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...who have arrived here through different channels. For me, Scuba Board was recommended by a close friend, BillP. The professionalism of everyone who participates on this board was one of the things that I liked immediately. Although I haven't been here long, I already feel welcome.

While I don't have as much experience as some already here, I feel as if I'm free to express my feelings, opinions and beliefs without fear of flames or name calling.

Thank you, King Neptune and everyone already here for making this a great place to hang out!

And Tom...welcome to the pond!


I simply wouldn't have it any other way! Some people feel like just because they haven't logged 14 Gazillion dives or been diving since the creation of water itsself, that they don't have a voice. The problem I have with many other forums and not just online but offline clicks included, is the "I'm better than you" attitude. It does not matter if you have been diving 10 or 10,000 times, I bet there is something I can learn from you, and so can everyone else.

Once you kick aside the ego, we all sit on a level playing field. People that know me know my favorite saying, "I don't know everything, but I know everyone". That works many ways, For example if someone asked me, "Im thinking about training to work in a Pharmacy, what do you think?" Well, I don't know but let me ask someone that would know, Dee?

And even more "scuba diving" related, everyone comes from different areas and has been different places and seen things in a different light. So we can all learn from each others knowledge. Dr Deco told me something once that I had never really thought about before he said it and it continues to stick in my head, and that is basically that sometimes the teacher becomes the student and even a "Rocket Scientist" can learn from a "Second Grader"... Sometimes that fresh perspective can open up something that was so simple that no one thought of it before, etc.

I honestly hope that everyone here feels like they can post away and ask all the "Stupid Questions" they like. 9 times out of 10, that "Stupid Question" is a question 9 other people would like to ask themself but where afraid to!

I have no problems admitting that I've learn something just about every day that comes out of these forums by everyone from those with a full alphabet before or after their name (PhD,MD,etc) to those that just got certified and havent even logged a dozen dives yet.

I believe that "Wisdom" is often monitored by knowing that you don't know it all. So please, whatever you do, keep asking those "dumb questions".. hehe

I will promise you all this much, if I don't know an answer I will try to find someone that does...


To the King


Not a refugee from any board, found this one, one day surfing the web, stuck to it like glue.

Welcome to the pond all of you new members, The term "new" lasts about as long as it takes the "king" to put you down as a new member, then you are family.

I think everyone has pretty much "stolen my thunder"... I can't add anything else except to say that this board is great! :D

There are few places like this on the Net.

Just wanted to say "thanks" and "great to be here!"

Take care, eh?!

Like SubMariner said, I don't think I could have said it any better but I felt I wanted to add to this anyway...

If more divers join and some of the general attitude here rubs off on them then I think there is hope after all. I know it's an uphill battle for KN, but keep up the good fight and don't let party poopers get you down!


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