Gulf Coast Oil Spill

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It is now June 1st with little or no sucess, this will cause problems for a long time. I am presently hauling sand to natural gas wells in Pa. and if the attiude of these people is any indication they would just walk away and not think about it. money is all they seem to understand. Again this is just my observation and that may be jaded.
Jezus!!!! Just watch "Who Killed The Electric Car"

The technology "IS" available we as a society are just too complacent to care because all most of us care about is sitting our fat arses on the couch and watching the newest "Lost" episodes. It is time to wake the hell up and demand more from our governing bodies and leaders! I suspect nothing will change until it is too late......Money and power rules all..... Sad but true.

It is truly sad that our government is in bed with BP. It is even worse that it took a disaster like this to recognize that fact. It is also disgusting to think BP would be so irresponsible. Someone should go to prison for the murder of the 11 who perished. BP should be held to their promise of paying to clean up the mess they have made. They should also be held accountable for not only the jobs lost for those making their living off of the gulf waters but for the oil industry workers that are going to lose their way of making a living since they f'd it up for everybody. Thousands of people will lose their ability to provide for their families because BP didn't follow the rules and allowed this to happen. I cannot blame the MMS alone for this disaster, BP is the one that did it. The MMS should have done their job and stopped BP from making these errors but, BP did it.

Our government is inept, we have no leaders, we have cluelss politicians who think they are the answer to everything and actually know nothing, and care only about being re-elected. Until that changes, nothing else will. So, where are the pictures of your electric car?
Anything with Rachel Maddow's name attached is suspect for me. She's a leftist liberal who can't even see the center from her left-most-perch.

Did you see the video? You can watch it an ignore what she says, the parallels are uncanny. And really, does her being leftist change what HAS happened and what IS happening? If she was right wing would it make it more believable that oil is spilling in the gulf? Regardless, her point isn't political (although for some reason the health of the environment made out to be political) it is merely that we have completely failed to learn from previous mistakes and have put profit and payoffs above what a majority of people value: health of ourselves and the earth. Maybe you missed the news that the agency responsible for assuring they were following regulations and working within the confines of acceptable drilling practices is corrupt as all hell. Or maybe that's just left wing propaganda too.
Anything with Rachel Maddow's name attached is suspect for me. She's a leftist liberal who can't even see the center from her left-most-perch.

I too find that anything with Rachel Maddow's name attached is suspect. But it is worth a watch anyway. While I find her reporting generally to be left wing propaganada, the report is sobering.
. So:
I wish I had a picture of "my electric car". Unfortunately that technology is locked by a patent and hidden away from society so big industries can continue to rape the planet and society for the sake of profit.......
I am 100 miles as the crow flies from the spill.
Drilling off the Louisiana coast has been going on since 1949, there are over 4000 offshore wells off the Louisiana, Texas and Alabama coast.The rig structures are a vast area of artificial reefs that has brought vast amounts of sea life to these waters that normally would not exist because the the Gulf bottom here is a vast desert with no natural bottom structure. In short without the oil rigs there would be absolutely no diving and less fishing in this area.
In the 61 years of drilling this is the first event of this magnitude. I am concerned about it but as the slogan goes **** happens and we will deal with it.
I worked 33 years in the petrochemical industry and have insight into how difficult the situation is to deal with. I getting really tired of all the uninformed and ignorant screaming about get it stopped now.
Do you not think BP would not stop it now if they could, is it doing them any good to let it leak.
People cry about the government not doing anything, well the government is not in the oil business and doesn't have the equipment or expertize to do anything, the oil industry does just as related to diving, the government knows nothing about designing tanks and just uses the Compressed Gas Association engineering standards and makes them DOT regulations for tanks. The same happens in the oil industry.

The media and the government will not be honest with the people and tell them the truth about how dependent we are on oil, not just to power our vehicles and heat and cool our homes but that just about everything we touch in our daily lives has one or more components in it that come from oil. What do you want to give up.

Right now only 8% of the country's energy needs comes from alternative energy, of that 8% most is hydro electric and the rest being wind, solar and nuclear. The truth is we are probably 50 years away from from any viable nation wide alternative energy but the media and the greens will have you believe that it can be done tomorrow if only there was a will to do it or some mysterious unknown group wasn't keeping it from happening. For all anyone knows the next energy source that will replace oil may not yet be invented. In the mean time we will have to accept the risk that exploring for oil brings and learn from the failures.

The 6 month moratorium on offshore drill which includes deep water wells already in progress, about 18 right now in the gulf, could cost LA, TX and ALA 20,000 to 30,000 oil industry associated jobs. Rigs that cost $500,000 a day to operate will not sit idle while Obama dithers what to do. All the oil companies will do is move their rigs to other countries and the jobs may go with them never come back for years. World wide right now the demand for deep water drilling rigs exceeds the number of rigs now available. Brazil is crying for more deep water rigs and they are supposed to be the model for ethanol use in cars, why do they want to drill. Maybe they see the ignorance in this country and want to hold us hostage to oil just as the middle east has.
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Hey Captain, I agree. If it was easy to fix, they would have done it already. Obama and the government do not have the expertise to shut it down, but the oil companies do. I'll bet a hundred bucks some of the best minds in the biz are loosing quite a bit of sleep trying to come up with solutions on how to effectively shut this oil leak down.

Granted, it's a horrible mess and no doubt more could be done to clean it up, but shutting it down is in the hands of the oil companies and I really believe they are doing the best they can at the moment.
I'm probably wrong, being a complete layman on the "fix it" and "clean up" methods. But I can't help wonder why Obama didn't, in the first week of the disaster, send a whole whack of U.S. military (Navy ships?) to at least help clean up what they could. I gather only the oil industry can actually stop the leak, but there is an awful lot of money, power and brains in the military, NASA, etc. Obama is finally getting some flack over whatever he has done or not done after a month. "W" was blasted 2 days after Katrina, and I do recall someone said there was a category 5 hurricane headed toward a city with category 3 proof levies (which, I believe were re-built to catregory 3).
I am 100 miles as the crow flies from the spill.
Drilling off the Louisiana coast has been going on since 1949, there are over 4000 offshore wells off the Louisiana, Texas and Alabama coast.The rig structures are a vast area of artificial reefs that has brought vast amounts of sea life to these waters that normally would not exist because the the Gulf bottom here is a vast desert with no natural bottom structure. In short without the oil rigs there would be absolutely no diving and less fishing in this area.
In the 61 years of drilling this is the first event of this magnitude. I am concerned about it but as the slogan goes **** happens and we will deal with it.
I worked 33 years in the petrochemical industry and have insight into how difficult the situation is to deal with. I getting really tired of all the uninformed and ignorant screaming about get it stopped now.
Do you not think BP would not stop it now if they could, is it doing them any good to let it leak.
People cry about the government not doing anything, well the government is not in the oil business and doesn't have the equipment or expertize to do anything, the oil industry does just as related to diving, the government knows nothing about designing tanks and just uses the Compressed Gas Association engineering standards and makes them DOT regulations for tanks. The same happens in the oil industry.

The media and the government will not be honest with the people and tell them the truth about how dependent we are on oil, not just to power our vehicles and heat and cool our homes but that just about everything we touch in our daily lives has one or more components in it that come from oil. What do you want to give up.

Right now only 8% of the country's energy needs comes from alternative energy, of that 8% most is hydro electric and the rest being wind, solar and nuclear. The truth is we are probably 50 years away from from any viable nation wide alternative energy but the media and the greens will have you believe that it can be done tomorrow if only there was a will to do it or some mysterious unknown group wasn't keeping it from happening. For all anyone knows the next energy source that will replace oil may not yet be invented. In the mean time we will have to accept the risk that exploring for oil brings and learn from the failures.

The 6 month moratorium on offshore drill which includes deep water wells already in progress, about 18 right now in the gulf, could cost LA, TX and ALA 20,000 to 30,000 oil industry associated jobs. Rigs that cost $500,000 a day to operate will not sit idle while Obama dithers what to do. All the oil companies will do is move their rigs to other countries and the jobs may go with them never come back for years. World wide right now the demand for deep water drilling rigs exceeds the number of rigs now available. Brazil is crying for more deep water rigs and they are supposed to be the model for ethanol use in cars, why do they want to drill. Maybe they see the ignorance in this country and want to hold us hostage to oil just as the middle east has.

Well said. Here is another kicker for ya. Electric cars?. Where do you suppose the electricity for these cars is to come from? Right now, Coal, Oil and Natural Gas. The same people screaming to stop drilling in the Gulf are the ones that were screaming about Three Mile Island. They successfully shut down building Nuclear power plants.

I do not mean to say anything that the current mess in the Gulf is ok. It isn't. It can be done safely, it just wasn't done properly in this case. Mistakes were made that carry enormous consequences. But to completely shut down offshore drilling would be a big mistake for the USA IMO. Our government will spread this investigation out and will take every photo op possible to make themselves look like they are doing something when in fact they can do nothing. Obama being in charge of this is a joke. They are lawyers not engineers. BP wants this to end. They are seeking help from all over the world. I despise BP for what it has done, but Obama aint gonna get the well killed, BP is. Obama and Salazar are just pandoring to the public.

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