Knew it would happen eventually

How do you make sure an insta-buddy stays with you?

  • Put him/her in the lead, then stay with 'em

    Votes: 22 22.7%
  • Use a leash

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • Just keep an eye on 'em

    Votes: 60 61.9%
  • Some other method - explained in my post

    Votes: 10 10.3%

  • Total voters

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Hey scubaflier....I'm a NAUI instructor, too. I teach PADI, also. Wait, wait...I teach commercial diving, underwater welding, ride on Great White sharks and if I wasn't so busy could clean up the entire gulf oil spill tomorrow. Oh, I guess I should add a number to make it more believable. Ummm.....Instructor #98765 is a good number. Now, everyone just accept my answers are the best, most educated and you're all just here for my entertainment.

This guy is hopefully just saying the things he is to get a rise out of people. If he truly feels that way, then karma will have it's way with him. :cool2: I say let it die. It's all been said at this point.
You know, I did two dives out in Rosario Straits today -- low viz, and on one dive, significant current. As Peter and I were getting our stuff together, a guy on the boat came over and asked if he could dive with us. We didn't know him from Adam, and further, he's a rebreather diver (that always makes me a little nervous, because I don't understand them all that well and don't feel very confident about being able to aid someone diving one). But we talked over the dive, and how each of us prefers to execute a dive, and agreed that when we go down together, we come up together. We reviewed signals.

We did two dives together, one with some moderate challenges, and got separated twice for a few seconds each time. We all had fun. I would dive with him again, and I'm pretty sure he felt the same way about us.

All it takes is communication and discipline. Our rebreather buddy, who habitually dives solo (and the only reason he WASN'T solo on these dives is that this particular boat does not allow it) agreed to be part of a team, and then dove like a team player.
LMAO I defended the Insta-Buddy and im the bad guy but then sometimes I forget I dive for a living not for a vacation. I like this board its entertaining to say the least. the dive could have went like this and be posted somewhere else by the Insta-buddy
I was on vacation last week and I got stuck with this newbie. The boat cap would not let me go solo and I was tired of baby sitting. the guy was a pretty good diver and i could see he wouldnt hurt himself so I ditched him and enjoyed my last dive of the trip.

Not the right thing to do but he is not here to defend himself. The Op could be right but some of you are only proping up the OP. If the OP was truly concerned that some peril had come to insta-buddy then a search and rescue should have begun way before 20 mins have passed.
The title to the thread is I knew it would happen. I would have found that guy before I let him stay underwater by himself for over 20 mins If i was concerned for his well being.

I have certified over 500 divers and have never lost one yet. I don't teach just anyone I don't have to. If I don't think you'll be a good diver I pass. I get paid to dive so mabey I see it in a different light.

I will continue to dive and i enjoy teaching scuba. if you ever get to dive with one of my students
You can be assured that they will be able to take care of you and themselves.
I don't certify divers that would not be a good dive buddy to my son.

OK, based on your babbling, you seem like an idiot. I hope that is wrong, as you actually are an instructor, but the evidence remains. You brag that you dumped a buddy and then cry out about your outstanding skills as an instructor. Wow:shakehead:

At what point is it OK to call someone a moron on SB and not get that comment removed by the mods? Can you ever call someone a self-centered a$$hole?


Perhaps I should translate for scubaflier:

Ihf yew dohnt tehl yur budee that yu gunnu dich them they miet spend dyve tyme lookin fer your assets. Dohnt be rohd.
YAY!!! Yes you Can!Well done. :yeahbaby:

Hi Scubaflier,

I just want you to know that I'm not a religious man, but before I go to bed tonight I am going to get down on my knees and thank God you are not claiming to be a PADI instructor. DCBC would just never let me live it down!
I know, right?:D

What a joke I come on for entertainment I know that this is a place for wannabes and every time
you confirm my opinion of the clowns that are on here. it is entertaining. I dive and I dont dive with clowns and wannabes.
No you didn't. You came on, acted like a jerk, continued to do it, and now crybaby about it? Please. You apparantly don't dive with anyone. And that's a good thing. I am fine with solo diving. I do it all the time. I NEVER, however, buddy with a diver and then screw them over. You do.

OP, I have buddied with numerous insta buddies-I run boats, it comes with the territory. Sometimes, even with clear pre-dive planning and communication, some are jacka$$es. It doesn't happen often, and if a buddy bails on his/her partner, they are banned from my boats. I have also had many fantastic dives with insta-buddies. Don't sweat it. Be sure that you are always self-sufficient no matter what and then be clear on the dive plan. If it goes south, do the right thing. And then don't dive with them aagain, but don't write off everyone based on the odd jerk out there.....
Wow how could someone get on a boat without a dive buddy and then when given a buddy that apparently could care less about diving with them get on Scuba board and whine about losing that buddy. You want to point out that the Insta-buddy did not adhere to training. what about you where was your responsibility in this dive. what was your plan. plan your dive dive your plan.
PADI, NAUI,SSI TDI,NSS,ect and ect. this is a building block of all agency standards. yet you Whine that the other guy was wrong. Why did you go without a buddy? If no one wants to go with you self examination is in order. If now one had time to go with you your in to much of a hurry. Insta buddys are divers to or they would not be there diving. I got hooked up with a guy from spain on a live aboard that started drinking at noon and still made 3 more dives a day. He is a diver and i am a diver. he is still alive im still alive.

If diving is to much for you and you hve got to have someone hold your hand Quit
no one will think less of you.

WoW....As far as I am concerned the OP did the right thing. The Insta-Buddy was the moron in the sitution. I have heard of and seen numerous people en up on boats where they know they will get buddied up. I am the only person in my circle of friends that dives. Thankfully, my Son recently got his c-card and dives with me fulltime. But if it were not for him, I would have to find a buddy...and that buddy is gonna be a stranger at least in the beginning. Are you saying that the behavior of this "Buddy" was acceptable?

I thnk someone needs to drink a beer, relax, and perhaps check their judgement meters
What a joke I come on for entertainment I know that this is a place for wannabes and every time
you confirm my opinion of the clowns that are on here. it is entertaining. I dive and I dont dive with clowns and wannabes.

Ya know....I have to thank you...You have truly motivated me. Motivated me to follow the suggestions made a few posts back to share with NAUI just what kind of an idiot they have in their ranks. NAUI is a reputable organization, but it only takes one idiot to mess that up.

Thanks, I appreciate the motivation
Hey coldwaterdufus, is it possible scubaflier is the self-centered "insta-buttie" you got STUCK with?
Irishsquid, I wasn't in Florida, unless Scubaflier was on a trip also. But, you never know.

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