Offically completed my Divemaster

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At my LDS, I always feel like I can just go there and hang out and talk about diving. I never get the "What are you doing here again?" eyes.
Suggestion. Here's what I would do if I was 50 years younger: I'd sell everything I had of value and couldn't carry on my Sportster, buy a rubber butt ring and scooter on down to Key Largo (Second choice Lauderdale area), find someone to share an apartment or room with cause I couldn't make enough money as a DM to afford one on my own, bum around till I found a shop that would take on my inexperienced little body and stay there and never, ever, return to the North with it's winters.
Sign a contract? 'What are you doing here again' eyes? I sure live in a different universe!!!

At the shop I DMed, all DMs and instructors are independent. No contracts ... ever. You're paid a fixed price per student per class. Just DMing paid nothing. As a DM, only $ to be made was teaching DSDs or Scuba Reviews.
Suggestion. Here's what I would do if I was 50 years younger: I'd sell everything I had of value and couldn't carry on my Sportster, buy a rubber butt ring and scooter on down to Key Largo (Second choice Lauderdale area), find someone to share an apartment or room with cause I couldn't make enough money as a DM to afford one on my own, bum around till I found a shop that would take on my inexperienced little body and stay there and never, ever, return to the North with it's winters.

The OP is in Charleston, South Carolina!! That's NORTH to you?!!! Man, your blood is thin down there!!!
Hey Ill take the norths winters anyday. If I had perfect year round weather then Id never get my equipment serviced. Id never see the family. Never get repairs made to the house, never get to have a home cooked meal. But man then again Id never need to service my gear since it would be wore out by the time 1 year came around too :)

Also what would I do with out the hilarious antics of people who always brag about how good of a driver they are on snow and ice that call you to help come pull them out of a ditch somewhere. And then the ones you cant help but laugh at when they blow by you at 75 mph and you see them go into a spin that last over a mile and see the look on their face as you catch back up with them and smile and hold your coffee cup up as to say cheers as you pass.

To the O.P. Congratulations on your achievement :)
Suggestion. Here's what I would do if I was 50 years younger: I'd sell everything I had of value and couldn't carry on my Sportster, buy a rubber butt ring and scooter on down to Key Largo (Second choice Lauderdale area), find someone to share an apartment or room with cause I couldn't make enough money as a DM to afford one on my own, bum around till I found a shop that would take on my inexperienced little body and stay there and never, ever, return to the North with it's winters.

Dude, your profile says your retired. Go live the dream.

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