"I would have gotten the job -- if I were a woman."

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Dave, I can't help but notice you sound more than a little bitter.

When I have been discriminated against based upon my race and gender, imagine if someone said to another person discriminated against based upon her race-Rosa Parks, where all she lost was a front seat; "I can't help Ms. Parks but notice you sound more then a little bitter".

I actually have great fun writing these posts and pointing out inequity when it is appropo, regardless of which gender experiences the inequity. It makes for stimulating banter. Besides, ad hominems are the primary tactic used to protect female privilege by attempting to silence anyone who would evidence such. I never get personal, and I take the advice of Ronald Reagan who said; "You can disagree without being disagreeable".

I am reminded of Shannon Faulkner, the women who forced herself upon the male cadets at the Citadel, demanding equality, then demanding special accomodations, special uniform and grooming standards, etc. She was a loser who dropped out quite quick, and good riddance. Contrast that with some women cadets who were also at the Citadel shortly thereafter not for gender reasons, but for opportunities..which I am sure included the guys in uniform, lol. These women got haircuts just like the men, because they said they wanted no different treatment or grooming standards. They won the respect of their fellow male cadets because these women wanted to be judged by their abilities, not their gender. What did the Citadel do? They reprimanded the female cadets. Go figure....

I also am aware of a female sports reporter who sued in court for access into male pro sports locker rooms, claiming she was being discriminated against by virtue of her gender and denied access. She won. If a male sued his way into a female bastion, he would be called a "lurker", an "intruder" and a "pervert". When a woman does that, she is called a "hero" and a "civil rights pioneer", which is what happened to Shannon Faulkner.

So sorry, I find this all too entertaining to be bitter about it.

unless you just like bantering with yourself shouldn't you respond to any of the points the other posters make?

also...snicker...doesn't continually focusing on the negative side of life get a little tiresome? Geez dude... the sunshine shall come out tommorrow if you let it LOL

I have seen secveral instances of hte same including one of the first sexual harrasment cases in san diego and how it had to be treated because of its political nature. the case was, as discovered an issue of rejected pregnant woman advances towards a sailor. and how about the tailhook incident with the topless bar keeper who was an officer. nothing said about that or the ucmj violations of conduct unbecoming except for the male officers. or the oceana nas bachlour party rape case that was over the payment for services for the dare i say entertainment. that one was pushed by one of the very admarals that was under investigation for the tailhook incident so show his inicence (in attitude) in his part of tailhook. i was i believe passed up for advancement because i was not the right demography to fit the new quota's system inposed on the selection board.

i have a supervisor that believes that her selection was justified in order to knock down the nepotism wall. at the same time we have a production manager (female) who refused to promote a woman to a senior position because "the crew takes orders better from a man than a woman". actually she selected based on race to insure the persons retirement would be based on a higher top 3 year calculation.

although many of the posts seems to be woman bashing on the surface. i am sure they are not intended to be. for me even if i sound like it i have no intent to do so. i would think that someday women would stand up to those who are screwing things up for them and put them in thier place. those who have unearned power to inplement change do so irresponsibility. most often they hurt the very ones they claim to martyr themselves for. i wouldnot like to be a woman in todays works never knowing what my actual qualification was that got me that job or promo. truth is not politically correct, and no one wants it.

----------unless you just like bantering with yourself shouldn't you respond to any of the points the other posters make?

also...snicker...doesn't continually focusing on the negative side of life get a little tiresome? Geez dude... the sunshine shall come out tommorrow if you let it LOL-----

i thnk dave was commenting on the others comments, just not disputing them. for those who fall on to the line of "thats an isolated incidet" then he and others like my self perhaps are saying it is not an isolated incident, it is a cancer. it is an unfare practice that degrades and even endangers everyone in its path, with very little healing. and if the sun does come up tomarrow, who will the credit for it be given to in ordre to make everyone happy.

oh well back in my box.

First you claim I sound "...more then bitter", then you state I "...dwell on the nagative".

How would you characterize those comments within the framework of yours?

I told you all I found this amusing.....

I think you struck a nerve and all too apropos. *chortle* I also liked the spelling "NAGative". Was the typo intentional? If so, I am cracking up, if not, that was a perfect typo and I am still cracking up.


First you claim I sound "...more then bitter", then you state I "...dwell on the nagative".

How would you characterize those comments within the framework of yours?

I told you all I found this amusing.....

I think you struck a nerve and all too apropos. *chortle* I also liked the spelling "NAGative". Was the typo intentional? If so, I am cracking up, if not, that was a perfect typo and I am still cracking up.


I type these posts extremely quick, THEN go back and attempt some semblence of proofreading......lol.."nagative" was very much a typo.....

Cross dressing pre-op transexual vertically challenged handicapable female hermaphrodites of color encouraged to apply.... It is a plus is if you are bilingual, meaning no English but you speak sign language and any of the click based dialects like Sandawe, Khoikho or Hatsa. Oh, and if you have been raped on the hood of a UFO by a Bigfoot, that is a plus too.

First you claim I sound "...more then bitter", then you state I "...dwell on the nagative".

How would you characterize those comments within the framework of yours?

I told you all I found this amusing.....

Now then...you are correct sir. Calling you negative is just a down right negative thing to do! pardon moi. LOL

GQ baby... no struck nerves here...I had to go to work! Wouldn't want to be a shirker...do a crappy job..upset all these sensitive menfolk...har har!

All you guys get going like a bunch of hens...snicker
Cave Diver:
Unfortunately, in a litiguous society it seems all too easy for some people to scream "discrimination" and be compensated by a court of law.

Have you considered the idea that the pendulum has swung? Who is screaming discrimination now?

Now and for a decade or two. I think "Angry White Men" may have been the headline of a Time or Newsweek cover story back in the early-to mid-nineties.

Hens?? HENS? *shreaks* I've got an outtie, thus, I am a rooster! *Preening feathers*

Now then...you are correct sir. Calling you negative is just a down right negative thing to do! pardon moi. LOL

GQ baby... no struck nerves here...I had to go to work! Wouldn't want to be a shirker...do a crappy job..upset all these sensitive menfolk...har har!

All you guys get going like a bunch of hens...snicker

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