Speeding ticket

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here in our state they ask where you work and put it on the ticket. I guess that's in case they have to come arrest you for failure to pay/appear.

Anyway, I'm getting a ticket from one of those cops that just thinks he's hot sheeee-it with his mirrored sunglasses on...

when he asks where I work, I tell him. he has the nerver to ask me if I could help him get a job there.... while he is writing me a ticket. Of course I play along and say sure, we're hiring all the time and that I'd be glad to help him and get his name, etc...

I then ask him if I'm still getting a ticket ?

his reply.. "oh yeah. "

My reply.... "well I'm glad I've got your name so I can turn it into HR so they won't hire someone like you".

He got so mad at me that he just told me I better go ahead and leave before I got a ticket for something else. :rofl3:
I know several cops and all of them say the same thing: radar detectors basically mean you have an intent to break the law, so no way you're getting off easy! Personally, I don't understand why they don't make them with a seperate thing to get the signal, and then you can hide the body with the lights somewhere else...like, make a compass that has the "detector" atenna thing in it, and then run wires through your car interior, so they are hidden, then made the device that alerts you with noise/lights, etc, look like a radio or airfreshener or something, so no one knows you've got a radar detector. I know they make those, but they are ungodly-ly expensive.

I've got a dive buddy with a lead foot, recently I gave him a ride to a music festival. I was working there, he was coming along because I could get him in free. The entire way down there he litereally adjusted my radio for me after I told him not to, so he could listen to country, I had it on light rock, at a very low volume. This was very annoying to me. Then the entire way he told me to speed. I go 75 on the interstate, never over. Especially not when someone is telling me to, then I'll go slower :) Anyways, the entire way he was telling me to go faster. On the way back, after a hard weekend, he slept most of the way, praise the Lord! However, he'd gotten more sleep than I had all weekend, I was dozing off the entire ride as he snoozed, but atleast I could listen to my music and drive what I want to drive!

And thirdly, I've got another buddy with a lead foot....he was going pretty fast, his speedometer tops out at 105 and he had it pegged to the dash, so probably 130ish....it was around 1am, returning from a show, 2 lane country road. Cop passes him going other way. He pulls over, right in front of a speed limit sign that says 55.....cop comes back a minute later, asks for license, etc....

"You were going a bit fast there, weren't you?"
"Yes, I think so."
"Do you know what the speed limit is?"
"Eh, no, I don't think I do, actually." (remember, he is sitting RIGHT in front of a speed limit sign. he was just nervous :) )
"I see...."

Because the cop hadn't gunned him, he didn't know what speed to write a ticket for, so he let him off with a warning to go slower.

This is the same guy who passed a cop, sitting in the median with a radar gun out the window, going 100, in daylight, without getting a ticket. No radar detector, just luck I suppose.

I've never been pulled over, no accidents. I got a 100% on my driving test, DMV guy shook my hand he was so amazed, I was the only one in the last 3 months he said. I'm an all A student, and I bought a truck with my own money, it's a 99 black 2.3 litre Ford Ranger, and my insurance is $200 a month. It's insane, how could someone who getsB's or who's been in a wreck ever afford insurance? Anyways, I cannot afford to get a ticket, so I drive no more than 5 over.
Last time I got a ticket it was in 2001 for 78 in a 70. It was late at night in a fairly low traffic section of I-5 so I was the only car around and I think the cop was just trying to make his quota. He didn't really say anything to me, it was all polite and he was very quick about it, but he still wrote me up.

Typically I find that limiting to 8 over the limit or less is a good way to avoid tickets, but also you need to not be aggressively driving and changing lanes and need to mostly just drive with the traffic. Make certain that you aren't the fastest car around on the road and you'll be okay. When you're the only car on the road or ahead of a large pack by yourself it probably makes sense to pay close attention to your speed.

If you've got 30 cars around you all doing 78 in a 70 you've got some safety in numbers and its the idiot changing lanes every minute and doing 90 when he's clear who will get the ticket -- and you can laugh at him in a few miles when he's pulled over at the side of the road....
Ever hear the saying "8 is great, 9 your mine"?

Rumor has it there is a new campaign that just started in Indiana where they will ticket for 6 mph over. It even has a cheesy motto. How long that lasts is anyones guess. The ISP has been pretty relaxed over the years. They have to or all the Michigan drivers would be in jail by now for excessive speed :wink:

I'm just glad I don't live in Ohio. It's the only state where they implement the death penalty for speeding :wink:

Typically I find that limiting to 8 over the limit or less is a good way to avoid tickets,
Dan Gibson:
Ever hear the saying "8 is great, 9 your mine"?

Rumor has it there is a new campaign that just started in Indiana where they will ticket for 6 mph over. It even has a cheesy motto. How long that lasts is anyones guess. The ISP has been pretty relaxed over the years. They have to or all the Michigan drivers would be in jail by now for excessive speed :wink:

Man that is SO TRUE! Most times I've been virtually run off of the road once I let the idiot pass ... sure enough ... Michigan!

Dan Gibson:
I'm just glad I don't live in Ohio. It's the only state where they implement the death penalty for speeding :wink:

It's been that way for decades. I remember family trips to Rochester NY from Indianapolis (my mom was from Rochester). My mom and dad were always talking about the troopers in Ohio. I moved to Rochester for a couple of years when I was first out of college and I was nabbed once headed back to Rochester. They do not play around in Ohio!
Ohio became strict because they used to have one of the highest fatality rates on their roads. There used to be a TV progran in the late 70s and early 80s called PM Magazine if I recall correctly. Back then the speed limit was 55 mph. The show did an episode on how tough Ohio was on speeders. One trooper pulled someone over for going 56 mph. The damn radar guns were not that accurate back in those days and probably still aren't. I had to watch it since I lived right on the border at Richmond.

Man that is SO TRUE! Most times I've been virtually run off of the road once I let the idiot pass ... sure enough ... Michigan!

It's been that way for decades. I remember family trips to Rochester NY from Indianapolis (my mom was from Rochester). My mom and dad were always talking about the troopers in Ohio. I moved to Rochester for a couple of years when I was first out of college and I was nabbed once headed back to Rochester. They do not play around in Ohio!
Well you can always call the prosecutor's office in Martinsville and ask for diversion. You'll still pay all the costs, but your g/f won't get any points and it isn't reported to the insurance company at least.

If you're lucky and this is a speed trap / ticket mill, often times they just collect the money and don't report anything. :)


Yes. I remember that option. It is depending on the county though.. I will check it out. As I recall, it comes with one year grace period (She shoud not have any traffic violoation for a year. Otherwise, it will reports all points).... Thanks Dave...

Buy a Valentine 1. And hide it if you do get stopped!

Mine is a Valentine 1 upgrade version. :D It is a darn good detector.

Like I said, it was a ticket mill that I recognized. The cops shot a gun within 200~300 yards, so we were already late..... :light: We admit that we were speeding to pass a darn annoying car ahead.

You know, it is part of life to get over. It is much better than any accidents.

Man that is SO TRUE! Most times I've been virtually run off of the road once I let the idiot pass ... sure enough ... Michigan!

It's been that way for decades. I remember family trips to Rochester NY from Indianapolis (my mom was from Rochester). My mom and dad were always talking about the troopers in Ohio. I moved to Rochester for a couple of years when I was first out of college and I was nabbed once headed back to Rochester. They do not play around in Ohio!

Based on my experience, PA is also the worst place for a traffic ticket. Their fine system is a pro-rated system depending on your speed unlike Indiana. It also comes with all weird name of addtional itemization.

It is really PITA that our town doesn't have an Interstate highway. You know, I-69 issue is already over 30 years. :rofl3: In addition, there have been many expansions of the satelite cities nearby Indy last five years, such as Mooreville. We have to get over more traffic congestion to commute to Indy. Hence, we can see an growing number of cops on the road.
Here is a sure fire way to not get a ticket, DRIVE THE FRIKKIN SPEED LIMIT! Most wrecks, traffic jams and other road problems would not happen if y'all just DRIVE THE FRIKKIN SPEED LIMIT! Everyone are in such a hurry to get home and plop there butts down in front of the TV. Yea, TV...Slow down and enjoy the ride, live longer and save gas!
I had a "complaint" yesterday at work, I was driving too slow. 25mph pot hole road, Im not doing 40 to get to work faster when Im on the clock anyway.

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