Little girls and makeup

Am I an old fuddy duddy?

  • Yes, get with it.

    Votes: 17 14.0%
  • No more than I am.

    Votes: 104 86.0%

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Back to the three year old and the mom's reaction.

If you have strong reactions to *something relatively minor*, my take is you should do a "systems check" and try and decide if you are feeling uneasy or anxious about this person, because often our subconscious picks up on things and then it manifests itself through something specific like this. Sometimes these little acts are signs that should be pondered rather than estinguished.

Tonka, as far as the impurities in make-up...I am not much of a germ-a-phobe to be honest.... I think people should be more worked up about happy meals, myself.

Talk about cancer risks and health risks! I am pretty laid back, just don't be slipping my kids McDonalds at school. For a while, they were giving coupons for fries for books read, etc.

Keep your eye on the ball and the big picture, is what I tell myself daily.

Coupons for Fries is ok to an extent(my kids are getting free pan pizza coupons, they end up in the trash).....Free Trojans's, I'm coming down to the school and talking to Principal, Counselor's, Schoolboard and the local press.
Today's young girls look like they shop at "Hookers R Us" and it's just gone too far. Little girls need to stay little girls as long as possible.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
On a side note. Hermit Crab has a friend who goes to the same church as us. A couple years ago (makes the kids about 8-9) I asked the girls mom why she allows her daughter to wear such short shorts. She replied that not only does her daughter like them, but she has the body for it! (and these are conservative older parents!!)AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!
..... but she has the body for it! (and these are conservative older parents!!)AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!
AAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - the same parents that buys little girls teddy lingerie and the tiny bras you see at target

its not just the makeup..... its the sexualizing of young children

there are enough freakos out there as it is without giving them the excuse of "look at how she is dressed/looks" because YES, the freakos will use that as a justification for their vile acts

as i tell almitychild.. you have a beautiful body and should be proud of your good health but you dont need to show the world how beautiful you are with so much showing :wink:

neoprene burqa works for me!
its not just the makeup..... its the sexualizing of young children


and it's everywhere on the tv, ads, stores, everywhere

and then parents wonder why kids are having sex
Getting off the subject a little bit, however I think it is going where the OP's first reaction to having thier daughters nails painted. It only gets worse as the kids get older.
Hermit Crab is coming of age and I have had to buy her undergarments. You know they actually have PADDED bras for kids???
...and the connection to the OP thread about a 2 year old having makeup applied by daycare workers without parental consent??


Hi AmyJ,

There are many dangers, but this is one that you can minimize.


No offense was intended. It was just an anecdote related to makeup, daughters and the dangers of using cosmetics (to which you actually contributed).

I promise to try and not to upset you again. :shakehead

The human race still has it's hard wire mating sellection process switched on. we know that women at 18 are the best breeding partners, so men are attracted to young girls who look older and women who look younger. and of course women encourge there children to look "prefect" and want to look "perfect" themselves. In the West with our youth centered cuture this process is advancing. ****** one of the big supermarkets (owned by W******) in the uk started selling thong's aimed at 8-9 year olds a year or two ago!
our moral code tells us not to be attacted to children, and older women are attactive but we allow socity to change by watch the news men/women who instead of being old wise sages are now fresh faced girls bearly out of there teens. we watch television and films were the lead female is always under 25 ( or at least looks it). if there is to be a winner of a talent contest the talent they have primarly have is looking young.
It's us that made this mess we just need to take our heads out of the sand to stop it.
power to the (old) people, just don't take us back to far.

ps thats about the most reactionary thing this lefty's said for a while but as someone yet to have kids i worry what sort of world they will live in.
This is by far the most active thread I've ever started! Thanks, all, for the comments.

I wasn't even thinking of the physical dangers of shared makeup. Matter of fact, I remember seeing a TV spot a while back regarding the dangers of using expired cosmetics. How many check the expiration dates?

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