Help End Cruel Shark Tournaments

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Then, of course, there's always this gem...

Until 1995 HSUS also controlled the Humane Society of Canada (HSC), which Irwin had founded four years earlier. But Irwin, who claimed to live in Canada when he set up HSC, turned out to be ineligible to run a Canadian charity (He actually lived in Maryland). Irwin’s Canadian passport was ultimately revoked and he was replaced as HSC’s executive director.

The new leader later hauled HSUS into court to answer charges that Irwin had transferred over $1 million to HSUS from the Canadian group. HSUS claimed it was to pay for HSC’s fundraising, but didn’t provide the group with the required documentation to back up the expenses. In January 1997 a Canadian judge ordered HSUS to return the money, writing: “I cannot imagine a more glaring conflict of interest or a more egregious breach of fiduciary duty. It demonstrates an overweening arrogance of a type seldom seen.”
Fine opinions and facts are what our members need to make an intelligent decision
So....presenting both sides....fine....

But you put the link in your post and referred to it at "the Humane society". If you wanted to simply put their side of the story out there, you would have referred to them as HSUS or The Humane Society of the United States, so as to avoid any confusion. But that wasn't your approach, even after this organization's approach and tactics were discussed in great detail earlier in this thread as well as in an earlier thread referenced in one of the posts.

But no, you weren't trying to be deceptive. :rolleyes:
Pronunciation: (")dis-'kre-d&t
Function: transitive verb
2 : to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of <a discredited theory>
Thats your opinion and it is really not worth going back and forth. The link is there for all to see and make up there own minds.
Bye till we post again
Umm....they scammed a Canadian Humane Society and a Canadian judge said it was one of the most egregious examples of breaches of fiduciary duty he had ever seen. That's not my opinion.

It is well documented by observers that they hide financial transactions within their for-profit subsidiaries to avoid the need to disclose what their income and expenses are. That is not my opinion.

HSUS sucks. Now that.....that is my opinion. :D
Finning and dredge netting - those are among the most serious issues that must be taken on for the sake of shark conservation. But HSUS is protesting a tourney that is endorsed by Woods Hole and used to gather samples for their research. Why? Because it is harder for them to get their names in the press if they are talking about finning or commercial fishing. This tourney is an easy target for them. Problem is, it is also a misguided. But I guess it is fitting that a misguided organization would take on a misguided target. :rollevley

Exactly! Commercial practices are decimating shark populations not sportfishing tournaments. Groups like HSUS and PETA are more interested in individual animal rights rather than species preservation or conservation. While HSUS and PETA are busy protesting hunters and fishermen, those same people they are protesting put their money and energy into species protection. I've worked with sportsmens groups and they have a lot more knowledge and appreciation for the animals than the protestors do.
Groups like HSUS and PETA are more interested in individual animal rights rather than species preservation or conservation. While HSUS and PETA are busy protesting hunters and fishermen, those same people they are protesting put their money and energy into species protection.

This is an area thats interesting me a bit at the moment. Conservationists and animal rights groups tend to get lumped together in a sort of bunny-hugging supergroup collective by the media. More frequently these two positions are starting to become opposing ones due to problems with, for example, invasive species. What to do, for example, with all the rabbits and cane toads in australia? Conservationists (and I consider myself one) could benefit a lot I think from perhaps assessing their traditional "allies" in the media's eyes and who they should really be siding with in these debates. I'm not an audubon member but there's a great article on this area by Ted Williams somewhere on their website.
Unfortunately, conservationists and animal rights groups do get grouped together by the media. What the media seems to miss is that the groups they should be lumping together are animal rights groups and environmentalists. Conservationists and hunters/firshermen are generally in the same group, and generally would not want to be caught dead in the same room with environmentalists.

tank, you are right on here. Animal rights groups and environmentalists are going to protect the sharks to death. These are folks that I wouldn't be surprised to see start a campaign to save the rabbits, then target coyotes, wolves and cougars as the threat. Great. Now we have an overpopulation of rabbits and a bunch of starving coyotes, wolves and cougors. Briliant.

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