"Scuba Diving Killing Older Divers"

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Ontario, Canada
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I'm a Fish!

CDNN :: Scuba Diving Killing Older Divers

No suprise there - pre-exisitng medical conditions, both known & unknown, affect our cohort to a greater extent than the hatchlings.

So...with all the wisdom of the ages at our disposal, there is no need to experience a "suprise" down in the briny blue, medically speaking, agreed? Though we can never completely eliminate the chance that we might experience a medical "event" while diving, it behooves us to do all we can to prevent an event.

Yeah, I know what you are saying. I see my Doc every year take my HTN meds , try to behave, only vice is Cigars and the odd drink. Was diving in Mexico this winter with no problems came home had chest discomfort, went to my Doc and now I'm waiting for 4X bypass. Summer diving gone!
Yeah, I know what you are saying. I see my Doc every year take my HTN meds , try to behave, only vice is Cigars and the odd drink. Was diving in Mexico this winter with no problems came home had chest discomfort, went to my Doc and now I'm waiting for 4X bypass. Summer diving gone!

What do you mean waiting. I had three bypasses done 11 years ago and I had to hold the doctor back a week to get somethings done before surgery. He would have done it then and there in his office.
I'm hoping that diving will keep me from getting old....or at least older
I view anything published by CDNN as sensationalist and suspect of bias.

All the best, James
Scuba diving is killing young divers, too . . .
Agree on CDNN being a less than trustworthy source.

I haven't seen a doctor in a decade. Had friends go to one of ours here and she was told she had terminal cancer and weeks to months to live based on a lung x-ray. They got a second opinion on the mainland and were told it was a bit of scarring from a bout with pneumonia!

My grandfather's doctor told him back in 1930 he would die young (he was 31 at the time). He outlined nine doctors, two wives and was golfing until just a few months before his death.
Most diving deaths by older divers would not occur if care was taken to select a top-notch internist.
Not sure what constitutes "old" here so I'll run with the "grumpy" part. IMHO it's diving and other activities like diving that keep all of us "alive" - not just the old. Most people die engaged in an activity they regularly do. This is the same as the statistic that says most car accidents happen within a 50 ile radius of your home. OF COURSE THEY DO...99.9% of your driving is done within a 50 mile radius of your home.

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