Ok, So I have to puke underwater. Now what?

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underwater daphne:
i have to puke quite often underwater. just a bit though, so i don't know what it's like if you have to puke a lot underwater.

don't change anything, just puke and get on with business as if you were just breathing. however if you feel really sick, might be a reason to call the dive.

Why do you have to puke often underwater? Do you dive when ill? Does the water make you puke?

All this talk about puking is making me sick :11:
If you are prone to this .... i have been told eat oranges...they are one of the few things that taste the same coming up as going down

I don't know about oranges but orange JUICE is a no-no. Burns like a mother on the way up.

Pepperoni pizza is also a big no no. Rice pudding and mashed potatoes (not mixed together) are good ones.
The only time I've puked in relation to diving is on the surface after a dive. Got all queasy, felt the urge, and let 'er rip. Wasn't too pleasant, seeing as what came up was yogurt, cream cheese, and a bagel. Ugh.
I've puked both through my reg and also whilst purging.
No problems either way!

Nice hey?

One good tip: change out your reg to the octo for the rest of the dive. Will taste much better... :wink:
Why do you have to puke often underwater? Do you dive when ill? Does the water make you puke?

All this talk about puking is making me sick :11:

i already answered to that a page before:

underwater daphne:
i don't know. i've asked around and there are many opinions, vertigo, etc. i don't feel vertigo and otherwise i also feel fine. i just have to vomit a bit quite often while ascending. it's very little and only once. maybe the pressure. my stomach is rather sensitive. could just be gas. ??

there's nothing rude about your question.
Sadly this is very routine for me. Just hold on tight to the reg, throw up, rinse and purge. If anyone ever bumps into a miracle cure for sea sickness, please PM me..............
I don't know about oranges but orange JUICE is a no-no. Burns like a mother on the way up.

Pepperoni pizza is also a big no no. Rice pudding and mashed potatoes (not mixed together) are good ones.

pancakes with lots of syrup is another good one. My uncle uses that whenever he has to be on a boat
I can vouch for orange juice being burny on the way up.

In my student days i once had the mother of all hangovers, decided to be clever and drink juice insted of just water the following day.

Several times it made an escape bid and hurt like hell each time. I couldnt drink the stuff for 6 months after !

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