RIP Gary McNabb

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Chattanooga, Tn.
It saddens me to post that Gary McNabb has passed away Friday night Feb. 27, at 8:07 CST in San Antonio University hospital. He was severly injured during a boating/diving accident in Belize. Gary was the owner of Leisure Time Dive & Ski in Chattanooga, Tn. I can't really put into words the impact that Gary has had on my love for diving. I received my certification through his shop and through the years, he has been a positive influence on my diving and became a friend. Something that I truly believe is; that he was in the business not so much as for a career, but; as a way to introduce people to something he truly loved with a passion. The passion he had for diving was as infectious as the smile he always had! As a newbie, I could walk into his shop with a question and he would take the time to sit down with me, answer my questions and we would end up into hour long discussions on all things scuba. Nothing was off limits and he was very open minded about different types and styles/disciplines of diving, even if he didn't offer that specific training through his shop. The constant throughout our discussions was always; get proper training, study, practice, practice, practice, and ENJOY what you do! Many divers in the Chattanooga area have lost a good friend, dive buddy, and we will miss him greatly. Gary McNabb, May God Bless you!

Gary McNabb
Gary McNabb.jpg
IMHO the measure of a person is the quality of those who call them "friend" and legacy they leave behind. While I didn't know Gary it is abundantly clear that his was a life well lived since he was cherished by so many.

I offer my sincere condolences to those so personally touched by this tragedy. May the joy of your memories shine through the pain of your loss.:flowers:
To all those that knew Gary and to those who did not; he was one of the most loved individuals in the dive industry! He was one of the most genuine and good hearted individuals that I have ever known. I am truly blessed to have known Gary for approximately 25 years. I got my original open water certification through his shop and ended up teach there since 2000. During that time, I never heard one harsh word from Gary about another individual. His warm heart and gentle demeanor with certainly be missed. May the peace of God be with Frances, his wife and all of the McNabb family. Gary – you will be missed but never forgotten. Richard
The first time I walked into Leisure Time I met Gary. I was looking for a place to learn to dive. Gary took the time to show me around, discuss classes and options. He let me try several types of gear on in the pool to ensure I was comfortable. The majority of that gear I still dive with today. Gary was my instructor, he took a personal interest in me that went beyond diving. He made an impact on my life that is beyond words. I remember my checkout dives in November at the Quarry. He was so cold, but he dove so I could be certified. Even after we moved away from Tennessee Gary continued to be a good friend who I tried to see every time my travels made it back. He was a great diver, a good friend and a great man. I will miss you my friend. Prayers for your family.

Hello my name is adam mcnabb. the diver in the accident in belize is my dad Gary. I was not there i do not know what happened. I do know my dads diving skills and experience. Just to update the community of divers which he considers family. Dad was airlifted from belize to san antonio university hospital were i am writing this post from. The injury he received is very severe.Any and all Prayers , good vibes, happy thoughts for him his lovely wife frances and family is appreciated. Those who know my dad Gary (leisure time dive center in chattanooga) the past couple of years has been lets just say rough waters. after thirty years he had to close the doors of his shop (leisure Time Dive) Dad moved to Tampa florida with his wife frances and yes his dan insurance after over thirty years apparently between all these life changes for some reason was not renewed only to be brought to light after the incident.
Fellow divers this incident should remind us all 1 add to dive plans, the local medical service ( the ability they have to handle trauma) 2. medical evacuation plans 3. Insurance Insurance Insurance

Fellow Divers with deep respect and love for the greatest man (DIVER) God blessed me with for a father
with a heavy sadden heart
Adam, if you need any assistance while you are here in San Antonio, please message me. I am close to the Medical Center. I can run errands if you need airport pickups, etc... God bless you and your family. I will pray for you this morning at Mass.
I just came across this Youtube interview with Gary McNabb from 2009. It takes place in his dive shop during happier times. He seems a friendly, quiet-spoken, hard-working and dedicated person. I wish I could have known him; my heartfelt condolences for his family.

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