Running Shoes

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Does anyone know of any absolutely wonderful running shoes? I have tried all different kinds and I just can't find any that last very long or that are very supportive. After I run, the bottoms of my feet feel like they are on fire--Seriously they burn!:fury:
Right now I wearing Nikes but I am going to have to trash these soon.
I bought a normal pair of gym shoes, but I added extra padding that was sold at the store..i think foot locker. It turned into my running shoe because it was soo comfortable...this was about 4 years ago....still have em and use em. The support and feel is awesome...just a suggestion.
I am sure others will weigh in, but I have always used Asics for running. Right now I have a pair of gt-2060s but have owned kayanos and the previous 3-4 generations of shoes too. I really like them. A friend of mine runs in New Balance and really likes those can always go to a running specialty store and have them help fit you.

I always put in a pair of Spenco orthodics too...much better than the standard insoles that come on them.
Goto a specialzed running shoe store.That way they can determine what type of shoe you need by your foot and weight.Whether you have a high arch, standard arch or a flat foot will determine if your an overpronator or underpronator or neutral.The wrong shoe can make a problem worse while the right shoe is a blessing.

I personally wear asics kayano and have a low arch.I am also considered a heavy runner being 6'1" 200lbs.You can also research this on the web or goto a specialized running store.After they determine your foot type some shops will have you run and watch your ankles and knees for excessive side to side movement and find the best shoe to limit that. Goodluck
I use Road Runner Sports out of California. they have a web site and 800 numbers and people there that no running and will help find a shoe for you. they will ask all abaout you and your running so be prepared. I don't have their numbers with me now sorry.

Back in my running days I also used RoadRunner Sports ( That make proper running shoes available to those of us that don't live in a metro area. It is very important to get a shoe that fits your running style as per lal7176. As a generalization though, Saucony has a reputation for building a very comfortable shoe. I'm not quite sure what would cause the soles of your feet to be on fire. Just a SWAG but socks are also very important. Pickup some good running socks and pay attention to what detergent you use to wash them. Hope you are able to figure it out and good running.

New Balance

They come in the widest variety of sizes, including widths.

All of us great marathon men wear em.

I have been running for over 20 years, and personally have found that for me the Nike Air Pegasus series works for me. Nike discontinued this line a few years back which forced me to try other makes/models, but then after years of hearing from persons who missed their trusted friends they put them back on the market.

Like everything else you will get a variety of opinions based on each person's preferences, but as the previous posts suggest go to a serious running shoe store and you will find staff who will be able to outfit you with good products and suggestions.

Just my .0200 worth
New Balance.... they are the best on the market... even though I normally get Nike shoes.

Rich :mean:

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