Mask Clearing

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Bournemouth England
I am currently part qualified and will do my qualifying dives in June this year.

I have been looking on the message boards and am glad to see that I am not the only one out there who freaked when doing mask clearing!!

I have a suggestion that may be of some use for anyone who is freaking out like I did. When I was underwater doing all the usual stuff I was fine up until the moment when I had to let the water into my mask. I breathed it up my nose, swallowed it, choked on it and shot to the surface!! My instructor was delightfully patient and understanding but I was determined that I was going to get over that freaking out thing!! However, after two more attempts I still couldn't do it!

I went home really disheartened and decided that the only thing left to do was to put on my mask and shorkel and stick my head in a rectangular bucket filled with warm water. I then simply filled the mask up and yes, I freaked in the bucket too!! I then realised that the reason I couldn't do it was because the water was hitting my eyes and making me 'spasm'. I simply closed my eyes and relaxed waiting for the water to hit my face and did it!!

I then took the mask off completely and was still fine but kept my eyes closed when ever the water entered my mask. With practice it didn't bother me at all.

When I told my instructors they all laughed at me and hoped that I could do it just as well in the pool as my bucket! Guess what, I did and they weren't laughing any more.

So for all those people out there who are in mid mask clearing mode, give it a go cause it worked for me!!!

Enjoy (yeah right!)

I stood in the shower, held the top of my mask open, and practiced breathing through my snorkel with water in my mask until I got it down.
Hi SBanks,

congrats on taking up the most expensive hobby imaginable :)

Once you finish certification, don't forget to continue practicing mask clearing. I occasionally deliberately flood my mask during a dive, just to stay in practice... so if I ever have to do it from necessity, it won't be a skill I haven't done since certification!


when i was instructing in utila i used to tell students with mask clearing problems to do the shower trick and they all thought i was nuts but it works, practice, practice and then practice some more.
Mask clearing is probably the hardest skill to master in SCUBA because it can cause so much stress. One thing to try is just breathing off of the reg with no mask on. This will condition you to breathing only through your nose. Then, put the mask on and practice partially filling the mask and clearing it. Try forcing your tongue into the roof of your mouth. This will prevent you from taking air in through your nose.

Doh! What I should have said was that it will condition you to breath through your mouth and not your nose!


Mask clearing and no mask was the hardest thing for me to get over in my OW class. I think it took at least half a day of nothing but that before I got it. Take my mask off, shoot to the surface, over and over... My OW instuctor was great and very patient. When I finally got it, I shot to the surface (out of joy this time) and screamed, "I figured it out! I figured it out!" She looked at me blankly and said "and..."
"It's simple", I said, "I just have to stop breathing through my nose!" :D

It sounds kinda dumb, but it really is hard to get over that mental hump, but when you do, it really is just as 'simple' as not breathing through your nose.
Congrats on facing your fear so well and finding a solution. Where theres a will theres a way....right. :)

I didnt have any problems with mask flooding or mask removal. I was always swimming underwater with my eyes open as a kid, and it just came natural to me. I agree with what others have said.......keep practicing those mask flooding skills even though you dont have too. The more comfortable you are doing it, the easier it will be in an emergency situation. I like diving so much, that Im always hopping in the pool (which is a pretty boring dive) and doing my skills for amusement. If you have access to a pool, I highly recommend it. Oh, and welcome to the wonderful world of diving!!!

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