My dive buddy startles me.

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Who would have thought that a board with 100K+ SCUBA diving members might also contain somebody's SCUBA diving wife.

This is going to take a level of back-pedaling that would make Lance Armstrong jealous. :D

Hello all - I am the "buddy" referred to in the original post, aka "wife". Scubasteve needed me to check his email and must have forgotten that he made me look like a psycho. I would like to say thank you to all the people who recommended he talk to me and to the ones that said to ditch the wife, well...I suppose it's better for you to be alone seeing that your a-holes. We apparently lack communication skills and/or he's just a jerk wanting a divorce. The one and only time I have ever grabbed him was during a descent with a very low visibility. I grabbed his arm while he was facing me only to be shoved away repeatedly at which point my brother in law took my hand. After a few secs I recovered from my sudden onset of vertigo. Yes, we are new divers but his representation of the actual events are skewed at best. He complains when I don't follow him explicitly and complains if I give him too much attention. It would appear I am in a pickle. I love to dive but every diver I know won't dive with a married woman and my husband apparently has the startle reflex of a newborn. I give up. The only reason I even started diving was for him and his whim but now I am hooked. I think I will just have to join a dive group even though I prefer solo diving. Sorry, it just really hurt me to know that instead of talking to me about this he decided it was much more appropriate to post on the web. Sweet. Sincerely scubasteves soon to be ex:D

You poor thing! :hugs:

Just think about what Leejnd said. My dive buddy isn't interested in diving as much as I, either. I'm just going to dive without him. As for people that won't dive with a married women -- That says more about them than anything. What the heck?

Join a dive club. Take long weekend trips. But please do start working on the lines of communication. After all, he did ask for help.

. . . and join the board with your own username, okay! We'd love to hear back from you!!
You poor thing! :hugs:

Just think about what Leejnd said. My dive buddy isn't interested in diving as much as I, either. I'm just going to dive without him. As for people that won't dive with a married women -- That says more about them than anything. What the heck?

Join a dive club. Take long weekend trips. But please do start working on the lines of communication. After all, he did ask for help.

. . . and join the board with your own username, okay! We'd love to hear back from you!!

Yeah, frankly I'm a little concerned that we haven't heard from either of them since yesterday! Should we send in the paramedics? :wink:

As for people not diving with a married woman...:idk: I'm married, and I've never had a problem finding a buddy. I'm not asking them to SLEEP with me! Like Jax said - join a club. That's what I did, and I found all kinds of people to dive with - married, unmarried, men, women. I now have a list of people I can dive with at a moment's notice. And none of them asked me to have sex with them later. (Well, that's not exactly true.....:blinking: ) :rofl3:
I,v dove with married women, married men divorcees and those that wanted to be divorcees. I once worked a boat for a gay dive group, I didn't know about the group prior but to be honest it was a blast because everyone had a great attitude and loved diving and they all tipped really nicely as well and were there to just have fun. I'd have taken that group again in a minute and to end the story unlike Leejnd no one ever came on to me........ now I feel un loved
I dive with women all the time ... single women, married women, gay women ... and none of them have ever come on to me either.

So much for the theory that old, bald fat guys turn cute women on ... :idk:

Heck me and two of my guy buddies even got invited out on a "chick charter" once ... the stipulation being they got to tell us what to wear. It was fun ... I found out that fishnet stockings go nicely with a drysuit (the original Fusion) ... but high heels and spring straps aren't such a good combination ... :shocked2:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Wow this has taken an unexpected turn, hasn't it?

Similar to what NW says, as a DM on a charter boat and diving with the local dive club, I dive with all people...we are diving, not hooking up. I hope you two work out whats going on and come out to Lake Travis for a couple dives...

I'll let the wife hold on to me under water, but not the hubby :no:

I lost track of this thread for a few days. Holy snot - this kind of thing just doesn't happen in real life.:dropmouth:

But I gotta say - there are probably a few other things down there that you should be more concerned about startling you :signofcross:
So much for the theory that old, bald fat guys turn cute women on ... :idk:

You've noticed that too, eh Bob? I've been trying that route for some time now, thought it would be sure-fire, but same results as you. I just can't figure it out... :thinking:
I can relate to a lot of the information in this thread as my husband and I just started to dive together. In one of our OW cert dives, I panicked because I couldn't find him -- he thought it would be best to be higher and a little behind me, so he could "keep an eye on" me. What?! Didn't occur to him that I wanted to see him too.. We discussed it above water and later got a buddy line from one of the assistant instructors. We'll be using the bungee cord idea at least until we both get more comfortable in the water.

Thanks to all for the many helpful posts. I hope ScubaSteve and his wife work things out...

BTW, my husband doesn't mind it a bit when I grab him underwater :eyebrow:
Hi everyone, You guys crack me up! I feel so much better hearing that other couples have had the same kind of issues as us, now if anyone knows how I can get my husband to put the lid down I'll be doing alright, lol. No paramedics needed-after a couple of days licking my wounds and milking him of every drop of sympathy he had I am ready to move on. He really is a sweet hubby, just sometimes not so smooth. I think I'm more comfortable in the water than him and I wasn't realizing the impact of my enthusiasm. We will be taking advanced open water courses in the next few weeks and we have gone diving every weekend since we were certified so I'm thinking the kinks will be worked out in time and with practice. To give a bit more insight as to why these "married men" won't dive with me, I think it's because when I asked them "Scuba Steve" was standing next to me and he towers over most everyone. They are prolly thinking about how it will feel if he hits them....either that .....or my beauty is intimidating, lol. :dork2: Oh wait, that would require beauty and I haven't mastered the art of being even ok looking in a wet suit with matted hair and no makeup but when, and I will, do solve this terrible aspect of diving I will accept that as an excuse. Until then it's either fear of "Scuba Steve" or I look worse than I thought. LOL One guy said to us "hey if any of you wanna dive this week, just give me a call. I'm free all week" so I said "ya, what about tomorrow? I get out of class at 2" He not only didn't respond but made a point to say it again to the guys. What the heck is that all about? Now I'm ranting so I'll close with saying thanks again everyone for the support and the laughs! Ps. There is more to be afraid of than a happy wife grabbing you unhappy wife grabbing you underwater! :crafty: -Brandi

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