Kelvin Grove Officially Off Limits

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Let's all give a big Thank You to Rafe Mair. In think he has effectively re-opened Kelvin Grove for all well behaved divers.

Scott S.
Rafe, I know from reading your stuff that your a big fan of summer runs on dry flies. Should you ever want someone to show you where to drop that Haig-Brown steelhead bee on Tommy Brayshaws river, let me know.
Oh, and thanks. Andrew.
To Rafe Mair and Leftcoast,

Thank you for reinstating faith that there is some sanity that still resides in Lions Bay. I'm sorry you have to deal with such idiotic polititians. We've all had our turn at one time or another.

Rafe, thank you kindly for your generous invitation. And with all respect, we really (legally) don't need it to go diving. That said, I'm sure you'll have endless diving buddies if you ever take up the facinating sport of scuba diving yourself. Comradery, generosity, and critical thinking skills are some of the basic essential compontents that makes a good&safe scuba diver. You have all of those. Until then, please let me (or us) know if there is anything you need with whatever.

Keep the pressure on. Stand your ground. We are in Canada.
"...God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee...."
Thanks very much to Rafe Mair and Leftcoast for giving us an inside perspective and your generous offers. It's nice to know that it really is just a few people raising a stink illogically. It looks like there really are only 5 houses with a view of the parking lot who could be doing all this complaining... it's a shame. A tip of the hat should also go out to IDC and UBC for jumping into the scuffle.

I stopped by Kelvin on my way home from camping this weekend and as expected, the parking lot was COMPLETELY empty, even on this sunny and warm Sunday. So much for having too many visitors for little Lions Bay to handle.

Keep up the great work and keep the pressure on!
I just spoke with Ken, the owner of Lions Bay Marina. I was looking for alternate access to the water and I wanted to see what his stance was on the whole issue.

He's very sympathetic to our cause and would love to help us out. Years ago he even thought about installing changerooms for divers and promoting his boat launch as a dive site. After a few near misses (it IS a marina, afterall) he decided to put a stop to the diving for safety reasons.

He did indicate that during the winter he might be willing to allow people to dive from the marina. However, for now, it's not an option.

Just thought I'd post so people don't individually bug this guy for diving access - for now.
Is anyone planning on making an appropriate presentation to the Lions Bay Council at their next meeting on September 8th (next tues)?
For those who are able to make it, please attend the next Council meeting in Lions Bay. This meeting is open to all public including you and me.

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 at 7pm in Council Chambers. Council Chambers are located at 400 Centre Rd, behind the Village Office, next to the Village Hall.

Be polite, be professional.
For those who are able to make it, please attend the next Council meeting in Lions Bay. This meeting is open to all public including you and me.

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 at 7pm in Council Chambers. Council Chambers are located at 400 Centre Rd, behind the Village Office, next to the Village Hall.

Be polite, be professional.

If y'all need a model to follow, here's what happened when a similar ban was enacted at one of our local dive sites.

The way it?s supposed to work

A synopsis ... signs went in banning diving. They were up before anybody even knew it was being discussed. A group of divers attended the next City Council meeting. There was no protest. They showed up prepared to discuss the issue calmly and professionally. They came with their own presentation of why it was important to them that the dive site remained open. They discussed the benefits to the City of drawing divers to the site.

End result ... not only was the site re-opened, now there's talk of making it a dive park and putting in artificial reefs to attract more marine life.

By all means, go to the meeting. Avoid confrontation. Prepare your arguments. Present them professionally.

You'll get much further by making these people understand that they can work with you to a mutually agreeable solution.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Is anyone planning on making an appropriate presentation to the Lions Bay Council at their next meeting on September 8th (next tues)?

I'm hoping to attend but I'm not much of a public speaker. Do we know if "the issue" has been officially put on the agenda?
Based on the replies I have received from various Lions Bay Council members, I am 99.9% certain that this topic is on the top of the agenda for the Council meeting. Obviously, without being a member of Council myself, I cannot say for sure.

My intention is to only observe the meeting and listen to the discussion(s), but not to do a presentation...myself. I'm not a good public speaker either (especially when I'm passionate about the topic as I am with this one.)

I'm quite confident that the huge influx of critical emails, website posts and media stories will be discussed. I don't feel I will have anything more to add than what has already been said. The ball will be in their court.
My belief is that if at the end of this meeting, Lions Bay Council chooses to dig in their heels and hold onto the unlawful bylaws, then we will have no other option but to take the matter to court. I think we'll have a slam-dunk open and shut case.

Watch where you park your car when you attend the meeting!

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