Housing Size Comparison - Ikelike Compact vs. Seatool DSLR (XTi or 400D)

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So far no one has yet to challenge f3nikon on his assertion that an underwater camera must be within a foot of the subject. Was this post overlooked? Or are members becoming tired of the act?

Or maybe it’s helping to produce BETTER U/W Images!

Because shooting at very close distances is the Golden Rule in U/W photography! To cut down on the backscatter!

We always hear about shooting very close to your subject, that’s fine but how close? There had always been a bit of confusion on what is close? Is shooting from 10ft down to 5ft close enough? Why are my pictures still blue when I am using a flash?

That is the reason I mentioned one foot… to emphasize, the distance one has to be from the subject to get a decent image in this abnormal form of Photography!

The problem with this FACT of U/W Photography is that it is a “Technique” that is given away for free!!

And that narrow-minded forum is not in the market to sell you a “Technique” they are in the market to sell you an over priced STROBE!!!

That is capable of flash power beyond 3 feet or more, even though the low cost strobes can easily overexpose an image at even 3 feet depending on the aperture opening...there is no money in a low cost strobe!

This is another reason why that narrow-minded forum is against controlling the flash manually as in adjusting the aperture...which is another no money “Technique”.

Do an experiment, go to that narrow-minded forum and ask them about which P&S should I get or which low cost strobe will work for U/W use…and see how fast you will be ignored!
You know... if a P&S is 1000% less than a DSLR.. technically, they are paying you to use it. Actually, they are paying you a LOT to use it, so much so, that I could buy a DSLR setup with the money they give me to use the P&S...

Do an experiment, go to that narrow-minded forum and ask them about which P&S should I get or which low cost strobe will work for U/W use…and see how fast you will be ignored!

I have seen a few of these threads, and usually I see lots of helpful information suggesting good cameras for a tight budget (you have contributed to these too).

As for strobes, there is also a good mix of people suggesting cheap strobes, whilst others suggest the possibility of saving a little longer for a better setup that is potentially more capable.

Whilst I think getting behind the budget setups as a way to get great images on a budget is a worthy cause, some of us want the extra "50%" that a 500% price increase can bring.

Some of us don't have the same financial restrictions as others, and final image quality is what counts.

Whilst I am one of the many who thinks Eds images are just phenomenal, I still think, personally, that similar shots by those with DSLR's (who can use them-and yes, this is a very important point) are still sharper, crisper and more detailed. Oh, and they aren't effected by the various types of distortion mentioned earlier.

Back to the original topic, I find this thread quite valuable in terms of helping me with any potential future DSLR housing purchase. I'll be buying a dslr soon, but will be sticking to the P&S for underwater for now, as I feel I have lots more to learn in terms of actual photography before I will benefit from a DSLR underwater.

The photos of the housing really do help with the prospect of which housing one would buy, I feel...

Or are members becoming tired of the act?

Quite tired. f3 continues to call people narrow minded when he is the only one not open to other opinions.

He writes "That is capable of flash power beyond 3 feet or more, even though the low cost strobes can easily overexpose an image at even 3 feet depending on the aperture opening...there is no money in a low cost strobe!

This is another reason why that narrow-minded forum is against controlling the flash manually as in adjusting the aperture...which is another no money “Technique”.

Do an experiment, go to that narrow-minded forum and ask them about which P&S should I get or which low cost strobe will work for U/W use…and see how fast you will be ignored!"

The fact is I have used and suggested a low cost strobe on many occasions, as have others. I'd venture to guess most people on this forum are using P&S cameras. There are many threads praising P&S cameras on this forum so I don't think we're all sheep. My first paid UW gig was using a P&S with a low cost strobe. Despite this, I upgraded because, one, it's difficult to sell a story to a magazine when they're concerned the files won't hold up, two, the flexibility of my DSLR and dual strobes allows greater control of my image making ability, and three, the quality is so much better that selling the photos is easier.

Now, not everyone is selling their images. But if someone can afford to sink 20K into an UW system why should you care? It doesn't make them sheep. Live and let live. I'm not going to try to talk you into or out of a system. But if you ask a question I'll give you an honest answer, as will most here. We can't help it if you don't like the answer, but that doesn't mean it's a wrong answer.

f3 also writes "I do use a film SLR U/W not a DSLR...the only difference is that the “D” stands for “Duped” into buying something that one does not really need…" If you've never used a DSLR how can you say this? Because you read something on the internet? Who are people going to believe, someone who's read something or someone with first hand experience? And how do you know what people need and don't need? Can you really tell me I don't need to be shooting digital?

The "D" really should stand for I can't believe I'm DUMB enough to get sucked into this again.
Knock Knock Hello! ScubaBoard is NOT the forum I was referring to be narrow-minded its the D.... narrow-minded forum. LOL!

"If you've never used a DSLR how can you say this?"

I have a DSLR I'll take it underwater when the next NBA game plays there!

And you should have printed the entire post not just bits and pieces....

Or maybe it’s helping to produce BETTER U/W Images!

Because shooting at very close distances is the Golden Rule in U/W photography! To cut down on the backscatter!

We always hear about shooting very close to your subject, that’s fine but how close? There had always been a bit of confusion on what is close? Is shooting from 10ft down to 5ft close enough? Why are my pictures still blue when I am using a flash?

That is the reason I mentioned one foot… to emphasize, the distance one has to be from the subject to get a decent image in this abnormal form of Photography!

The problem with this FACT of U/W Photography is that it is a “Technique” that is given away for free!!

And that narrow-minded forum is not in the market to sell you a “Technique” they are in the market to sell you an over priced STROBE!!!

That is capable of flash power beyond 3 feet or more, even though the low cost strobes can easily overexpose an image at even 3 feet depending on the aperture opening...there is no money in a low cost strobe!

This is another reason why that narrow-minded forum is against controlling the flash manually as in adjusting the aperture...which is another no money “Technique”.

Do an experiment, go to that narrow-minded forum and ask them about which P&S should I get or which low cost strobe will work for U/W use…and see how fast you will be ignored!

And if you can make a living selling your pictures...more power to you man!

Fight the force :) Don't get sucked into threads that go in an endless circle!

Most posters want top quality for bargain basement pricing. Or won't accept that a low priced rig cannot deliver what a bit more money invested will......I, too swear I will not be drawn into this! Such is the power of the internet......

I will meet you at the bar instead!!!!! LOL


P.S. - Film is dead, dead, dead!!! I won't discuss it with people anymore other than to tell them they might as well walk out in their front yard and light up the Benjamins for the return on investment.
I know film is dead...how did that get in here? Hey maybe you can direct these good folks to that narrow-minded forum I was talking about? LOL!

Fight the force :) Don't get sucked into threads that go in an endless circle!

Most posters want top quality for bargain basement pricing. Or won't accept that a low priced rig cannot deliver what a bit more money invested will......I, too swear I will not be drawn into this! Such is the power of the internet......

I will meet you at the bar instead!!!!! LOL


P.S. - Film is dead, dead, dead!!! I won't discuss it with people anymore other than to tell them they might as well walk out in their front yard and light up the Benjamins for the return on investment.

Dave, it's a condition I have where I like to continually bang my head against a brick wall. My therapist and I are working on it. :D In the meantime I just hate to see such misinformation being written.
I'm tired of constructive and informative threads like this getting hijacked by the issue of "DSLR vs. P&S".

Thank you Bur Bunny for taking the time to give us a compare and contrast of these housings. Very nice report!
I'm tired of constructive and informative threads like this getting hijacked by the issue of "DSLR vs. P&S".

Thank you Bur Bunny for taking the time to give us a compare and contrast of these housings. Very nice report!

Actually it was more about a metal housing vs. a plastic one then it became a DSLR vs. a P&S…when the Original Poster started showing samples of a DSLR vs. a P&S images!!! The OP “ hi jacked” her own Thread!!!

But keep laying it on thick!!! Can we say hook, line and sinker!!! :rofl3:
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