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I was already active in a dive club at the time. DM'ing for me was just another angle to see how the business side of a dive shop worked. I didn't need it for dive buddies, but I did at least want to have fun.

I've done two DM courses with two agencies, both of them were very demanding both academicaly and physically, and once I've completed them and accepted for employment by the shop manager/owner, nowhere does it say I have to in turn "prove myself" to an instructor, which in some cases had less diving experience than I did.

That's the very attitude that turned me off. I would only DM again on two conditions, the first being that the instructor would have to be someone I already know as a friend, and that the shop made it worth my while. Even then, the liability factor is enough to scare the bejeezuz out of anybody. I know more than a few who would have made good DM's but were afraid of the liability, e.g. even on fun dives where I'm not DM'ing, technically I could get sued big time if something went wrong because I'm now a "Pro".

Originally posted by don
Maybe you're right, after reading your last post, 3 dive shops and 2 different agencies, maybe you should look somewhere else for "diving friends". Not to throw a rock into the fire, but DMing is'nt for everybody. Certain "people skills" are needed in order to make the best of the situtation. And if a person doesn't have them then it can be a miserable job.

Also I've learned that you have to more or less prove yourself, before the instructor will put his trust in you. Not to say that if I was an instructor I wouldn't do it the same way. Just because a person has a DM card doesn't make him a "Classroom" DM the people skills HAVE to be there.
You migh try out some of the local dive clubs in your area to find what you are looking for.
Hope you find it

I agree with the scarieness of the liability of diving with anyone, once you're branded as a "Pro". It's sad but true, in the sue happy world we live in these days a friendly dive can turn around and bite you on the rump:(

I've followed the thread and hear alot of the same thing. I'm in the sales and training position of diving and am always at diffrent shops across the south.

I too am a Dive Master rating but I see alot of people getting into this rating for the GLORY. They all need to read this thread and see the facts. Lots of free work, stuck with the dirty jobs but most of all the attitudes. When I walk into a new shop to show my product and get brushed off by a Ego instructor I instantly go to the owner and see if he or she alows this typ attitudes...if so I leave and mark that shop off my list.

I do not understand all the masses getting a High ranking C-card...WHY? Do they really know all the libalities that it carries? I think not. I do believe in people getting extra training but not a D/M or higher unless they are getting into the business as a true living. I personally think that the main problem in the diving industry is Ego's. I've seen several shops with a ANTI-EGO sign and make all the male instructors wearing Pink shirts.

It's hard to be Macho when wearing a pink shirt! I wish customers who have a Ego proplem at a shop would complain, and leave finding another shop. I also wish people getting into diving and especially seeing the "become a instructor" ads would check into it and realize the REAL deal with this job.

Maby I got off the subject but this is my .02cents

Hmmm.... some interesting posts... personally, my DM time was all great. The instructors I worked with were professional, and the challenges handed to me were often frustrating but ultimately rewarding.
As an instructor I value my DIVECONs as indespensible assets without whom I would be much, much less effective.
After a DM works with a student to improve their mastery of the skill, GS&P (General Standards & Procedures) state that the student must them be evaluated by the Instructor. Period. (There are exceptions to this for courses like Peak Performance Bouyancy, Skin Diver, etc., but I digress...) So that Instructor who is "skipping" that evaluation is in violation of Standards.

Now, that doesn't SEEM to be like much until something (Gawd forbid) happens to that student and they claim that they weren't properly evaluated by an Instructor to get their certification, and... and... well, you can guess the rest.

That being said, I think you may be getting mixed signals when an Instructor "hands off" a student to you to work on a particular skill. It's NOT a matter of not having enough time for that student, it's a matter properly using the valuable resource of a certified assistant to help in the smooth & efficient running of a course. It's a "win-win" situation because the DM gets to work with a student, and the student gets a 1-on-1 with a qualified dive professional. Remember: the student cannot progress to the next module until h/s has mastered ALL the skills in that one.

WOW Sub Mariner...touch a nerve!!

Sounds pretty much the same continent wide cept where Mario hangs his hat! Mario hang on to that one! Up here on the east coast of the Great White North pay is even worse than you guys. $50.00 per O/W student,$30.00 AOW, $50.00 Rescue,$150.00 DM. Insurance paid by Instr/DM, gear for Instr 10% over cost, gear for DM 25% under Retail, Air free(anytime) Nitrox 50% off, higher blends full fare. Please keep in mind all prices Cdn dollars, so roughly 60% in USD. DM's are paid nothing for crses except what the instr wishes to give. All Instrs normally give the DM 1-2 students if they start and finish with the crse. DM's also get $5.00 per head for Charters. So, can you make a living at it... only if you own the shop! Am I happy?, yes I don't instruct for monetary gain, I do it to open the undersea world to others and the satifaction of seeing someone do what initially they thought they could't.

Part 2

DM's have to be treated with respect and it normally goes both ways. I have a good pool of DM's who have become good friends and regular dive buddies to draw from. There is never a shortage of enthusiastic motivated DM's. I have never believed in one person slinging the gear. I teach the students right from the start "one person,one kit" and if you can't sling the gear, maybe you should try something else. I have never turned down a medically fit student, however I have not certified all my students either. In a nutshell it is a team effort.

That'll be my .01 Cdn!
Sorry to say we have some of the worst dive masters here in the Caribbean.
Thank goodness for the instructors.

Often the DM is a glorified OW diver.

When I asked an instructor the other day but XXX dive shop we will be diving with lost 3 divers in 1998 he mentions well the divemaster was specifaclly instructed not to dive at low tide in that area.

Then again I want to be a DM one day when I do my 20 OW dives as per Naui dive requirements.
Your 20 dives will allow you to START the DM program. It'll take you 40 more to complete it. Even then, a good DM isn't one that's mearly strapped on a scuba cylinder 60 times. It takes alot of hard word and dedication. Don't rush it and it'll be easier on you. Remember, we're not talking about a c-card to brag about, we're talking about ppl's lives being in your hands. You are the extra set of eye's for the instructor. You get to deal with the problem children too! hehe

Wow Egg,

Yesterday I was reading where you are about to get AOW and dive the Andrea Doria after a few more than 10 dives and today you're talking about being DM after you hit the big 20 dives.

All I can say is "WOW", you really are a quick learner.:whoa:


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