Oceanic HUD mask

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Raleigh, NC
This is a really cool idea. Oceanic has a mask with small screen that shows you diving computer information. It's a hoseless computer, that transmits PSI information wirelessly to the mask.

Check it out here.
Cochran had something like it announced in their catalogs for several years ... . If memory serves me right their's was supposed to project "ahead" on the lower end of the glass, much like some cars. Don't think it was ever sold.

A HUD, either with readout or warning LEDs is great. Several rebreathers offer the latter, and Steam Machines is putting finishing touches on the former with a tiny video screen much like camcorder viewfinders.

On RBs they're mounted to the DSV (mouthpiece) which I prefer. For OC they should be regulator mounted, much harder to loose. Too easy for a mask to get knocked off, for the strap to tear or a buckle to break. Aside from loosing the display on that dive I'm pretty sure those masks will be quite expensive.
The owner of the LDS told me that they were about $2,000 USD. I think it is a neat idea but not worth that kind of cash for soemthing else to loose.
I'm waiting for the ones with the heads-up display..............
It looks like a great idea for Public Safety Divers. You don't even wanna think about some of the truly messed up conditions they dive in. Being able to see the gauges would be great.

I wonder if they can make an adaptor to go on full face masks?
I just saw it in the latest divers alert magazine from DAN. It was manufactured by (I think) Oceanic and should be on the civilian market sometime next year. The price they quoted was between $1400-$1600.00. I want one, but y'all need to buy a bunch of them first so the price comes down to somewhere in my affordability range!
Ya know...

There is one thing to consider about that mask...

What happens if you lose it?

I realize it's a $1600 mask donated to Davy Jones, but beyond that, as people grow increasingly depnendent on dive computers, you have a serious problem. Namely that you have no Idea what your dive profile now looks like.
This is a really cool idea. Oceanic has a mask with small screen that shows you diving computer information. It's a hoseless computer, that transmits PSI information wirelessly to the mask.

Check it out here.

Yea, the Navy and Oceanic have been working on this for about 5 or 6 years. If it ever becomes cost effective, I think it would be great for us PSD who are worling in zero vis to know our depth and psi. Course' might scare the dickens out of us to!....

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