TSDT does PK 3/16-17

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N. of Dallas, TX
We've been talking around this for a few weeks, but I'm going to make the official announcement here...

NDI Texas Swamp Diving Team does Possum Kingdom Lake
March 16 & 17

Everyone who is reading this is welcome to attend. Even you lurkers out there.

We will be meeting a Scuba Point dive park (www.scubapointpk.com) since that is the only lake side scuba support place that I know of.

My plans are to dive both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, I plan to leave Denton pretty early so I can arrive at Scuba Point about 9am to 10am-ish (I'd like to get into the water by 11:00 or so). Sunday, I plan to stay in the area so I'll be there by 8:00 to 9:00.

I hope we will be suprised by TRUETEXAN and his pontoon boat, but current outlook is unsure. If he does show up, then we can hit some off the places that are not often visited by divers but are good spots.

Park fee is $10/day per diver. Air fills available on site for additional $10.00. Directions are available on thier website (see link above). Food and beverages are available on site, but you're welcome to being your own (no alcohol though if you plan on doing several dives. It's a safety/DCS prevention thing).

I will be diving my new Whites Drysuit, so this will be a good chance to take a look at one of the latest models coming from Whites.

If you plan on showing up, reply here to let me know which day you plan to be there. Also if you wish to carpool, let me know and we can arrange something.

I look forward to meeting you folks there!!

Got plans that weekend...Ya'll have fun! :thumb:
I am (most likely) going to show up on Sunday or Saturday. Does anyone know what the temp is likely to be at? I got chilled on the Comal after an hour long dive in a 7mil suit, so if its likely to be appreciably colder than 75 I'll have to make shorter dives :wink:

texasdiver.com lists the max depth at 85', are there shallower areas that are interesting to dive?

I goofed and said air fills were $10.00.

They are really $5.00

Water Temps: For this time of year, I'm not certain. But you can be assured that due to the depth, turbidity, and the other usual culprits, you will encounter at least one thermocline. When I was out there in last September, air temps were in the low 80's, water was 70's at surface, and would drop as you went deeper. I think below the deep thermocline I discovered 58 degrees or so. Enough to make me appreciate my 5 mil suit.

This round I will be drysuiting.

There is plenty to see in the "shallows". Also due to turbidity and reduced vis, it's advisable to pack a dive light.

We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Hi Mike:

Looks like I can be there Sunday AM 3/17- hopefully by 9AM. Fetch, I would expect temps to be about 55-60°F top-to-bottom and likely the vis will be poor (usually is in winter). I personally prefer diving the shallow areas around Scuba Point. There's sort of a wall there to follow, and they have some junk sunk in the lake to explore.

I've attached an ~85k map of the Scuba Point dive site from my LDS.

Hope to see you there,

Bill --

Cool. I'll be sure to look for ya. I got a call from BJ (Corsair) on this board and he said he would be there on Sunday.

So far it looks like Sunday will the the day most are in attendance. But I'll be there on Saturday for those that can show up then.

How about the rest of you Dallas Fort Worthers???
The pontoon boat will be there Mike, I am sorry I haven't been on the board lately but I have been down taking care of business for my friend and his family and have not had access to a computer much and I have only been home to pick up clothes, but I intend on being home Friday night and I will hook up the boat and head out early Saturday morning and should be at Scuba Point by 8:30 or so. On a side note, the surface water temp is about 60 right now, but we should be having some warm weather the next few days and the lake warms fast. I have some pretty good spots mapped out to dive out in the lake and I think we should be able to take 8-11 people and all their gear with no problem. I also was going to let everybody know that I have a weight box on board with about 150 pounds of weights, shot bags and belt leads, so if anybody needs a little extra weight and doesn't want to lug it on and off the boat I should have ya covered. Can't wait to meet everybody!:mean:
I'd like to develop a list of who's showing up when for the PK trip. This way TrueTexan and I will know to expect you and you won't be running down the hill at ScubaPoint yelling at us after we've left the dock.

So if you don't see your name on the list below, speak up.


Sunday: (please arrive as clost to 9:00am as possible)
BJ & Lynette Hudson
Alec Ranck and Friend
Randy Joy
Looks like I'm gonna be able to make it both days. Figure I'll be there 10am-noon on Saturday. Does the dive shop have a bulletin board? (I don't have a cellphone, might be the easiest way to find out y'all hit the water :) )


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