regards to deep air. LETS LEAVE IT AT THAT!!! I dont think i am reckless, you do, however. We have a difference of opinion, LETS LEAVE IT AT THAT!!!

I actually teach people to be safe divers. I dont want any of my students or customers to be injured. I am taking additional training to be a better diver, and a better instructor. I dont know everything, and I will happily admit that.

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