Occidental Pier Fee

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I suspect that you are diving one of the extra conservative brands that gives less time than Padi tables?

No, not that I'm aware. I'm diving a Hollis DG03 with conservatism turned off. I happen to dive with an op that lets me dive my tank and I'm fortunate to have a decent gas consumption rate. I get nice, long dives. That said, there are a lot of factors both goal related (how you like to dive), personal physiology related, and other factors that determine ones experience in Coz. Everybody is different. Dive and let dive. For me, without nitrox, I would be leaving a lot of bottom time well,...on the bottom. :)
I stay at one of "those" places, for my non diving wife originally, but six yrs latter we are a group of 10 that meet there every yr.
While I've seen many different dive ops picking up guests at the pier, I haven't seen Christie's or Dave's boats.
I did PM Dave a couple yrs back but he stopped responding after I stated where i was staying. Honestly, good for him, he doesn't need my business.
When the port closes for small craft, the cattle boats are still diving. I've also started dives while within swimming distance from our beach. That's an hour under water and back on the dock 90 min. total.
I usually do the first dive, then breakfast with the wife. That's not happening on anybody elses boat.
A good cattle boat op will still separate the groups by ability and distance. If you're first in and last out in 3 groups, you get 60 min. + dives.
It's apples and oranges.
2 totally different experiences.
Enough negativity.
I would think a beach entry to the boat with a crew members help would solve things but probably not qualify for valet service. Plus the divers would get wet.
Just my thoughts...
Well, i just wanted to point out that they were charging a fee now, and the hassle the Dive op has to go through. Happened again today, divers handed DM the money and DM to run up and pay since they would not accept money from divers. It is not the money, it is the process. Did not expect a dive op debate, but this is Scubaboad.

Hi, just to add another update for today.

Arrived late last night to occidental and was picked up this morning for first dive. When I got to the pair a round 8:20 ProDive had two of their guys hitting every boat coming up to pick up customers for $. Again, they refused to let the customers staying at Occidental to pay the $4 fee and made the crew of the boats run in to pay it.

Aldora was the first OP I watched go through this petty BS. The only boat ProDive had loading divers had 16 divers and 5 DM's/crew. Whether this is the definition of a cattle boat or not I will leave up to others...

Having dived in Cozumel for 14 years now I personally find this whole situation sad. It used to be all the dive ops worked together and as customers we could all make our own choice to who we wanted to dive with and where we wanted to stay. This is sadly being torn apart and diving in Cozumel is changing by these resort OP's (the resorts aren't doing this as far as I can determine).

More will be revealed but can see more and more dive OP's not picking up customers anymore staying at these resorts.
I suspect that you are diving one of the extra conservative brands that gives less time than Padi tables?
I'm diving an old Oceanic and I could easily be in deco without nitrox. I prefer to not be near to deco.
My wife and i have been coming to the island for 19 years. We've stayed north of town in a big tower that a few years ago was a skeleton, in town at two different hotels, at the Allegro, and since they built it the Occidental. We dove with Dive Plancar at the Allegro and the Occidental until they left. They are considered a " cattle boat" operation but after you dive with the same guys for awhile and they trust that you're competent you will likely be awarded less supervision and allowed to dive your own profiles. One dive i remember, as the divemaster started to give his briefing he looked at me and said "Have fun buddy we'll see you down there in a while". I've never dove with Christ's group but i would hazard a guess that the first dive or two that you had with them you would not be given Carte Blanche to go to 150' until you wanted to come back up. Over the years I've watched a lot of divers that claimed to be" very experienced" turn in dives that go in the c.f. category. It's bad for business if you kill yourself so they'll try to prevent that if they can.

To get back on topic we dive with another outfitter since DP isn't there anymore and they have small boats so i guess we can enter from the beach. No big deal to me.

Sorry for the rant, kinda.

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