New TV Pilot done and posted!

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Good synopsis ronscuba. Spot on.
Hope you guys succeed in getting your show picked up.I love diving, but when I am not in the water it would be cool to be able to see some diving on t.v. Good luck and good diving!
Thanks everyone for you're encouragement.... Remember one thing and that is you have to market to your audience! In this case it is in the first round non-divers who produce "Fishing Shows" to "X-games" with other things I might find boring to say the least! When I meet with them for the first time last year I figured out that they were not divers and a standard dive show would be hard to sell! I agree about less being more and we did use lavaliere mikes and a tripod when we could, we even had some lighting, but the nature of the shutting was far from cooperative! We will address all those issues again in our production meeting....

My vision of this is to draw people, non-divers, into real dive situation that are exciting and real where we can cover all aspects of diving. We will cover Cave, Special Projects like Spooky Channel, Boat recovery, Training, Gear, and a Job well done! But I think we have to be sneaky about it! I want people to want to know the people the drama of interpersonal relationships, like Pauly and his dad, or George and Allison, or the fact that John the instructor can't stand Allison yet his wife gets along with her just fine! I want to take people to the work bench and get insight into bench tests that the sheriffs department require for the dive team! People will learn and have fun doing it! We want people to understand travel for divers and the great locations we get to go to! I want this to be a continuing adventure!

I am a cameraman and a diver, I know my way around computers and editing programs, but this is a team effort and I am not married to anyone portion or the other of this project as long as we get the job done! I understand and enjoy reading what people think and see from their perspectives.... It can do nothing more than help! I had a local news man lined up for the voice over and we were going in a little different direction until he got another job and could commit to the time to do the project!

Everyone wants to help until it is time to then they all get busy and I understand that! We had one of our instructors who is a professional singer who was going to do it, but again time conflicts! I hope if the series goes you will all get to me her, she is unique to say the least! I had a retired engineer from ESPN HD who want to help, but couldn't meet our schedule! I can go on and on including the extra baggage I have paid for to haul camera and sound equipment and end up with very little help doing as many parts of it as I can! I gave the B-Roll camera to someone who said "They could do it" only to end up with stuff that would make you sea sick!

I am not whining do not get me wrong, but not too many pros go on dive trips or want to work for free on the "Come"! I have worked with Howard and Michele Hall and they have a small crew of paid people as well as some volunteers, but his people know their stuff and it is a pleasure to work that way! I have piggybacked in order to cut cost and work my butt of while others are on vacation! I do have some good drama in the can, but it takes time to develop that you can't do in 15 min!

If we get what I am hoping for we will have a budget and time to prove our concept, so let the adventure begin! :D I am open to where it takes us!

Thanks again everyone!
Good luck with your project!
I really don't know how to sell a show to a commercial outfit, or what they are looking for in a pilot, so my comments may be worthless. But one thing that jumped out at me was there there was considerable talk about all of the past and potential stories around these people and their adventures, but nothing in the video suggested that anyone working on the project knew how to tell a story. That may be a moot point, though, if the people with money see other potential and want to provide the writers.

Say, as long as a bunch of you out there are critiquing TV series, how would some of you like to comment on my show, "SEA-Inside: Pacific Northwest"? It's now in its third year, and it is quite a bit different from the Two Tanked show. It's main purpose is to introduce the general public to what's below the surface, including critters, habitat, and stewardship issues. It uses the viewpoints of science, art, nature, music, and even poetry to convey a sense of what's underwater.

All comments greatly appreciated. This is a non-profit project and presents content that is not necessarily commercially viable, relying on donations, sponsors, and grants for funding. In other words, it's more important for me show things and tell stories that the corporate media won't, and less important to offer something that's glitzy, hip, cutting-edge, or encourages people to take up diving.

The show is airing on about 40 cable-access stations and most of the episodes are available on-demand via the internet. Visit SEA-Inside: Home and click on "Where to See It." The later episodes better reflect where the series is headed.

You are on target and we know it! This is a concept, and you don't know how many times I said "We need a writer"! I know it takes a team and am usually just the camera guy! Nothing a budget wont cure! We need lighting, sound, writers, editors, grips, and all the rest! We had a limited budget and chose to put a lot of stock footage in the can and pay for travel and go for the concept since that was what I was asked to do..... The Network has all the resources if they say yes! But thanks for the look see and good luck to you! We need more dive related content!

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