It's Offical, I'm a Divemaster!

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Congrats on graduating from DMC/DIT to DM.

And welcome to the wonderful world of being a dive professional. It's very different on THIS SIDE of the mask! :wink:

Great Job!!!

When is the IDC??

Congrats. Hopefully I'll be there soon...but the physics is already out of the way.
Let he that is greatest among you be your servant... OK, it's a paraphrase, but thats what being a DM is all about. Learn to anticipate any/everything your instructor or charges need. Know it before they do, if you can. I was DMing for an instructor last year when his SPG swivel joint started pouring out bubbles. I tap him on the shoulder and already had my BC off. Not quite understanding why I was offering it to him, I held up the offending guage. We did a gear exchange in front of all of the OW students so he could keep on teaching. It was a good demo for them as well. BTW, I fixed the prob and was back in the pool (with his BC) before teh session was over.
Let he that is greatest among you be your servant... OK, it's a paraphrase, but thats what being a DM is all about. Learn to anticipate any/everything your instructor or charges need. Know it before they do, if you can.

Very good advice!! Impressive story as well, I'm sure the OWSI was pleased. Good training always shows.

I'm hoping you are a PADI DM; it would serve to illustrate the program is not as flawed as some would have us believe. :devious:
but not as tragically as many would assert. The funny thing, is that sometimes those that are really not that critical of an agency are being portrayed as "Anti-this" or "Anti-that". One criticism or point made, and many will take that as an across the board rejection of the agency in question. Even comparing other agencies will give you a bad rep about an agency. I see where each and every agency can improve. Still, I am very happy with the agencies that I see.

But yes, I am a PADI Divemaster, in the middle of taking my NAUI instructor's course. AND, I will also be doing my YMCA Divemaster this year! The difference (as with a OWSI) was in the people teaching the NAUI course and the individual who teaches the PADI ITC here in Orlando. I am being trained by a man who has dove since 1952, and is on the NAUI board of Directors. He is a walking history book of the diving industry, and I have met NO ONE who understands diving physics better than him. His name is Wayne Mitchell, and you can see him featured in this month's Dive Training mag as the instructor for an odd specialty course: "Character Divers". He is the one who figured out how to let Mickey dive without injuring the diver. Try and equalize your ears through a fake head!!! Also joining us is doctor "Bob", an anachronistic instructor Warren, the one and only other manatee impersonator MB, and general Dive God/caver Reggie. These guys are beyond awesome in all of their accomplishments and their dedication to teaching ME the right and safe way to teach students. I have learned so much from each and every one of them after only three days. I thought I knew how to teach before... there is no doubt that I will really know how to do it after they get through playing all of their mind games on me. 9 more days of instruction till I get to start out to master a whole new set of skills.

BTW, sorry about the ramble, but I really do believe its the instructor(s) and NOT the agency that really matters. AND, before I forget, thanks for the complement. The first time I had a swivel blow out on an instructor, we made it to the surface before we exchanged. Methinks though, that instructors neglect their gear a bit much.
Thanks all! Right now most of my Divemastering is assisting with Open Water students. I really enjoy that aspect of it. I'm not sure I want to lead to many boat trips and such. When I'm not with a class I just want to enjoy diving and not have to worry too much about everyone else. I may do it if I know the divers well.

The class was great. You never know how much you actually know and don't know until you start helping others. The DM class also makes me very aware of what I'm doing since I'm setting an example for the students so I think it made me a much better diver. So far it's been very rewarding.


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