LGBTQ Divers?

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DiverBeth, talking about your wife or boyfriend is not advertising your hetrosexual, its just talking about your wife or boyfriend, and i think most heterosexuals think that way . I think you and many others are uncomphortable with your sexual preferance and it makes you uneasy and always thinking about it,even one a dive boat or a dive forum, you just cant let it go, your always trying to change someone's perception of being gay or how they should react to your being gay. Have a great dive next time you get under.

I generally try not to say anything bad about people, but this statement just makes you look like an ignorant bigot. Get some education about the issue before spouting off next time, I implore you.

No one said anything about trying to change people's perceptions. All anyone has said on here is about changing LAWS, not opinions. You obviously have your opinions and they are clearly fixed. This isn't about changing the way you think. You, and people like you, are exactly why, however, the OP posted requesting info about LGBT clubs. We don't give a **** what you think, generally speaking, but we damn well do want to enjoy ourselves without being worried about backlash of any kind because we live different lifestyles than you.

No one is talking about "in your face" make out sessions, or even any PDA of any kind, necessarily. Being able to talk about your partner allows people to be comfortable, though. Being able to brush hair out of your partner's face or hold their hand isn't exactly sexual. If you have a heterosexual relationship, the concept doesn't even cross your mind that you are "in your face" about your sexuality but the fact is you are. Every time you do that it's exactly what you and others are saying is "flaunting" the LGBT sexuality. It's not a problem that you are "flaunting" it because you are part of the majority and the "norm" and most people, of any sense whatsoever, don't give a rat's ass because they are used to it.

You're right, a person's sexuality has no business being a discussion on a dive boat. When that is truly the case, the world will be a much better place. Until then, people on both sides of this issue really do want and need their own separate places occasionally as well as integrated places that are safe.
See that's the problem because you're in the majority you do not understand or evidently care to understand what it's like to be in the shoes of the minority. If I refer to my wife I'm throwing my sexuality into your face, a man refers to his wife and it's just talking about his wife. It shouldn't matter if your significant other is of the same or opposite sex but it does all too often.

And another thing it's an orientation not a preference. I didn't choose who I'm sexually attracted to though I am quite comfortable with it and wouldn't want to change it even if I could.

Beth, you HAVE chosen who you are sexually attracted to, we have all made that choice be it natural or otherwise, in your case i think its an un natural choice and i think the ones that have made the natural choice take great offense that some try to make us think there choice should be accepted other than Queer, and therefore makes them a Bigot.
Be Queer ,gay , trans , i dont give a care really just leave me and the way i feel about it out of it and be who you want to be but dont try and force me to accept it to make you feel better about who you are.
Happy Diving.
Funny, I don't recall ever actually choosing who or what spins my crank. Good for you and your choice ccx that's pretty neat. I'm just kinda naturally attracted to who I'm attracted to. My penis hasn't lied to me yet about that, or waited to see what the cortex thought about it. Since we're being all natrul and all.

I doubt anyone is much worried about changing your mind.

How has this lasted this long in basic scuba?
ccx2 please explain the unnatural part. Homosexuality is fairly common throughout the animal kingdom.
blahblahblah....take great offense that some try to make us think there choice should be accepted other than Queer, and therefore makes them a Bigot.
Yeah, you're pretty close on that definition.
Guess those irish chose to be irish too.....seems pretty silly nowadays that seventy years ago we made similar excuses to treat them as second class citizens. The brilliance of groupthink and fear, I suppose.
ccx2 please explain the unnatural part. Homosexuality is fairly common throughout the animal kingdom.

Not such a great argument though, animals often eat their young, my dogs eats cat poop, etc..... :D:D
Beth, you HAVE chosen who you are sexually attracted to, we have all made that choice be it natural or otherwise, in your case i think its an un natural choice and i think the ones that have made the natural choice take great offense that some try to make us think there choice should be accepted other than Queer, and therefore makes them a Bigot.

You ARE a bigot.

But don 't worry. People aren't nearly as interested in your opinion or feelings as you imagine.

Be Queer ,gay , trans , i dont give a care really just leave me and the way i feel about it out of it....
You entered a thread clearly labeled for what it was, stopped in to spread your astonishing ignorance around, and now you claim "you don 't care" and "all you want is to be left out of it".

Forgive me for being unconvinced.
ccx2 please explain the unnatural part. Homosexuality is fairly common throughout the animal kingdom.

Really ? Ive heard that one thrown out before but ive never seen two male dogs poking one another in a unnatural way as you seem to suggest. Ive never seen two same sex animals of any sort having a go at it, Have you? and if so please explain.
Really ? Ive heard that one thrown out before but ive never seen two male dogs poking one another in a unnatural way as you seem to suggest. Ive never seen two same sex animals of any sort having a go at it, Have you? and if so please explain.

Bonobos, pigmy chimpanzees, have a pretty large repertoire of same sex behavior. Oral, penetrative. MM, FF, etc. Educate yourself a bit and check it out on youtube.

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