Very dangerous experience - advice please!

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Thanks everyone for your responses and support :)

MisaC, I already got certified! I'm on my way to doing my advanced course and then hopefully DM after that :)

One good thing about carrying on your own Dive education is that you have a pretty good Poster Person of what NOT to be. I am a believer of "What does not kill us makes us stronger" and I think in this case it means that you are likely much stronger/better diver because of this experience and will also likely be a much more thorough and tolerant DM/Instructor when and if you get there.

Good on you and dive often/safe.
I read all this thread, I made an idea myself, for sure that diving has to be avoid. What made me sure of this, beside the bad adventure of TutiFruti, is the e-mail back

"Thank you very much by your warning, but by my personal security I cannot speak on that. This person has bonds with the Mafia and the poster of drugs"

after that I have no doubts TutiFruti's story is true, the person close to Mafia/poster of drugs CAN NOT be Tuti Fruti or her BF, for the simple reason..
if what he [or who for him] wrote the email did want refering to TutiFruti or her BF like a person..... TT would have already all money back at first request, but she wouldn't.
I mean.... if you knew I'm a "person has bonds with the Mafia and the poster of drugs" you would not make any troubbles, would you?
on other hand he [or who for him] wrote that is trying to close this story in a very ... [could I say] childish way [?] and :dork2:

IMHO tutifruti would never see her money back, the only wishes to be done are for the Padi Instructor gastar setenta veces siete en curaciones hiperbáricas
I'm sorry to be so crude.. but in front of matters like this...

@tutifruti I suggest to do not give anymore on net your real identy, you'll never know who could read it. in few minutes anyone could know many things of you, also where you are and where you'll be. BTW, very nice pics, I really liked them :)

@mody pls cancel tutifruti's post where she is giving her url address
You said that it was a PADI OWD course can you please please please please please email QA at padi dot com

and report (in confidence) this dive shop & idiot before they kill someone (hopefully you will not read in the future of someone drowing or being injured there before you at least tell PADI someone is pretending to offer their courses).

ALL PADI OWD courses must be in total compliance with PADI standards, what you describe is a total nightmare and you are both lucky to be alive. If the shop or staff are PADI professionals they will soon have the "Spanish Inquision" decending on them after you allert them.

The scarey thing is that I just checked his status at padi pro check and he is still certified to teach.
You can PM me or just put his name on the board so as many people as possible can try to help you.
Well done for having a cool head and getting yourselves out of danger and the idiots from the centre or shop you found yourselves with.
I really hope this has not put you guys off, Please try to find a credited centre near you and o and visit them and get a feel for there operation. Then when you are both happy again give it another try.
Please get his details out there though, the guy deserves all that is coming to him.
You made a very wise decision and the way you helped your bf, outstanding. I would file a formal complaint and request a full refund, what a idiot and jerk.
PADI is not completely toothless. The undersea journal publishes a list of suspended and expelled members every quarter, but one complaint, no matter how grievious will not get someone expelled. Rest assured that your complaint has been entered into his file, and ALL of his students will be recieving QA surveys. If the surveys indicate that this is his standard modus operandi PADI will take action.

Someone almost died while under this "instructor's" care and we're supposed to accept subsequent student surveys as an appropriate way of dealing with it? Am I alone in thinking this is unsat?:confused:
Someone almost died while under this "instructor's" care and we're supposed to accept subsequent student surveys as an appropriate way of dealing with it? Am I alone in thinking this is unsat?:confused:
At the same time, should I be able to file a bad report on an instructor because I dont like him, getting him fired?

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